Ever Gotten An Annoying Trade Offer?

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8:35pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Apr 30 2010)

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Posts: 1,369

I remember once, I think back in V1, I was buying a pet from someone (cant remember now lol) and as I was going to set a trade with them, I guess I wasn't paying attention but I offered my Black Iluvu Rocco (My first seasonal, my first colored pet, and the third pet I ever hatched on Res) and I didn't notice until a day later, when he was no longer on my profile.


I remember I had people help me look for him frantically and found him on the profile of the person who traded with me (I think the pet I bought from them wasn't more than 50k) and I mailed then about it. They never said ANYTHING to me that I traded it to them, not even a "Umm, yo. You offered your well-named, aged, colored seasonal on this 50ktu pet." they just accepted and went on their merry way.


Well after I mailed them, they said they would trade him back for some pet I had in my showroom (It was a RWN and colored, I think) and I think 500k. 


Needless to say I was pissed but I traded that pet& the TU anyways, because I wanted Rocco back. 


I made a vow to never do business with that person ever again. Not even if they wanted to buy from me.

After that I've never really kept any pets of value on my profile long enough for people to set trades with them. xD


10:32pm Apr 30 2010

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Posts: 35

I keep most of my good pets in my showroom.


Set up a trade with them why don't you? >:P

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

11:56pm May 1 2010

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Posts: 1,326
well there was once in v1 where i asked for a natural colored jelly bean and someone offered me a beanie.

then in v2, i had this nooblet set a trade asking for Charon(bino mira) with a nattie mira.

oh the the worst one was when this person i bearly knew sent me an rmail asking/begging me to give Latin(black easero) to him if i quit. >3<


8:13am May 2 2010 (last edited on 10:44am May 2 2010)

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Posts: 35

Someone offers a ahea egg on my iluvu egg.


I rejected it and they offered again.


Ahea egg and a purple flower. :O

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

3:33pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 3,642
Wow. That sounds pretty cold, Lutino. D: Asking for things 'if you quit,' is a horrible thing to do.


9:54pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 3,469

No one's ever asked me for a pet if I quit. But alot of my friends who want a name I have, I'll say 'If I quit, you get him/her/it.' Because I'm nice. But no, not to a complete stranger.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


6:12am May 6 2010

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Posts: 1,326
yoshirules: i know ;-; but the spam's stop recently.


6:51am May 15 2010

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Posts: 131
it was halloween items and they offered me berrok and gondra eggs. nothing else just that and didnt do any thing else. i even posted exactly what i wanted!


7:02am May 15 2010

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Posts: 131
wow i think im the only one on here that has never had a random pet trade request.


8:24pm May 19 2010

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Posts: 35
I've never gotten a random pet trade request either. xD

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

9:21pm May 19 2010

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Posts: 10,925

My first pet trade offer was the worst one.

It was like, the very end of v1 I believe. I owned the name Zeus, a pet that I had gotten when names could be doubled and stuff. Zeus was a nattie...erm...Zaphao, I believe. (At the time when I hatched it, colors weren't invented.)

I got a pet trade offer from some n00bish username, like, a1b2c3d4e5 (or at least that's what it looked like.) I said to msyelf, "Maybe it's a good offer!"

It was a natural berrok. Named te6789ss. x-x


We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


10:59am May 26 2010

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Posts: 336


  Back in V1 I used to get alot of random pet trade offers~ users would offer nattie junk pets for my Black Liyure~ I would decline and they would do it again~ repeatedly >:( One day I was just sick of it so I talked with Gunmetal and shortly after the preference to block or allow pet trade offers came about :)  But even now I no longer keep any of my colored CS pets on my profile :(

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

12:45pm May 26 2010

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Posts: 3,642


Someone just offered a garble-named Meragon for Knives.

One of my most beloved pets.



7:13pm May 29 2010

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Posts: 4,043
That's happened to me loads of times! Like when I put up a whole lot of rare (but not seasonal) eggs on the trades I got an offer of a few otachie eggs and 1 or 2 food items. It gets really annoying! I think that if you make an offer at all, it would have to be one that you would accept if someone made that offer to you.


10:47pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3
i remember that this really mean and forceful user REALLY wanted my baby easero. (Georosis) but all he wanted to trade me for was a lousy natural colored, full-grown roditore named, like- RrOoDdIiTtOoRrEe and 500 tu! i was like " nuh-uh, my name might be RoditoreLuv, but that doesn't mean i want every Roditore out there, i want the special colors -3- Oh, and you wanna know why he was so mean and forceful? he had a colored roditore i REALLY wanted, and told me all about him too! D: then i told him that he could have my Uilus if he gave me it, and we set up a trade. but 5 minutes after i gladly accepted, he HACKED my account and traded back my new ORCHID RODITORE for that lousy RODITORE!!!!!!I never saw my ALBINO UILUS again!!!!! His Name was JoeSef! if u see him, let me know!!! i can't find him anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D-: but i did trade his Icky Roditore for a nice, young cream one a few days ago! :-D

4:03pm Jul 2 2010

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Posts: 3,642

You sure he hacked you? o_o I've really never heard of an actual account-hack around here.. Mostly just people who think they got hacked but really just misplaced their items.

Well. If you're sure he did, report him. Send in a support ticket about it, and if the staff can find good evidence that he hacked you, they should bring the banhammer down on him hard. They definitely don't tolerate nasty stuff like this.


5:25pm Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 5:26pm Jul 2 2010)

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Posts: 854
Someone hacked my account a few weeks ago.  They were posting as me in the SB while I was in there too o_O  Pretty freaky to watch your username posting while you're not touching the keyboard.  Luckily I got my e-mail and pas.sword changed right then, before they could do any damage to my account.  But it still scared the heck out of me.


5:33pm Jul 2 2010

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Posts: 2,082

Mych: Whoa that sounds scary. O.O

I don't get many junk trades (that is, that I can remember XD) but one of them stands out to me. This was only, what? A couple months ago? Well, I put 10 iluvu eggs into the trade and CLEARLY stated I wanted dye kits for them (that was the time iluvu eggs were going for 2 mil or so). Then a whole bunch of people offer dye kit SQUISHY PATTERNS for them. >:( 

I've never gotten an annoying pet trade before. If I did, I don't remember. :P


4:38am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 4:39am Jul 3 2010)

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Posts: 1,326
EDIT: oh wait, ive been here already xD


4:51am Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 73
Just had someone try to trade me their natural gondra, booboo, for my Cyid named Pagentry... Wow...
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