One by one they disappear. Where are they going?

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12:11pm May 17 2010

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Rilo broke her glare, only to hear Zadoch's words. "I think they're making dragons. Combining elements to make unstoppable creatures." She said, glancing down to her egg.  


12:21pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 354
As I laid down near Zadoch once agian pondering words, I stared in disbelief at Rilo's her words. "Making dragons? Why would they want to do that? Do they know how unstable dragons can be? They must want to start and epidemic." I rolled onto my back in frustration stretching out my wings beneath me. What where we going to do?

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

12:37pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 3,662
"That's just humans." She said, "They will do anything for what they call 'money'. Even sell cloned of our kind." She added. "Or they could be using them for the 'government." She said, looking out over the land.


1:03pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 2,148
"Or power," Zadoch added. "Humans crave strength. They fight each other to prove it, they build things to gain it, they destroy things to maintain it." His thoughts wandered to Api' Naga's hatchling. The thing hadn't learned its element yet. His ears folded back and a low, almost inaudiable, growl emitted from his throat. 'The cowards. Taking young dragons. That's not strength, that's weakness.' Zadoch exhaled a long, hot sigh as he thought.


1:05pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( I think it's time we meet one. O_O ))


11:06pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 354
((Awesome :D Anyone wanna be the human?))

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:30am May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Coan wandered through the forest holding tightly to a dragon egg, it was his very first cloned one. "Yes. I did it." she sang happily in a low voice. He was one of the youngest on the team, being only 19, and had a potent disregard for anything that seemed like a rule, the main one being, don't step on an angry dragon's tail. Which is what he just did a few moments later. As he danced, he trpped and his leg smushed the sfot part or Zadoch's tail...

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9:20am May 18 2010

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Having his tail wrapped around his claws, Zadoch glanced down and reacted quickly. His claw clamped down carefully on the human, avoiding the egg and avoiding crushing the boy. His red and black eye stared intensely at the boy. "Well well, ask and ye shall receive," he muttered, leaning his large head down and gently pushing the dragon egg away with his nose. "Where were you heading with that, human?" His voice sounded unusually cold and more dragon-like. His words hissing and a subtle growl was heard with every word.


9:22am May 18 2010

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"To the dragon mountain." He lifted his head towards the mountain...

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11:37am May 18 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Rilo snarled, walking over to the human. "So, I presume your the filth that stole my egg's eh?" She said, glaring at the human with a purple p*censored*ion of hatrid.


11:37am May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,148
"You seem awfully calm," Zadoch said, his ex
pression looking casual and haughty. "Do you think I won't kill you without notice?" His tail flicked. The jagged spikes on it clacked together as he did and his scales creaked against each other. A smile struck his face, his fangs beared and his eyes both staring at the man now.


8:52pm May 18 2010

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"Well..." He scratched his head with his nails, "I didn't actually steal anythiung, it was just lying there unprotected, technically, I saved it. Wild animals were crouched around it. See." He pointed to footprints on the ground around the nest. "This si the cloned egg and I was bringing it to the mountain to find out how other dragons would react to it, thinking it was one of their own." He shrugged, her had been born  with the rare ability to be able tyo speak to dragons and not be frozen with fear...

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10:40am May 19 2010

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Posts: 354
((I poofed :c Sorry))

I stared at the human and then at the cloned egg. I hissed at him. "For what reason do you have to clone a dragon egg? For what reason are you here?" I walked over to the egg. The dragon inside did not sound normal, did not sound healthy. I scooped it up and glanced at Rilo. "Rilo do you have room in your pouch for this?"

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

1:00pm May 19 2010

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Posts: 3,662
"Yes." She said, carefully taking the egg out of his hands and placing it in the soft fleshy pouch. Good lord I feel the por Dragon's pain of whoever that human scum stole her egg from... she thought.


11:10pm May 20 2010

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11:21pm May 20 2010

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Posts: 2,148
Zadoch's scales rattled again and he allowed Asland to pick up the human. The idea of cloned eggs... "Wait," he spoke up. "The other dragons? You mean the young ones?" He stood up a bit. There may be a chance that Api' Naga's hatchling were alive and one of those test subjects.


8:32am May 21 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"I don't really know what the point of this expiriment is and I just think we should leave the dragon's alone and so my mission was to get a dragon egg and bring it back, I have no clue what they did with the real one, they just blindfolded me, took me to the forest and left me here to take the egg" he babbled and then shut his mouth...

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8:34am May 21 2010

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Posts: 354
"Lies!" I hissed at him. "Do really think we are that stupid? They would just leave you here? It makes no sense." I glared into his eyes. "Are there others here? Where are you coming from?"

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:46am May 21 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"I*m not lying." Coan stated in a calm, unwavering voice. "I am telling the truth. All I got to do was get the egg and then clone it. They took me to the forest and tightly blindfolded me. They left me here until the mission is done, but I don't want to really do it. I feel bad about it." He said with a grmace...

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3:19pm May 21 2010

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Posts: 354
I sat the human down. "You will lead us to where you where supposed to drop off the egg. If you are telling the truth." I slitted my eyes at him and hissed out a puff of smoke. "Asland are you ok will watching him?"

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters
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