
August 10, 2012 - New Cash Shop
Credit/Cash Shop Update

The Credit Shop has now been converted to the Cash Shop. The new Cash Shop is basically the same thing as the Credit Shop. As many of you have noticed, you now have a new statistic listed called "Cash Points". Cash Points are a new form of currency that you can purchase at the Cash Shop. The rate at which you purchase them is the same rate at which you used to purchase credits. 100 Cash Points for $10 USD. 

Credits are no longer purchasable with USD. You can only purchase them with TU.

Items in the Cash Shop are now sold in multiple currencies - Credits & Cash Points. Some items are specific towards a certain currency.

We have begun to use a new payment processor for those of you who didn't like PayPal! We now accept hundreds of payment methods including PayPal, Mobile Payments, Prepaid Cards, Cash Payments & Credit/Debit Payments. Visit the Cash Shop to see which payment methods best suit you.

For those of you who have purchased credits recently and had not spent them - we have converted your credits to Cash Points. If we missed anyone in this conversion and you feel as if your credits need to be converted, please contact a support staff member.

Trance Potions have been reduced in price!

The Cash Shop is now stocking the Forged Birth Certificate! Use it to change your username.

The Cash Shop is now stocking the Cosmic Salve!
The Cosmic Salve is ON SALE!

Hopefully you guys like the new Cash Shop and understand why we had to make the changes that were made. There will be much more new stuff coming out in the next couple weeks so keep an eye out on the Credit Shop. As always, we thank all of you for your continued support.

Comments: 9

Taiko - August 22, 2012
Kayori: I'm not unwilling to donate, I'm just poor. I don't HAVE any money I could donate. Strangely enough other petsites still can afford to make credits available to users without them paying money. Why can't Rescreatu do the same? Also I find it somewhat sneaky HOW they posted this update. Shortly after this one they posted the update about the comet festival. It almost looks like they were trying to "hide" the fact that they decided to completely change the credit shop. Some of my friends never SAW this update, because they were way too hyped and distraced by the news about the festival. Do you think this kind of deceiving is fair? Other sites have polls about such things, collecting ideas from users and such. Why don't we get treated like adults here? Instead they just decide over our heads, regardless of our opinion. I mean, do they really care that little about us?
Kayori - August 21, 2012
Taiko: Just because you're unwilling to donate to keep this site functioning, doesn't give you the right to gripe about how unfair it is that you don't get the 'nice things'. Sites like this have monthly costs for hosting/domain/servers. They can get pretty expensive, so special items are offered for monetary needs. These items/services exist from necessity, not greed.
Taiko - August 12, 2012
This is why we can't have nice things.
Axel - August 11, 2012
I can change my username now .o. Question is, will I? ;^;
Phos - August 10, 2012
"Forged Birth Certificate" Gosh, that's such a creative name for it pffft. xD
Lilith - August 10, 2012
You will still have the option to buy CS eggs from other users with TU. =)
Noctre - August 10, 2012
Its a very good idea on raising money for the site...but I very much dislike the fact that cs eggs are now only bought with cash ;;
Clouding - August 10, 2012
I like it. ^^
Noodlez - August 10, 2012