Farewell Friends. :'(

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12:52pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,082

I'm leaving rescreatu. I may come back once in a while, but just to look at my pretty pets and say hi to my friends.

One day, years later, I might come back and start playing again.

But for now...

Farewell friends. It has been nice knowing you all, really! 

I will be hosting a small giveaway, look at the second post for details.


12:52pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Jun 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,082

The Giveaway


1. Look in my showroom and choose a few pets you like.

2. You will only get ONE of the pets.

3. I have the right to decline. Some pets are not part of the giveaway, but I'm too lazy to sort them. :P

4. You must include why you want the pet, and what you will do with it.

5. You must not sell this pet. It is for you to keep in memory of me. If you don't see a pet you wouldn't sell, then don't ask for one at all.

6.  You MAY give this pet away to a friend, as long as your friend does not sell it (they can give it away though).

 7. Only pets with value of up to 2mil will be given away. Friends may choose pets with value of up to 3mil.

8. Have Fun! ;)


12:55pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,416
:O You will drop me an rmail whenever you return to visit right?

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12:55pm Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 2,082
Of course, Cay. :)


1:17pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

May I has Bes, Jaunita, Irinia, or Lefty, if you're giving those away? the reason I want:

Bes~ the spelling is like the name of my friend, Bess, who's deceased right now. I miss her terribly, though it's been 5 years since she died. I'd like to keep a memory of her, and her love of goats.

Jaunita~ Because the name reminds me of Jaunty, my neighbor's bird. What a silly fellow he is, he's getting old now, and still needs a mate D8

Irinia~ Sad memories. SAD memories *sobs* Yeah.  Erynia, my friend (or something like that) fought with me, and I really wanted to make up to her, but sadly, she, only 18 ran away with her boyfriend and none of us have heard from her since.

Lefty~ Cause lefties are cool like that D:<

I'll keep all/any of them safe in my showroom, shower them with art, poems, you name it, and hire my sadly 'abused' slave/friend to train them.


1:26pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 1:27pm Jun 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

I wish you the best of life outside of Rescreatu!

I know it's a lot to ask but I like Akumakashikoi, AlbinoKing, or AlbinoQueen. If you look at my profile, you will see that I am a meragon addict.

I can't get enough of them.

If I happen to receive any of these pets, they would never leave my ranch. I would care of them tenderly, and fill them to the brim with love. Whether I put them in my fancy showroom, or take them out for a stroll on my profile, I would love any of them to their hearts content.

Reasons for Akumakashikoi: Of late, I found that I love malal’s. They are growing on me, and I am starting a collection. Though, the Ezahni’s have distracted me a bit, I plan to get every color. So Akumakashikoi would hold a special place in my collection if he came to my home.

Reasons for AlbinoKing and AlbinoQueen: I hate to separate this lovely couple, but I just love them both so! I have hatched my own albino meragon, and was going to name him AlbinoKing, only to find that the name was taken! After that I searched to see who the lucky user was to have hatched such a dashing fellow, only to see your name. I was jealous, but loved him from afar and smiled whenever I saw your name pop up in SB. AlbinoQueen would just as lovely a pet because I don’t have a female albino meragon. AlbinoQueen would be loved by all four of my albino males, and every other creatu I own!

Thank you for your time, and I understand if you don’t want to give any of these pets to me. I just wish you the best!

Just call me Siri.

1:31pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771
Ps. Happy Birthday!

Just call me Siri.

2:18pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685

Can I have Loev?


I want Loev because I have always wanted an albino Iluvu and no matter how hard I try, my pets never sell so I never get enough for an albino Iluvu. :( I promise to always take care of her, and no matter what, never sell her.  But you don't have to give her to me if you don't want to.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

3:10pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 620

Pri ish leaving? D8 Oh noes! I be missing you! :'(

Well, I wish you luck out thar in the real world. ^^ And stay away from yellow snow and whatnot.

And, if you're giving away Nicolete I would love to have her to tag a special name to. 8D Once renamed, she'll be the star of my profile, even better than Obe, which is sayin' something since he was my first CS pet. <.< >.> Though I think you already knew this -curses bad memory-

Once again, good luck out there, and have fun. ^^



3:24pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 8:34pm Jun 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 288
I would like DarkBunny.♥
I want this creatu because Leverene's are my favorite pets on this site;
I treat all my pets the best I can.
I'm on pretty much everyday, therefore DarkBunny would always be full.
DarkBunny would not become a showroom pet, but a permanent profile pet.
I want to draw fabulous arts of him and my other creatu. C:
♥ ♥ ♥


6:03pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 989

I'm pretty upset that your leaving :C I hardly ever talked to you but I've seen you on a lot. I hope to see you around again at least. <3

And I hate this part but...may I ask if I may have Loev? Loev's name is very close to Love and it goes so well. lol
Loev would be best friends with Cait. Cait, too is an Albino Iluvu. Sadly Cait's profile isn't on his profile yet, but he is a hyper active nut. He loves to sing and loves to make new friends. He had 5 earring in his left ear and 4 in the other. I can see Loev being the more calm one of the two. lol

But if you didn't want to give Loev to me but get her to someone awesome I'd like to ask for Willa because well My mom's favorite made up name was Willie Willa Mina. lol My mom is nuts <3

And if Willa doesn't want to be with me then I'd ask for Serenita. She could also be friends with Cait. She would seem to be one of the fun loving people like Cait. lol Partners in crime I shall say. I somewhat don't trust them being alone because of what they would come up with lol.


7:14pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Jun 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,685
Jess, I already asked for Loev.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

7:21pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,082
Sary: It doesn't matter. :P It's NOT first come first serve.


7:23pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685
Oh, silly me. :P

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

7:24pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,082
Lol, it's okay. :)


7:31pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685

When will you be giving the pets away?  Also if you decide to not give away Loev or give Loev to Jess then can I have Serinita?


I've always wanted a rose pet to take care of, so I would take great care of Serinita, I promise.  I would adore her and literally stare at her for hours each day (or maybe just for a few minutes).

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

7:33pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,082

Maybe I should make a giveaway section. o 3o Too many requests for expensive and special pets.

New rule! Check eet out. >8C


7:42pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 989

O< Oh but anyway Prianamagix~!!! May I know as to why your quitting? :C


7:47pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,082

O< Right back at ya. Anyways...

1) Don't call me my full username. D; Call me Pri or Priana.

2) I am quitting because res has eaten me alive. ;c I am too attached. And I spend waaay too much time on res.


7:56pm Jun 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 124

its so sad that ur leaving!!! i remember u sold me some pets, or i sold u some. it really sucks that ur leaving :'(  well anyways they ones i like are Akya, Braiding, BreakingHeart  i would love 1 of the Ezhani, im trying to get all of the Cs pets, and i have 1 omni so far, but now im trying to get the new one Ezhani, i would keep it on my profile, and maybe dye it gold and silver(im like 2-4 mil away from a GaS dye kit) and i would never sell it or give it away! plz and thnx! Hope u come back soon if u do! :'(

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