Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Ever Gotten An Annoying Trade Offer?

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2:08pm Apr 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35

You can post about annoying trade offers you got on your trades here.


I make a trade with 10 easero eggs -- worth at least 5 mil.


But someone offers 1 emote squishy on it, no, it wasn't the ones you can get from the black market, it was one one of the ones you could find randomly -- worth a amazing 1 TU!


Have you ever got any annoying trade offers?

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

2:23pm Apr 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

Plenty of times, lol.

Even for pets (ALL THE TIME).

Someone offered a nattie vogar for my black Omni. |D

I think I have a screenie, actually.

Oh wellz.


7:14pm Apr 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35

A natural vogar for a black omni?! Never!

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

9:52pm Apr 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
My worst and only annoying trade offer turned out to be a nightmare. And i still have the user blocked. *shudders* I can post it tomorrow, if you're willing to read a ranting wall of text.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


7:03am Apr 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35
Heh, I don't even want to see all the stupid offers I could get if I put up a CS item...

"OMG! I found a berok egg! It iz definetly worth a name tag and a gender pendant!111!1!!11"

Yeah, i'm not even gonna put those up for trade... >.>

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

8:17pm Apr 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
So, want to hear a rant-wall? If not, I can keep it in.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


4:22pm Apr 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35
You can say it.

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

4:48pm Apr 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Haha. Yes I have. x3

N00b offers mainly. I also had one long Rmail that consisted of begging, whining, and ignoring my 'No's. o__e

Annoying as all get-out.

And I'd like to hear your rant-wall, Fox. ;D

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

5:45pm Apr 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35
I am afraid of putting lots of easero eggs up for trade, because everyone new will want some, new member thinks easero is awesome, offers a berrok egg, and gets rejected.

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

10:46pm Apr 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 631
I've the same! I will put out nice little diions of what i'm looking for and i get junk! I know what my stuff is worth, what i bought it for and how much its selling for in shops before i ask.

Adopt one today! Please Click, or He might die.. :(

8:51pm Apr 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469

Yay. Here comes the rant wall.

Okay, so I was minding my own business, when I suddenly got a trade request. At the time, my profile pets were Croma, Siame, and DrasLeona. Croma is a FF name, Siame is her partner in Rps, and DrasLeona is an Inheritance(Eragon series) name. My mind instantly flashed to a conclusion, and I muttered to myself. "Better not be offering on Croma." I said. "Imma kill them if they do." I said. It was my first Random Pet Trade offer. And so I go to pet trades, and saw something I never expected.

DrasLeona, my Inheritance named, adult black Meiko that I had luckily obtained, was being offered on for a nattie Malal with a name I couldn't pronounce.

The user, pikachu1 was on at the time. I clicked the decline button, and continued on my merry way. But that night, when I was doing my nightly shoving of pets into my showroom(hatches and stuff, you know. Not profile pets.) I noticed something. That horrible Malal was in place of my DrasLeona.

I spazzed.

I instantly sent in a support ticket, and reset the trade. DrasLeona was gonna starve and die on pikachu1's account. All of the other pets were. I got a quick reply from staff. They said that if they didn't accept the trade offer, then they would return DrasLeona to my account, then ban pikachu1 for trolling. I said okay, then continued on, finishing up and getting off.

The next day, I got on, and pikachu1 was also. My spazzy side kicked in again, and I started SB ranting. They were like, 'Okay, okay, I'll go accept the trade.' An hour later, and it wasn't accepted nor declined. I queried about it to them, and their next post was this:

'Wait until tomorrow, there'll be a sale in my rancher.'

My spazztron side went into overdrive. I started freaking out. 'I will not wait until tomorrow! I will NOT pay for my OWN pet that you stole from me!' They replied in a very slow manner, frustrating me more. But eventually, they accepted, and i got my dear DrasLeona back. But then, after the whole incident, I blocked them, and returned DrasLeona to the safety of my showroom.

That was a few months ago. And they are still blocked. I hold long grudges.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


9:56am Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 508
Gosh, that sucks, Fox, good thing you got her back. :D


6:48pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35

Good thing you got her back. :)


you must've hit the "Accept" button by accident? O_o

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

8:20pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Nope. I hit decline.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


10:39pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35
Then how'd the trade happen? O_o

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

10:09am Apr 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
I dun know. Might have glitched out.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


11:21am Apr 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 35
Yeah... Weird..

Please call me 123321 or 123. Not qwert10. Thanks! :)

12:02pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 12:10pm Apr 24 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

I'd say the most annoying thing for me was in v2's beginnings, when all of everyone's profile pets were set in a random order that couldn't be changed. Of course, the system went and decided to put one of my most valuable (both tu-wise and sentimentally to me) Creatu first - Bloomed the blonde Iluvu.

Lard, I thought I was gonna kill someone. It seemed like every single day (it must have been at least once or twice a week, I'm sure), I got someone asking about Bloomed. Bad offers, people in the Shoutbox asking if they could have him.. Bah. I was so freakin' glad when pet ordering came about.

There's also this person that comes to mind who tried to offer a garble-name on Hyjal, right after I announced on the Shoutbox all happy-like how I'd just found him for an awesome price. I'm guessing he or she figured that, since I hadn't paid much for him, I'd be fine trading him away.

Wrong. x3

And of course, I've gotten my fair share of random offers. Gladly though, not too many of them. It had been a looong time between the time I joined and my first bad offer. It was for Suspend, of course. And there aren't many that I get today either - last one was quite a few months ago.


11:30pm Apr 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 444
I've only gotten one random trade offer and I don't even really remember it clearly.  XD  All I remember is that is was someone wanting my Liyure named Ascesis for sp,e junk pet.  XD  Clicking decline was very easy for me.  :'3  I'm waiting for the day when womeone offers something outrageous for my best and favorite pet ever, my albino Iluvu, SethAngel.  :'3

I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.

Click Me!


12:47pm Apr 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
Eh, this one user who was desperate to become a Respal of mine seemed to have a slightly messed-up psychology. Firstly, she/he/it started getting all upset after I stated several times why I wouldn't accept the request, then he/she/it went into a kind of furious rant mode. After a series of apologies and more sniffly beggings, she/he/it sent me a Pet Trade request for Heartblood, my prized Iluvu. The offer was an adult nattie Otachie with a name I forgot five minutes after I'd declined. I didn't get anything from the user again. This is the only random Request I've ever had, and I'm surprised. I keep thinking, "Why's everyone getting these Random requests for pets, but not me? My pets must look scary or something."
In a way, I don't mind the idea of random requests. The only thing that bugs me is the chance of glitches occuring - Fox's own story is the only thing I'm bothered about. That's a right nightmare. But people otherwise acting n00bish and completely dilusional? That's priceless (if you're glitch-free, of course). It's probably bad of me to say this, that I take amusement from the trollage of others when, really, we should ignore them. But it just gives me this weird feeling of smugness, telling people, "Read my profile, it's aaaall there." It's probably even meaner of me to think of replying to people with "Your junk isn't half worth my possessions, so... shove off~" But I'm careful to make sure my points are clear and that my reasons are stated. If they continue to act obnoxiously, well... why get fussed up over it? Staff can always patch things up if a Trade gets unintentionally messy, so enjoy the trauma while it lasts.
Eh, that's how my mind works, anyway. xD

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