
April 24, 2011 - Kurrabi


A new seasonal creatu is available! The Kurrabi has been released in all Natural and Dye Kit colors. To obtain this creatu, visit the Seasonal Exchange (the link is located on the top nav bar).


The Kurrabi is a mischievous Creatu. They love stealing the favorite objects of other Creatu and hiding them wherever they can. The better the hiding place, the more fun the Kurrabi has. This often gets them into trouble with larger, more powerful Creatu. To keep themselves safe they developed massive hind legs and powerful leg muscles which allow them to run at incredible speeds.

When they first hatch they are ungainly on their large hind legs and their ears drag on the ground when they walk. As such, they often trip on their ears and end up sprawled on the ground. As they grow they become more agile and begin stealing bits of food from their den mates. Once they start exploring the outside world they escalate their thievery to encompass any living creature. These habits make them difficult to keep as pets because their owners often find items missing when they need them most.

They do not hide their eggs as consistently as they hide other items. To keep their eggs safe they dig a den that is often shared by several families. They begin digging these dens during spring when the weather is most pleasant so the young hatch by mid-spring and have grown enough by the scalding summer to be able to handle the weather. By the time the eggs hatch the dens are often filled with stolen items because they are the easiest place to hide these items. Everything from shiny stones to weapons have been found in abandoned Kurrabi dens. 

Comments: 53

moriwolf - May 9, 2011
I got one, and when I hatched it it was an albino. Yay! :D
WolfmoonNicole - May 2, 2011
awwwwwwwwww!! its very nice!... but its much dificul find it! D:
felineLOVER - April 27, 2011
nin5374 - April 27, 2011
:l ...........needs work
nin5374 - April 27, 2011
Texan - April 27, 2011
OMG THIER SO CUTE! Much better than the Easero But then I love rabbits and don't really care for birds
PrettyCorpse - April 26, 2011
*Kurrabi xD
PrettyCorpse - April 26, 2011
I like the silver Karrubi :)
Minti - April 26, 2011
Well, i think their amazing! I just wish i had hatched something BUT nattie for all three of my eggs.
flamegirl42 - April 26, 2011
I'm not so crazy about it. I love the Easero too much to give up any in exchange for this.
DragonflyStream - April 26, 2011
I think it is very cute...but the baby is a little like the ond paor :P. i like the teen the most, but that might just be because the adult looks like it wants to eat me...Anyyywayyss, good job ^^
Graveyardfox - April 25, 2011
I didn't notice the baby being similar to the old Paor. o.o Sad. Nice try, but it's not a replacement. :< I'll always love and miss the old Paor.
fullmoon - April 25, 2011
WANT oh GOD I wish it was an actual FREE pet, not one that you have to give pets to get an egg.
KitKate - April 25, 2011
It's creative but I'm not to crazy about it I love the baby but maybe that's because it resembles the old Paor's design, I loved the old Paor design :) I like the new one too but still. Anyways It is creative a bunny/chicken Easter seasonal very creative. I like the baby and adult stage I like then teen sorta but I don't like how it's turned away if it was hopping towards us then bingo :) perfect, congrats and good job to the designer!
wistiria12 - April 25, 2011
wow cute bunny kangaroo thing
Firewarrior - April 25, 2011
Sounds like it a annoying pet
Phos - April 25, 2011
I like the black teen the most. <3 The combination of animals used this time goes very well, although I have to agree with Yaiz about the unnatural colours.
piemaster - April 25, 2011
Also anyone else notice the first stage is what the baby paor used to be? 8U
piemaster - April 25, 2011
Ginger easeros should be worth more than the eggs >=| Also next time go a bit more crazy with the design. I feel like you could've added something interesting on to the back of this creatu to give it a bit more character. Seriously the artists are good so next time I wanna see something crazy like a parakeet-crocodile-kangaroo-snail =D ...That just gave me an idea...
Yaizhbeen - April 25, 2011
I love the Kurrabi, especially the teen :D. And I love the fact that they belong to Reiflem^^. The only thing I am not so fond of is that some of the basic colours are so harsh :/. Like the blonde. It is not blonde, it is yellow. And the cream is pink. I thought that was what dye kits are for, and the site was proud of the more "natural" coloration of the pets. To bad there are less and less pets like that *pokes zenirix as example*
Outsane - April 25, 2011
It's so fuzzy. D8
Camelzz - April 24, 2011
It seems as though the offers of getting them are a rip off but I think they are adorable. <3
nin5374 - April 24, 2011
merboy1010 - April 24, 2011
eh?I dont like the middle.It looks like a jumping ram?!?!?!
XAllurcore - April 24, 2011
Sooo many bad comments. OMG. I love you Kurrabi's! :D ♥
GoatNinja99 - April 24, 2011
Oooh, SO CUTE! I wasted every single easero on that and I can't seem to find it.
mythcreature - April 24, 2011
ick. This is more cartoony, cuteish child-like than any of the other resent updates combined. I'm sorry but this is just awful. Like an easter bunny made for ages 0-2 who had a leg transplant from kangaroos at each stage of life.
ImAwesome - April 24, 2011
the trade in is dumb. you have to trade in a /ton/ of freaking easeros just for 1 of them.
DecemberMoon - April 24, 2011
While the art is very nice, I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the creatu itself. Eh, I'll probably come to like them eventually, the design is cool.
Twylite - April 24, 2011
:( Stupid me, I got one of these eggs and I wanted to see how long it would take to incubate, and clicked the hatch me and lost the egg D:
Balet - April 24, 2011
Loving the design, but the anatomy is very imbalanced.
nin5374 - April 24, 2011
it needs some work
Jenny - April 24, 2011
Page stretcher! D< @ Trigun. Also, their eggs look edible. NOM.
Masked - April 24, 2011
Thankfully I don't care for this one since I'm done with all my Easero eggs already.
Trigun - April 24, 2011
O___O Suddenly it doesn't matter that the Leverene doesn't look like a rabbit anymore.
Graveyardfox - April 24, 2011
What's up with their ears between stages? O.o Long - short - medium? I haven't been too fond of any of the secondary seasonals. :x
Kolkar - April 24, 2011
i ended up getting one <3
Jenny - April 24, 2011
They look strange.. I like them. :D
Eiji - April 24, 2011
Oh, and does anyone know who drew these? It looks sort of like Kirara's art style. ^^
Kitteness - April 24, 2011
The adult looks...Erm. Terrifying. :x The teen isn't so bad, but...Eh. Not for me, I'm 'fraid. :c Not worth precious Easeros.
Eiji - April 24, 2011
Now I know what to tag Outback to, lol. xD
supernovastar - April 24, 2011
They're like a kangaroo-rabbit cross. Very... Easter Bunny-ish.
Lynxed - April 24, 2011
Hmm, not really my taste, but I'll pick up 2 or 3 to trade them sometime later! :)
cheeseballs - April 24, 2011
sry i got 2 now yeppi
cheeseballs - April 24, 2011
hey i have 400 points with that kit who paints the eggs how do i get these
fawn - April 24, 2011
I. I. I. Dun like 'em D: Not giving up my eggers!!!
piggywizzy - April 24, 2011
So cute!
goldenwreck - April 24, 2011
cant wait!
Llama - April 24, 2011
These are adorable :3
Three - April 24, 2011
:DD Yay! It looks great. :3 So fluffy.
Thumpar - April 24, 2011
cheeseballs - April 24, 2011
i cant find any
Earthbound - April 24, 2011
B'AWWW They remind me of my rabbit. :3