
April 30, 2012 - New users, your input wanted!
Are you a new user?
(registered within the last 60 days)

If you are a new user, Rescreatu wants to hear from you! We are looking for your input regarding the registration process and your first visit to the website. We want to know how smooth the process was, if it was confusing, where we can improve, etc.  

Participating in this discussion will enter you into a raffle for a very rare & expensive item (still to be decided). 

Your input will help us improve the new user experience for all future registrations. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

To give us your input, please visit the forums at this link.

Comments: 14

Petals - May 25, 2012
How about making a dye for the mutant Sirleon smile?
Petals - May 22, 2012
Reading about all the people wanting to hatch more eggs, it seems a nice idea to have The Twuntie Cay give out an extra egg hatch every once in awhile.
faolan123 - May 4, 2012
I do not know how to login my email :(
Mockingjay74 - May 4, 2012
Everything was good :)
jerdy - May 2, 2012
everything was perfect i love it here now it always keeps me occupied and not bored on weekends
aiella - May 1, 2012
the one thing i dont understand is how to put on items in your closet! the items in your closet dont always show up in your wardrobe!
Patrick - May 1, 2012
Older users cannot answer the question properly because the registration process has changed a great deal since you guys have registered.
Tiny - May 1, 2012
Wasn't hard to sign up, however I basically have no clue what to do apart from clicking on some spots on the map and collect eggs then hatch them. Then come back the next day to feed and collect more eggs, hatch. Read the battle system is offline so figure that's all to do really when not interested in collecting money/rare stuff. The dictionary is nice and so is the click and get a random egg thing.
Lunchboxbaby - May 1, 2012
Lucky! I hope you guys get a lot of participation in this. Good luck! :)
Yoshi - May 1, 2012
I don't see how it's rude. xD Sure, I bet we'd all like to be able to participate - but it's not rude at all to allow new users who probably have very little yet an opportunity for something nice. We older users have already had the chance to make our piece. We most likely don't need it, at least not as much as they might. Nothin' wrong with giving the newbies a break once in a while.
Zayn - April 30, 2012
i like this idea but it's kinda rude that none of the older users get to participate in the raffle for the 'very rare and expensive item'.
Timberuu - April 30, 2012
I have HORRIBLE memory for when I joined. Probably not long ago; I say the process went smooth~ And the little tutorial at the start helped me keep coming back, and actually knowing what to do. ;u;
wolfspirit25 - April 30, 2012
The signup process has changed a lot since V3 (and even a bit after that I believe) so users that signed up before can't really give good input on the signup process now.
Dragonstar - April 30, 2012
What about us users that joined forever ago?