
September 19, 2012 - Creatu Auctions
Creatu Auctions

We have just introduced a new Creatu Auction system. The old system was quite buggy and hopefully this new system has solved many of the old problems we were experiencing. Please report any bugs you may encounter and we will fix them asap!

While we were at it, we have also returned over 29,000 creatu that were stuck in the auction system. Everyone should check their profiles to see if they have any creatu that they forgot about!

We hope you like the changes.

Comments: 29

RainofStars - September 21, 2012
The time stamp for bids seems to be incorrect. I placed a bid at 2:41:35 AM Res time, and my bid says 09/21/2012 02:09:35 as the time stamp. I have a screenie if needed.
RainofStars - September 21, 2012
I get emails once in a while from other bidders asking me to not bid on an auction and let them win. I also sometimes get emails from sellers asking me to pay more for creatu I'm already the highest bidder on. Can something be done to stop these practices? Perhaps an anonymous bidding system, or make it so that an auction cannot be canceled once a bid is placed?
Redrock - September 20, 2012
I'm seeing a lot of duplicates of the same pets under My Bids. It's like the item auctions and under My Bids, I have a lot of duplicates of the same item numbers. Some have 4 or more duplicates of the same pet or item. I hope this get fixed soon. Thanks
Outsane - September 20, 2012
"over 29,000 creatu" LOL OMG.
Tedious - September 20, 2012
@ wolfspirit25 Thanks! It's all fixed! Does it take a little bit for my newly made auction to pop up?
mintysteph - September 20, 2012
hello. my account has gone weird as the new autions have made me unable to sell pets but also veiw everybody elses pets their selling
wolfspirit25 - September 20, 2012
Tedious, don't use commas and it'll work.
Tedious - September 20, 2012
When I open and auction when I put up (for example) a starting bid of 1,000,000 and a min bid of 5,000 it shows up as starting bid 1 and min bid 5. Is this a glitch or will it fix itself when someone else bids on it. (I don't want to loose out on a bunch of tu and a rare pet if it doesnt reslove itself)
Ghosty - September 20, 2012
I think it was because I am using IE because I can see the auctions when I use my phone. Also, I too would like to be able to sort by end date as well.
RainofStars - September 20, 2012
Please make the "My Bids" page sort by end date, like it used to be. I used to be able to go to that page and revisit every auction ending today to make sure I was still the high bidder. Now it's all jumbled up. (and 517 pages long!) D:
Ghosty - September 20, 2012
Wow I didn't even know that I had pets stuck in the auctions. They must have been from WAAAY back because I don't even recognize them. LOL And I'm guessing it is because I am using IE but I am having the same issue as Smuh was having except mine is still blank...
Suz - September 19, 2012
It looks great but I liked that I could sort by the end date and once you bid you lose the page you were on
Lunchboxbaby - September 19, 2012
Thanks for the update and your hard work. :) Glad the auctions will work properly now.
RainofStars - September 19, 2012
A few of my auctions show as "Open", even though the end date is long past, and the creatu from those auctions ended up back on my profile. Dunno if that's a glitch? Also, will we be able to delete old records of auctions that have ended if we no longer want to see them?
GG - September 19, 2012
I had pet auctions from 2009 still open. Lol I knew I had to name Narwi, I just didn't remember what I did with it. :) Thank you
Halloween - September 19, 2012
Hmm, i didnt even know my pets were stuck in pet limbo.i forgotten all about them.ty for returning them.And thanks a tone of working out all the bugs.i know how flustrating it must have been.
AriaKaye1 - September 19, 2012
Thanks Pat, I noticed that after the free-up there is not too many pages to wander through anyway:) Very nice!
Smuh - September 19, 2012
Ah. It's working now. Nevermind. :)
Smuh - September 19, 2012
I don't know if it's still a work in progress or not, but right now auctions are coming up blank for me. No pets are showing whatsoever when I try to look at open auctions.
Patrick - September 19, 2012
I'll try to add some sort options soon!
AriaKaye1 - September 19, 2012
Oh I do like it though! Just wondering if I may be missing it:)
AriaKaye1 - September 19, 2012
Can you sort by date?
Dragoon147 - September 19, 2012
Hergh. Either I'm just really unobservant or there is no way to see the pets by date. Period. I used to depend on using the 'End Date' system, and it poofed! I feel rather... sad about it. Otherwise, I actually really love the new system. It seems far less cluttered and easier to use. Especially with all the auction data visible, without having to click everything to see what's what.
XAllurcore - September 19, 2012
Yay! I forgot I had AtqueenForest und Ruining... xD
Syaraa - September 19, 2012
i like the new design of auctions ^^
Jei - September 19, 2012
o_0 I have some auctions from 2011 still open.
ElyonBrown - September 19, 2012
I really love being able to see every pet I've auctioned off.
Jei - September 19, 2012
I like it. It's much cleaner.
ElyonBrown - September 19, 2012
Yay, new auctions!