
October 31, 2012 - Something Strange is Going On
 Something Strange is Going On 

There seem to be some strange flashes of light coming from the graveyard. Oh dear, Xespa and Xoria are going to fight each other to see who is more powerful. You better hurry over to the graveyard so that you don't miss any of the action!

Comments: 19

creativepainter - November 4, 2012
How come my selected creatu randomly became undead?
Fixa - November 4, 2012
i ressurected a veram, but nothing happened :< but she's not an adult either...do they have to be adults when they are resurrected?
TheDraliDragon - November 2, 2012
Do your ressurected pets need to be adults in order to unlock the effect?
Halloween - November 1, 2012
wee! i love the art for this. thankyou for doing such a neat undead job!!
lilindar - November 1, 2012
OH WHAT WOW is zombie creatu a random event that just happens??? I think that's what just happened. O_O Now I have an undead albino tesuri. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. XDDDDDD
lilindar - November 1, 2012
I'm also curious if undead creatu are a continuing thing or just for Halloween? Booooo. Resurrected every dead pet. Didn't get nuthin' but wasted Resurrection potions. I always have awful luck hatching special things.
Skygryphon - November 1, 2012
Aw, that makes sense. Thanks for answering!
Lilith - November 1, 2012
There is only a chance of the creatu becoming undead when resurrected. For those of you who do not have pets in the graveyard, there is an alternate way which also provides a chance. I will not answer how, but here is a clue: You have to do something. Something related to the season, that is not available to do year 'round. =)
Skygryphon - November 1, 2012
I resurrected my Ardur, but he still looks normal. Did I do something wrong?
WinterRoseStorm - November 1, 2012
I take it that nothing actually happens? Glad still works past time...hate time differences!
Kitty - October 31, 2012
Talk about bad timing. JUST placed 7 Blessed Flowers in my shop at 300k each. *facepalm*
jenny17 - October 31, 2012
Cool. My revived chimby looks awesome.
7oby - October 31, 2012
dbgjkdbajkg I just resurrected a pet not even a week ago xD Gosh, talk about bad timing on my part.
Smuh - October 31, 2012
Very nice. :D That rodi is scary. lol <3
Halloween - October 31, 2012
how long does this last,can i kill one and then bring it back?
Halloween - October 31, 2012
oh wow,thoes undead creatu are awsome! too bad some arent undead, but the ones that are..Awsome!!
Halloween - October 31, 2012
i have no creatu to bring back from the dead.nice battle though.
DesertFever - October 31, 2012
Awesome sadly i have no creatu in my grave :(
Phos - October 31, 2012