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"The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

Well hello there ^.^ I am your friendly neighbourhood ghost. You won't see me around here much, but I make sure my pets are well fed ^.~

Thank you Drow for this awesome Chibi Gamma <3


--Permanent Creatu--

A little information on Sin's Creatu will go here eventually...

Current Profile Creatu

Shiroyasha - Shaefu - Albino - Male

Calamity- Liyure - Black - Male

Kirin - Shaefu - Albino - Female

Am - Ivik - Albino - Female (thank you to everyone who made this possible!)

Gamma - Ivik - Achromatic - Female

Satsuki - Shaefu - Albino - Female

InMemoryOfKiba - Ivik - Ginger - Male

Reality - Kioka - Black - Female

Ryoko - Shaefu - Black - Female


Get the name 'Teddy' - thank you Judge <3
Tag 'Teddy' to male Achro Shaefu
Tag 'Reality' to Black Kioka - thank you so much Moro <3
Tag 'Cartoon' to a Derp Wyrae
Get a Black Omni - thank you to Geonightrose for selling! I love you!
Get an Albino Shaefu - thank you so much LiepardQueen for selling <3
Tag 'Shiroyasha' to an Albino Shaefu
Get a Ginger Ivik
Get a Silver Ivik - Thank you so much Tea <3
Get an Albino Ivik - goal achieved 19th April 2023!
Get an Achro Ivik - Achromatic Female Ivik hatched on 2015-12-25 04:37:21 OHMYGOD
Make Sadist a Black ageless teen Wyrae
Make Masochist an Achro Wyrae
Tag Canny and Bide to Ivik
Tag awesome names to all the above
Get an Inari Mask - thank you Nick ^.^

Shiroyasha & Sakata Gintoki © Sorachi Hideaki. Shiroyasha Shaewulf design by Zen!

--Buying and Selling--


Random old/rare/retired clothing and items - in my merchant shop


Good RWNs. Please rmail with the names you are selling and prices you are looking for.

Ivik Eggs - please rmail me with your price.

--About Sin--

Although Sin has had an account here on Res for a long time now she doesn't know a lot of HTML and is trying desperately to do something with this here profile...so for the minute she's just posting random rubbish on it! Lucky you!

Name - Cali
Age - older than Sin
Gender - Female...
Likes - my gorgeous doggies, reading, playing random internet pet sites, doodling, playing around in photoshop, driving, my real pets, sleeping, cajun chicken, people who don't bother me, cheese.
Dislikes - Rain, wind, cold, weekdays, baked beans, eating the same thing over and over.

--Regression Ray--

If you ask in the sb and I'm around I'll usually zap a few for free ^.^


I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to a few people who have helped me out since I came back in January 2015 by answering my questions and getting me started (again).

That's it for now. I'll come back when I feel in a more coding mood.

Okami Shaefu by the fantastic Zen!

Kalasin Chibi drawn by the awesome Kush!
ID: 4249469
Species: Ivik
Color: albino
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Hunger: hungry
Power: 7
Defense: 6
Agility: 10
Intellect: 5
Nourishment: 0
Squishies: 0
Rarity: 0%
Status: Healthy
Emotion: Neutral
Birthday: 2024-12-25 14:52:13
URL: https://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/?id=4249469

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