
May 11, 2012 - New Inventory
Inventory Update!

We have recently uploaded a recode of the inventory system. You may not notice many changes right away but you will find that it is much easier to use items now. You will also notice some user interface improvements.

Some users are reporting a load issue the first time they visit the inventory. If you are experiencing this problem please reload the inventory page and it should be fixed.

If you find any items that no longer work properly please report it to a staff member and we will fix it as soon as possible!

Comments: 31

Lilith - May 17, 2012
For those of you having the problems getting your inventory to load, have you tried the solutions posted in the update and also in the comments? If not, see the suggestion in the 2nd paragraph of this update, and the previous comment that I left here. If you are still having issues, please follow directions left in that comment so that we can help you further.
Kendo - May 15, 2012
it was working after the change except for not showing how much the food fills your pet now all of a sudden there is no inventory none at all what is this?
Jazlyn - May 15, 2012
I absolutely LOVE the new inventory. It loads faster for me now :3
MoonJewels - May 14, 2012
I hate what you did i would love for you to return it back to the way it was
Lunchboxbaby - May 13, 2012
Loads perfectly fine for me, and I'm using Google Chrome. Sometimes it does take it awhile to load up, but I blame that on my draggy internet. Overall, I really like the new style. Great job! :)
Tigress4u - May 12, 2012
Since the change, I can't even see my inventory. Nor can I feed any of my pets. I have zero access to my inventory. OK, guys can you please fix this mess up?
ThePhoenixUnchained - May 12, 2012
Since the change, I have been unable to even see my inventory. I've been letting it load for the past five minutes and it still refuses to load. Is there any way this can be fixed?
Kendo - May 12, 2012
its been said but its not showing the amount the food fills your pet. otherwise no complaints.
lpn7187 - May 12, 2012
the only thing i noticed is when you go to fed your pet the amount you feed them is not on the food like if your pet is 70/100 you want a food that is 20 or 30 and I couldn't tell the amount on the food. btw it took several times refreshing before it actually loaded
April - May 12, 2012
I can't even get it to load and yes, I've tried refreshing AND hard refreshing. I wonder if it's because I have such a lot of items in my inventory.
cryssy80 - May 12, 2012
Every time I go into my Food Pen and try to go to page 2 to make sure I have lots of food for my pets I keep getting this error.... Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /home/gubbax/public_html/inventory/templates/inventoryPage.tpl in /home/gubbax/public_html/inventory/classes/Stupidy.php on line 24
Yoshi - May 11, 2012
Seems this doesn't work with iPads. I can do most things all right, but trying to actually use an item, any item, gets me a 404. "The requested URL /inventory/bunchofnumbers was not found on this server." Except of course it doesn't say bunchofnumbers it's actually a bunch of numbers. xD Always eight numbers long.
Kittykat - May 11, 2012
I like the new Inventory, much easier to navigate now! ;)
Eternityfox - May 11, 2012
I'm using Chrome 18.0.1025.168, and it worked after only three refreshes. I actually really like the new inventory. C:
3mmique - May 11, 2012
Using Google Chrome, not sure what version, and it's not loading at all. It's just like the Egg Market, that loads, but as soon as you try and re-define the search it gets stuck loading and never does load so I can't use it at all :/ Tried refreshing several times now (after waiting 5 minutes for loading each time) still isn't working unfortunately.
LadyYelena - May 11, 2012
Firefox 12.0 and Google Chrome 18.0.1025.168. I have to hard refresh just about everytime I look at it, but it is much better now than earlier. Once it starts running a little smoother I will love this a lot more than the other version. Good job, guys. Slowness and buggy/glitchy in the beginning almost can't be helped.
lpn7187 - May 11, 2012
ok it loaded now i like it :) thanks
lpn7187 - May 11, 2012
my inventory is not loading using IE 9
jenny17 - May 11, 2012
It finally loaded after a couple hard refreshes. After messing around with my inventory sadly I don't really care much for the new update.
Keltu - May 11, 2012
mine is SUPER slow and will not load it takes FOREVER!!! i need to feed my pets!!
Patrick - May 11, 2012
Jenny17, as we stated, please try a hard refresh. Control f5 or shift f5 depending on your browser :)
Jzbelle - May 11, 2012
Firefox 12.0, no issues so far. Smooth and very, very fast. I like that I don't go to a new page when I use an item. :D Haven't tried Chrome just yet.
jenny17 - May 11, 2012
is it this: Google is up to date (18.0.1025.168)? I went into About Google Chrome. I'm using my mom's computer so I really don't know much about it other than the fact I use it. -.-;
Lilith - May 11, 2012
Please post your browser's version number also. To get the version in Firefox, click Help, About Mozilla Firefox. To get the version in Chrome, click the wrench icon, About Google Chrome. (For some, the fix may be to just reload the inventory page or to do a hard refresh by clicking CTRL + F5.)
Fireelf - May 11, 2012
3.6.10 Version Fire fox
jenny17 - May 11, 2012
It isn't loading for me on google chrome.
Fireelf - May 11, 2012
It's not working on Fire Fox
Patrick - May 11, 2012
If slowness/lag continues please let me know what configuration you are working on. Browser and version in particular. There should be no slowness what so ever. I'm testing with near instant loading. The problems will be fixed as we can collect more data about what is causing them.
Katie - May 11, 2012
I like it. Nicely done|)
LadyYelena - May 11, 2012
Wouldn't exactly call this an update...Not a fan either. It's soooo slow, and my history/cache etc have been cleared. Loved the hatchery, but this isn't cutting it.
jennyhorselove11 - May 11, 2012
sorry but i am not a fan of this new inventory change .