
April 1, 2012 - Kir's Quest Update

Kir's Quest Update

As many of you may have noticed, there is an excess in Credit Shop creatu in the game.

While we just simply cannot 'delete' them from users nor take them, we have decided to combat this large quantity of Credit Shop creatu in the game by making Unit K1R807 request for them.

This change will hopefully balance things out and make Credit Shop creatu rarer, as we had designed it to be when we first made them.

Should you have concerns about this or wish to voice your opinion, you may do so by submitting a Support Ticket. You will, however, be charged 100,000 tu for the ticket.

Comments: 44

Mythalian - April 5, 2012
NonRemoorse - April 5, 2012
Really?! You're not kidding or am I blind? Will try for myself.
Jena1234 - April 3, 2012
I thought this was super real untill I read the coments great prank!
WinterRoseStorm - April 2, 2012
My god... Just had this random event XD "Oh my, it seems to be your lucky day! You have found a Liyure Creatu Egg laying around on the ground. Someone�s loss is your gain, why not pick it up?" rnIf only!
WinterRoseStorm - April 2, 2012
You know I might have believed this if it were'nt for the charge for support ticket. However I wounder if anyone have tried to send one and been charged XD
Wendla - April 2, 2012
lol... agreeing with lutinofeather! when this came out, it was already april 2nd!
dobidobido - April 1, 2012
7oby - April 1, 2012
Har har.
Phos - April 1, 2012
It's 2nd April here, not funny omg. :C
Wendla - April 1, 2012
Saraibre - April 1, 2012
ALMOST as bad as finding CS eggs on planets...ALMOST...
embyrchild - April 1, 2012
just read first comment "::Ragequit::" rnLOLrn
Kittykat - April 1, 2012
If this was real I'd never get kir finished xD nice joke guys!
embyrchild - April 1, 2012
Definitely has to be April Fool's!!!!! Lol
Duhcornmastur - April 1, 2012
zebez - April 1, 2012
oooooooo - April 1, 2012
Not. funny. OMG, I was about to go crazy! stupid april fools! xD
Wishbelle - April 1, 2012
Until I read these comments, I thought it was real.
colapachino - April 1, 2012
I hope this is a joke... right?
Vierv - April 1, 2012
LOL I forgot what day it was. At least that's what I hope this is all about. ಠ▂ಠ
Eternityfox - April 1, 2012
LOOL. That moment when we all realize this isn't an April Fool's joke. xD
fawn - April 1, 2012
LOL I was about to post a super long annoying rant about this, then I remembered today was the first...of April...you got me Patrick, you little trickster you. ;D
ReapersPlaymate - April 1, 2012
Taiko - April 1, 2012
Nice try.
Clouding - April 1, 2012
Phew. I'd die if I had to get an Albino Jahra or anything for him lol. :o
Punk - April 1, 2012
god talk about heart attacks >_> not funny Pat. :P
Texan - April 1, 2012
yeah this isn't real
Spah - April 1, 2012
I can't believe I fell for that. I knew it was April Fool's day!
Eya - April 1, 2012
Lol, you guys got me there for a second. Nice one xD
Meelanya - April 1, 2012
I actually believed it xD
Juke - April 1, 2012
This made my day. XD
Violyna - April 1, 2012
One minute ago, I told my mother that April Fools are all over the internet. Now I just read this and still believed it! :'D
Duhcornmastur - April 1, 2012
Happy April fools day :D
Starseed - April 1, 2012
Probably this is an april fool's joke. ^^rnHowever I would still suggest that Kir should ask for more common and natural creatu, since there way too many of those on the market. ^^
Lunchboxbaby - April 1, 2012
Yay for April Fool's Day! :D X3
morgan22 - April 1, 2012
thats just crazy...rn
Rainy - April 1, 2012
I believed it til I saw the 100k fee for sending in a ticket. Good try guys. P:
Clouding - April 1, 2012
I hope this is an April Fools prank. If not, I'm going to be...D:
Zen - April 1, 2012
April fools??... Please be April fools... D:
Aislin13 - April 1, 2012
I'm not giving my pets which i spend REAL money on to kir, are you freaking nuts >.<
vocabulations - April 1, 2012
I do not believe your nonsense. :E
HmmmWhere - April 1, 2012
Will this include coloured CS pets? ;d;
Jzbelle - April 1, 2012
Jzbelle - April 1, 2012