A Phosy Thing
Hi, I'm phos (they/them) hella ace

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what are u doing??? ur already here. It's me. I'm Pidge.

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No one's claimed that username yet. Tragic.

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Inactive friends I miss:
Alya, Amanda, Angel, Beatrice, Carol, Cherry, Christine, Eilis, Genevieve, Ilvika, Kari, Lyka, Kuro, Matthew, Morgana, Rachel, Sara, and Tyki.

There's probably more but I was like, 12, so,, ┐(;∀ ;)┌

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Is _____ for sale?

Give your best offer.

Is _____ up for trades?

Probably not.

Can you hold _____?

I'm busy.

Why aren't you reading/replying to my rmail?

Send it again. Don't be shy.

You said _____ is not for sale, but I really want it?

Ask again in 4 months.

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Peak of my career:

I bought art from you but I lost it :(

Check here first: https://www.rescreatu.com/blogs/viewblog/1/26652.html Not there? Message me with a description.

Can you draw for me?

Maybe. Let me know what you're looking to have drawn. We can discuss details if I feel up to it. Rate is ~15usd /hour. Thanks!

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Name changes:

lutinofeather > salt > alma > salt > pidge > phos

More about Phos:

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ChaiHong >>
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The easiest way to get a hold of me is via discreatu:

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I haven't been alive for very long but if I could offer you any advice, it would be: People are what they do, not what they can do.

Sometimes you have mean thoughts which isnt great but you know what! thoughts cant actually hurt anyone. whether you act on it or not is entirely your choice! you can actively choose to forgo cruelty, and opt for kindness! It's actions that count.

Or sometimes people hurt you and you think 'ah.. they didnt mean it. they're doing their best. they'll do better next time!' but hey, listen; there's always going to be a next time. Are you sure about all that? Are those beliefs grounded in fact, proven by their actions? Or is it just your wishful thinking? Sure, they might be different next time, but what about now? Has anything been done about now? Or are you expected to eat up your hurt and pretend it's all good until the next incident? Please consider that you deserve better. Rid yourself of lazy deadweights who take advantage of your patience. Learn to surround yourself with people who apologise properly, who put in the effort to make amends in ways that help you feel better. It's what you deserve.

Also, do you know how to make a proper apology? Apart from just saying 'sorry' you must try to be specific! Say exactly what you did wrong. And then, you must promise to change. Sometimes it's as easy as 'I wont do it again' but other times it's more complicated, be honest about what you intend to do. Lastly, and optionally, if you can offer to make it up to them. Be careful with this last one, you have to be sure you're comfortable to carry out their request. You may be sorry, but you're still allowed to draw boundaries on how you'll compensate them for your wrongs. Remember to avoid making excuses when you apologise, or blaming the other party. 'I didnt know better then, but I do now' is good! but 'I was very busy and stress with work yada yada' isnt so cool.

Be responsible for your actions! Forgiveness is therapeutic but impossible without repentance.

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