
December 4, 2011 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was snarkiness! Congratulations! The winning pot was 5,844,725 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing.

Comments: 6

Texan - December 5, 2011
I like the veram the best! To bad hatching sucks so I can't get these, fix the it please
SnarkySlytherin - December 5, 2011
Well, for being so nice. I obviously can't speak for snarkiness. But it's cool that you don't all get jealous and stuff like on other sites I've been on. =/ And congrats to snarkiness as well! =D
SnarkySlytherin - December 5, 2011
Thanks guys! =D
HmmmWhere - December 4, 2011
Outsane - December 4, 2011
Dfowler - December 4, 2011
lucky im gonna buy like 1mil of them next time