
August 7, 2012 - Scria Comet Festival


This is it! I can't believe it's finally happening. The comet is approaching, and reports of sightings have been happening all over Scria. With the comet so close to us now, there is even the possibility of catching your own samples of shimmering stardust as it descends through Scria's atmosphere.


I ordered a large shipment of telescopes that should cover the vast majority of the Rescreatian population. I insist that you get one for yourself, Loyna's Light is so much more amazing up close! By my calculations, Loyna's Light should be at its most spectacular in a few days' time. I hope you are all there to see it, because I certainly can't wait!

Uh-oh! Perry!

Yes, Astra? Wait, what? No, this is terrible! The shipment of telescopes I ordered has gone missing! How on Scria are we going to be able to view Loyna's Light now? It looks like we're going to need help tracking them down.

To join in and lend a hand, click the Comet Festival graphic to the left!

Comments: 41

CatGirlxoxo - August 11, 2012
what do u do with the apple plz help
alonesong - August 10, 2012
also, i was not able to click any comet festival graphic~
alonesong - August 10, 2012
umm, i have a telescope... and i have no idea what to do with it.. ^-^" does anyone know?
iloveninjago - August 9, 2012
OH, THAT paor!
iloveninjago - August 9, 2012
Horselova, that didn't help at all. Why doesn't the staff just fix it and make it for internet explorer?! I don't even have or know where to get this "chrome" you speak of. And please don't suggest another browser. I'm not getting chrome whatsoever! So please, just fix it. I really wanted to participate!
iloveninjago - August 9, 2012
What paor?
karrington033 - August 9, 2012
throw the siver apple at the paor he will drop the telescope
crowflux - August 8, 2012
It's im[injection]portant to READ what the characters are saying to understand where to find the telescope! :)
peterpann - August 8, 2012
CatGirlxoxo - August 8, 2012
plzz where do u find the telescope iv been lookin for hours
karrington033 - August 8, 2012
i found the a 19 stardust apple and 13stardust
xeeroh - August 8, 2012
Please do not post solutions to this Quest! Even though people are asking for help, public posts become SPOILERS for people who want to figure it out on their own.
Fizzeh - August 8, 2012
If links aren't working, try avoiding Internet Explorer. Chrome should work!
Bthewolf - August 8, 2012
This comment has been censored due to a violation of website rules.
cocolex9032 - August 8, 2012
Where exactally do you go to get it and HOW do you get it. i would really like one of the telescopes! HELP PLEASE!!
iloveninjago - August 8, 2012
The questions, or links at fashion galore don't work for me when I click them! HELP! I really wanted to participate!
Allan1807 - August 8, 2012
I will help !!!!!!!!!!!
ice4252001 - August 8, 2012
What Comet Festival graphic?There's not one on my computer.
Safflan - August 8, 2012
Good question! -.-
wqwqwq - August 8, 2012
where do get a star gazer map
Sconish - August 8, 2012
Hmmm, the links at the shop don't work for me. D;
Albion - August 8, 2012
"At least you found a telescope! Good day to you, my friend—and a very good night!" .. that was really sweet, thank you!
peterpann - August 8, 2012
I have been trying to find this telescope for 2 and a half HOURS and I still can't find it.... I feel smart :)
dondon455 - August 8, 2012
KamikazeThewolf - August 7, 2012
I am confused on how to get the telescope... Found the store that you asked the question at but don't know what to do from there
iloveninjago - August 7, 2012
YOU ARE A LIAR! lolololol XD omg i cant stop laughing!
RainofStars - August 7, 2012
Me: I got a telescope! Perry: You are a liar! Lol ^^
wqwqwq - August 7, 2012
Jenny - August 7, 2012
Trading the dust to the shop doesn't really work. o-o;
Smuh - August 7, 2012
Shiny! /loves shiny stuffs
Ceiyru - August 7, 2012
Cool, now to find/get a telescope.
iZorey - August 7, 2012
vallygirl4344 - August 7, 2012
Halloween - August 7, 2012
oh, nice. ^,.,^
Clouding - August 7, 2012
Wow. :/ The answer to "Where did you get that Telescope?" and the other question doesn't work.
Malasadaz - August 7, 2012
FearaLovesyou - August 7, 2012
:D oh wow!
maiitsoh - August 7, 2012
The graphic is above the logout button
piggie668 - August 7, 2012
Thanks! :)
GreenKat - August 7, 2012
Cool! It's to your left,below updates and blogs.
piggie668 - August 7, 2012
Where is the graphic?