
October 5, 2012 - October Achromatic Release
October Achromatic Creatu

achromatic adult achromatic adult

The Malal and the Myotis can be hatched in Achromatic during the month of October. Both these creatu have also received a slight touch up to their art.

Cosmic Haberisar

Haberisar can also now be given the Cosmic theme.

albino adult rose adult trance adult

Comments: 15

neomaemae - October 6, 2012
LUV da trance cosmic Habbie! Sooo awesome!:DDD I don't see how they are different! Can someone send me a before and after please? Me would like to see the difference! :D
Inari - October 6, 2012
nice work on the habbies, but.....the myotis look so freaky now :x *misses the old ones* T__T
Smuh - October 6, 2012
Nice... *stares at cosmic habbies* They're so... Wow. O.O *pets* I especially love the trance form. lol <3 To bad I can't do the cosmic thing.
dory - October 6, 2012
This are beautiful ouo ...
Phos - October 5, 2012
I like all the improvement you guys did for the both their anatomies! Particularly the Malal's joints. :D And they're pretty much smiling in all stages now, that's cute. I remember the middle Malal frowning quite a bit.
Eiji - October 5, 2012
Malaaaaaaallllllll... <3
TheDraliDragon - October 5, 2012
Is it just me or does the myotis have really chubby cheeks?
Noodlez - October 5, 2012
I'll miss the old Malal's :'c But nice work though
nekogirl - October 5, 2012
does this mean there wont be achro ebilias and jaakus? -confused-
Halloween - October 5, 2012
woah, the habbi looks.. blobby in the trance color. i donno,this ill stick with my regular trance habbi. I do love the mala archno. thats nice.
Axel - October 5, 2012
The touch up for the malal is nice, though I'm not really lovin' the myotis. Still okay overall. Habbie looks pretty :3
kraine - October 5, 2012
somehow xee manages to outdo herself every time <3
Dragonstar - October 5, 2012
So pretty~ (~*o*)~
petra13131 - October 5, 2012
I really like the touch up of the Malal art.
Lanah - October 5, 2012