
August 8, 2012 - Comet Festival Day 2

Perry: Well, I have no idea where that shipment went, but everyone seems to be finding telescopes from somewhere! At least the majority of Rescreatians will be able to view the comet. There's still time to find one for yourself, so keep looking if you don't have one yet; don't give up!

My calculations predict that Astrum will be- oh... I should probably tell you that Astrum is the official astronomer term for Loyna's Light. Anyway, my calculations predict that Astrum will be passing its closest to Scria in two days' time! I'm very busy with the preparations for the Festival, so please feel free to drop by and lend a hand!

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Please do not share solutions to this Event in any public place on site. This includes: News Updates, Shout Box, Forums and Blogs.
If you need to ask for help, please request it from your respals privately so that other players are not exposed to spoilers. Thanks for your understanding!

Comments: 28

CarrieKittySan - August 12, 2012
Can someone please Rmail me and help me figure out how to get the Star Map? I'm confused so badly. xD;
Shadly - August 11, 2012
Could someone rmail me where to get telescope? I've looked everywhere...
CatGirlxoxo - August 11, 2012
can someone help me i cant get the stardust apple?
UniqueSoul - August 11, 2012
Now when is the comet supposed to pass by closest to Scria? Was it today? And was that all?
alonesong - August 10, 2012
umm~ also, does anyone know were ppl are getting the star dust hair and cape, and things like that~? please tell me~!
CarrieKittySan - August 10, 2012
I found the telescope finally!~ But I also don't know what to do with the mail. Or where to find Phaeda. o_O;
alonesong - August 10, 2012
so i found a telescope and all~ but idk what to do with the not (mail) that the comet guy gave me to deliver..
Byul - August 10, 2012
i dont know what to do with the telescope and i dont what to miss the comet so can anyone rmail me thanks
UniqueSoul - August 9, 2012
Could someone R-mailing me on how to get a silver stardust apple? <3 thanks
CarrieKittySan - August 9, 2012
Can someone please pm me and tell me how to figure this out? I'm at a complete loss and I don't want to miss the comet.
Acce - August 9, 2012
Er... nevermind. Finally figured it out shortly after posting. Typical. -_-
Acce - August 9, 2012
Alright, the telescope thing is bugging me. I mean, I don't even know where to find the apple tree. I just feel stupid. :/ If someone could send me an Rmail with a little help, I'd be really grateful!
Cynbad - August 9, 2012
Could someone send me an Rmail about where to find a telescope as well? I joined this site 2 days ago and I have earnestly been trying to find one this whole time but I am completely lost haha.
UniqueSoul - August 9, 2012
I have been searching Scria for an hour and have only found 1 pile of gold stardust, 1 pile of silver stardust and have had about 4 comet sightings... I still need a couple more piles of silver stardust and I have to figure out how to get that apple. *Sigh* This is going to be a long day ;)
Vierv - August 9, 2012
I have a question about the items at the end of the quest. Will it change to a new item after a while or will I have to purchase the other items from users? Since it has been a day I was hoping I'd be able to trade for a different item, but that didn't seem to be the case. Either that or I have awful luck. If it's considered a spoiler in any way then please mail me about it.
ahmnomnom - August 9, 2012
Siiigh, still can't find the telescope. Could somebody rmail me how to find it? Thanks~~
TailsFox12 - August 9, 2012
Still haven't found the telescope... >.>' If someone could Rmail me how to find it I would really appreciate that.
Dragonhatcher - August 9, 2012
please help I cant work it out
cec - August 9, 2012
i am finding stardust a lot... but no telescope! come someone r-mail me and help me? :( i don't get it! >< i would really appreciate the help., or what ever help you can give me.
Flozzi - August 8, 2012
I'm still stuck, if anyone could send me a pm about where to find the telescope it'd be very much appriciated :)
neonbumblebee - August 8, 2012
Everyone else makes it sound easy! I've found some clues, but I haven't really made progress...darn :/
Halloween - August 8, 2012
I got one! yay! Took me 3 hours to figure stuff out.Untill i slapped myself for being dumb.
courtnashe - August 8, 2012
I have not found a Telescope, but I think the apple tree has something to do with it. A private message with some help would be nice.
CatGirlxoxo - August 8, 2012
plz can someone help me find the telescope
Clouding - August 8, 2012
iZorey - August 8, 2012
<3 finally haha
Tedious - August 8, 2012
I could really use some help in finding a telescope. I've gone to Glosslip have asked the question, but i'm a bit confused where to go from there. If someone could message me privately with a tip, it would be much appreciated : ) Thank you.
alonesong - August 8, 2012
still have not found one. i have seen the comment 3 times though, i think