
September 13, 2011 - Bug Fixes

We are still hard at working fixing all the glitches and bugs you guys have reported. Here are just a few that we have fixed since yesterday.


Certain users cannot be sent tu from the Reiflem Bank.
TU sends to "username" if the user accidentally presses the "Send" button without editing the username field.
Natural Colored Jelly Beans cannot be used on any pet colors other than natural.
Trance potions cannot be used on pets - an error message is given: Sorry, this color is not available for your creatu!
Dye Kits cannot be used to dye pets - an error message is given: Sorry, this color is not available for your creatu!
Pets cannot be priced, and already-priced pets cannot have their price edited in Rancher shops using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Rancher Shop name & description cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showrooms cannot be created using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showroom categories cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showroom name & description cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
When trying to view categories in Rancher Shops or Showrooms, you are taken back to your own Shop/Showroom instead of the filter being applied to the showroom you are in.
Support Tickets do not send when using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
When using openable items, item images are not displayed, only the message: After opening this item, you have found the following item(s):
When viewing the Credit Shop on Internet Explorer, the page contents appear broken.
- The link to the Library is broken under Games >> Skill.
- Human Avatar cannot be saved because buttons are too far down the page.


Comments: 70

RainofStars - September 29, 2011
After setting up an item trade, I am redirected to this page (http://www.rescreatu.com/http://www.rescreatu.com/trades), where the Error 404 screen shows up.
Mallory1031 - September 24, 2011
Res has been REALLY finiky on letting me log in- it took me like 50 tries (and no, it wasn't my password)
Snowstar68 - September 19, 2011
ok i love the mutant creatu ^^ and i really love all the hard work but i can't my rearraction potion to work cause in can't get off the first of my inventory
KrazyK - September 18, 2011
I am sorry to ask this but I can't get more than my first page on inventory & ElDiablo69 ( a merchant) can't buy anything or use his inventory or stock his shop). Thankyou for all the hard work, we know this will be fun once we learn it all..sorry again for the unworking list.
kittenkid1 - September 18, 2011
Where is the creatu search thing? I needed a natural berrok for kir and I had to wait a day since I couldn't find one in shop, I hate the failed hatches too, It only takes a day for the eggs to get old...very annoying
Texan - September 18, 2011
neither am I, anyway trades and putting stuff in storage not working!
Snowstar68 - September 18, 2011
really not liking the failed hatches ><
Dragonstar - September 18, 2011
I am still unable to edit/remove categories in my showroom...
Yoshi - September 18, 2011
... Okay I guess the update was trying to help me there with the injections. xD
Yoshi - September 18, 2011
Found sort of a minor one. When you enter names like li[injection]nk and Sla[injection]yer, ones with words the system puts injections into, the name search says there are no pets with those names.
MidnightRainbows - September 17, 2011
When I go to transaction history on the stocks the current value of the stock I've bought/sold always says zero.
SerenitySorrow - September 17, 2011
The old egg feature is really just garbage XP Bu, I'm not her just to talk about that. My human avatar doesn't work no matter how many times I hit repair XD Maybe you guys should just shut down the site for a day just so things can get done without interuption? I have no idea how to run a sight so I dont know /shot
Boomaloo - September 17, 2011
ahhh i didnt
Boomaloo - September 17, 2011
I fixed it i think dont worry thanks 4 ur time
Boomaloo - September 17, 2011
so as u can see im naked
Boomaloo - September 17, 2011
hi i love new rescreatu but ive change my avater it says it generated but it hasnt thanks always Boomaloo xx
Rainicorn - September 17, 2011
oh and umm I just checked my profile pets to see if they were fed and my ginger zaphao AGED BACKWARDS. Like,... I KNOW it was an adult.. but it could've been teen.... EITHER WAY, I BOUGHT IT AS A TEEN/ADULT... it wasn't a baby, for sure.
Rainicorn - September 17, 2011
why even have the old egg feature? O____O
Oakwind - September 16, 2011
Really, what is up with 'old eggs'? This isn't right.
Snowstar68 - September 16, 2011
oh and i can't change my avatar yet ><
Snowstar68 - September 16, 2011
Really not like the fail rate for eggs cause i just 4.5 mil on a ulius egg for it to fail i don't see how this is fair at all, and the old egg feature lost me over 200 eggs so far
DevilsAngelKia - September 16, 2011
Really not liking the new u[dates yo the eggs at all, we can't sell them anymore half of them are already 'old' without giving anyone a warning in advance that none of our eggs would be good anymore. You should have just started us over from scratch on eggs instead of putting in place things like this even if you do have a 'great plan' for it Pat. You've taken all the fun out of Res by doing this since you've screwed over so many users by adding in this new 'old' egg feature.
RainofStars - September 16, 2011
When old eggs are set up in an item trade, they appear to be fresh when they are not.
luv2eatTacos - September 15, 2011
Fireflyz// Click the word "TU" next to the amount of tu shown under your avatar on the left side of the page. That takes you to the bank. :)
FireFlyz - September 15, 2011
I was wondering if there was some sort of bank because i had a lot of money in there but now i can't find the bank if there is one so can the staff get back to me on that.
dogpaw49 - September 15, 2011
i had like 67!i want and hope that eggs dont get deleted in 1 week! give it a year or never!! Good job Patrick!!! you have made us proud with everything else!
Juke - September 15, 2011
Old Egg Casualties - 60 Gondra Eggs, 2 Otachie Eggs, and a Veram Egg. X3 A warning /would/ have been nice. But hey. Eggs spoil.
Kitty - September 15, 2011
Even if old eggs are here to stay, we could have used/deserved a week's warning at least. I mean, really? What about the Egg Quest game? I collect eggs for it, and now I'm unsure if they're useable. Gah I'm so glad I have college to distract me now.
supernovastar - September 15, 2011
Yay! Human avatars COULD be saved though if you went on Full Screen. :)
Yoshi - September 15, 2011
Man. You guys rock. xD No idea if this has been mentioned yet, but aligning Forum posts doesn't seem to work. They just all turn out left-aligned.
Wolfwinx - September 15, 2011
Um, doesn't the food pen work?
turtlesrox321 - September 15, 2011
i lost most of my eggs and practically all my hatches fail
turtlesrox321 - September 15, 2011
all my eggs are old can i use them?
Snowstar68 - September 14, 2011
really really need to send a creatu to someone but it won't let me send them the new way or the old. really really need help
Oakwind - September 14, 2011
Whats with the old eggs? I dont like that
Rainicorn - September 14, 2011
uhm... still can't change, or view my clothing or avatar..... And uhm..., old eggs? O___O Thank you for fixing stuff though!
SerenitySorrow - September 14, 2011
Hey the box untop of my text box in forums doesn't work. Is that a glitch or is my computer stupid...?
Greenbellsprout - September 14, 2011
what is up with old eggs I have lost a lot eggs because of it
jadey1018 - September 14, 2011
thanks soooooooooooo much.
HmmmWhere - September 14, 2011
Thank you guys soo much! :DD
anyatoolie - September 14, 2011
With this "old eggs" could you do mutants pets?
anyatoolie - September 14, 2011
Thanks for the hard work Patrick! =D But I don't liked the Old Eggs, now I lost many eggs and rare pets. Why this drastic change? I always went to hatchery and hatched 3 eggs! Now I lost the eggs! (I buy rare eggs) I lost TU! But Okey....Thanks!
Jzbelle - September 14, 2011
Whoop whoop! Thanks for all of the hard work on V3 guys. :) I love *all* of the new features. It's really renewed my interest in things besides training and reading. And THANK YOU for taking steps towards curtailing the ridiculous amount of pets in circulation. XD
Lammergeier - September 14, 2011
"Old Eggs?" I lost my Skaldyr Egg and my Valabex Egg. ;-; This isn't much fun. :/
Eiji - September 14, 2011
I just figured out/found out that the non-faceness is caused by the cloak I'm wearing. xD I kind of wish this was permanent. It's too funny.
FallynDreamz - September 14, 2011
I don't remember ever being warned about this old egg thing... all my eggs are now old and 2/3 hatches failed =/ is this a glitch or are we never going to be able to keep a bunch of eggs at once?
Ecstasy - September 14, 2011
Im staring at a couple of old eggs... don´t like this new update at all! But thanks for fixing everything!
Eiji - September 14, 2011
Geez, I just scrolled down and saw that Kolkar mentioned the food pen thing. xD I'm sorry!
Eiji - September 14, 2011
Pat, what have you done to my face. xDD Look at it. It's not there. All of this after you reset it. -laughing- It's okay, I love you. And my non-face. It gave me a good laugh. I just popped in to say thank you again, and to report that I... think the food pens are still broken. As in, they're not feeding the pets. I think. Mine hasn't been, anyway, and I've talked to a few users who said the same. It's probably already been brought up, but I just wanted to make sure you guys knew. Thanks again. ♥
Owly - September 14, 2011
You can always zoom out a bit to click 'Apply' and 'Ok' in the HA bit. At least, that's what I did. But really why I'm here is because so I can say nice one, Pat. xD It should be really tiring getting all those bugs fixed.
Kolkar - September 14, 2011
ok am i the only one thats starting to dislike this site? 3 failed hatches on tsuri eggs, that werent old mind you, i dont know about anyone else but those are hard to come by. thought it was a glitch but im starting to see now this is intentional and will probably be staying, plus it used up my hatch times for the day. maybe the site is becoming a little too complicated?
Kolkar - September 14, 2011
o yeah and my food pen isnt working either, was there an update stating it was fixed? did i miss something?
Kolkar - September 14, 2011
old eggs? were being forced to hatch our eggs now? does this effect the one in our storage? i havent checked yet omg. i hope theres still creatu in those "old" eggs, what a waste otherwise *tear*
De - September 13, 2011
Thank you!
nin5374 - September 13, 2011
OLD EGGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! REALLY I HAD 13 VOGARS READY TO HATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD RARE EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nin5374 - September 13, 2011
thank you very much!!!
Outsane - September 13, 2011
*brag brag flaunt flaunt* LOL. Thanks for all the hard work. And thanks for reporting the glitches, everyone! We couldn't do this without your help. <3
RootBeerLover - September 13, 2011
Awesome job, guys! Now go take some Nutella and go nap. >:U
Lunchboxbaby - September 13, 2011
Thanks for all the hard work. :)
Clouding - September 13, 2011
Thanks! c: Even though I'm banned from the chatbox now from the laws of COPPA, I'm glad some glitches are fixed.
username - September 13, 2011
Awesome work guys! Thank you so much!
SerenitySorrow - September 13, 2011
Wow, you guys have been busy. I can't wait till everything is fixed ^^
FluzzMe - September 13, 2011
Thanks Pat! Though I can't see the images for my Human avatar.
Eiji - September 13, 2011
Oh my goodness. xD Take a nap! Thank you so much for all your hard work. <3
Smuh - September 13, 2011
Wow. Very busy. You need sleep after all that work...
Raccoon - September 13, 2011
ok thanks :D
dogpaw49 - September 13, 2011
Good Job Patrick!! * Internet Hugs*
Patrick - September 13, 2011
Yes, you received the item.
Raccoon - September 13, 2011
ok so i opened a scia goody bag but it had the blank message. do i still get the item from the goodybag wen teh glitch is fixed? or is it just lost?
GG - September 13, 2011
I can see all the buttons on the avatar page... Just none of the items and such show up.