One by one they disappear. Where are they going?

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10:18pm May 13 2010

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Posts: 2,148
With one strong push, Zadoch lept off the ground and let the wind catch his wings. With three wing beats, he caught up to Asland easily and flew behind him slightly. "Your daughter seems like the type to follow and disobey." Zadoch said nonchalantly. He allowed the gusts of air support his weight as he drifted through the cool breeze. His nostrils flared and black smoke escaped from his snout, sending a trail behind him that would vanish quickly.


11:59pm May 13 2010

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Posts: 354
"Let us start with the western side of the island where most of the reports have been coming from."  I tucked my wings to fly faster. "Race with me Zadoch! Come loosen up your scales old man!" I circled around him trying to call him out.

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

12:13am May 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
I flapped my powerful black wings and flew swiftly after the two older dragons. I narrowed my eyes, it was my first time out alone and my mission was to follow them without them noticing. I watched the shadows and then commanded them to cloak me. I folded my huge wings against my sleek body and went into a fast dive to get as low as they were...

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12:45am May 14 2010

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Posts: 2,148

"Ha!" Zadoch roared, a bit of flame expelling from his powerful jaws. He flapped his wings twice and glided. He was a large dragon, not built for speed, though he was strong enough and had enough endurance that he could make it about even near the end of a race.

Zadoch spiraled under Asland and tucked his wings in closer to him, picking up a bit of speed. "I'm in my prime, Asland. What about you?" With two more wing beats, he was ahead of Asland now.


1:57am May 14 2010

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Posts: 3,662

Name: Rilo

Age: Baby, Teen, Adult or Elder(over 100 years of age): Adult

Color/Type: Light blue & Blue, white. / Ice, Fire etc: Ice, Water


Power: Ice, Water



Personality: Very light hearted, Fast, easy to please, Very sweet, Curious, Has had a egg stolen from her, Smart, interesting.

Other: She laid a clutch of five eggs. Three stolen by humans, one eaten by a predator, one left. She protects it dearly. 




8:26am May 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
I glided over the forest floor, making careful sure that I wouldn't be tempted to blow flames and make the other two dragons notice me. I closed my jaws, clamping them shut, and then flew upwards in a spiral towards Zadock, but didn't touch him or make wind at all...

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9:09am May 14 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( *hopes to be accepted* ))


9:32am May 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Raithe paced on the small stony outcrop that was just beyond her den, her sharp claws scraping small furrows in the hard, grey stone. She snarled slightly as she noticed the gathering of dragons below, particularily at Asland, with his annoying quest to find the hatchlings. What did that matter? Lilania was already dead and gone, she had seen the corpse being flung into the icy grey waters of the island.

Raithe abruptly stopped her pacing as she noticed another dragon flying into the scene below. "Why here?" she muttered to herself, intending on going down and telling the dragons to disperse. She leapt of the cliff, flaring her blue-grey wings to slow her harried descent.


9:34am May 14 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Do you guys think I could start? *is dying* ;w; ))


9:35am May 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641
{I don't see why Tavi wouldn't let you join Lauz o3o}


9:41am May 14 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Kay. ^O^ ))

Rilo walked in circles around her lone, blue egg. Every thirty minutes or so, she would blow a burst of ice cold air on the egg, keeping the chances of it being alive to the minimum. She was oh so close to starving, yet she was to high strung and over the edge to leave her egg alone. The sounds of wing beats and the heartbeats of other dragons made her cold blood boil, as she sat in her shallow wet cave placed in plain view to all the land. 


9:53am May 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
((Nice to have you Lauz :D))
I was surprised by his sudden burst of energy. I flapped harder trying to keep up with him, gliding soaring over the tree tops. I loved it the aiir in my feathered wings. As we flew I felt the sudden presence of other dragons. "Zadoch we have some company. Let's see if they can catch up with us." I flew even faster to our destination. As we got closer I could see the small area. I landed in the open and it was devistating. Trees were knocked down, gr*censored*es burned to a crisp. How could we not see this? How could we not know of this?

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

9:55am May 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Raithe followed at a safe distance, her wingbeats smooth and silent. She opened her mouth slightly in dismay as the sight reached her. Landing at the top of a large pine, Raithe wrapped her sinous body around it for stability, her eyes filled with intense rage at this scene of devastation.


10:02am May 14 2010

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Posts: 354
"Hello Raithe. I turned and bowed to her solemnly in respect. I am hoping you are here to help. This devisation is horrible. I cannot even sense any other dragons here." I walked around the open area, and in a small patch of gr*censored* was Nuka. An elder here on this side of the island. I ran to her. "Nuka, Nuka are you ok?" I could barely feel her heartbeat, that is why I could not sense her. "Zadoch can you help me move her in the sun? She needs to be warmed."

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:03am May 14 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( IS it ok if my dragon Flies by reversing the pull of gravity in only in a area around her? :3 ))

Instinct got the best of Rilo, as a final stomach growl finished it. She headed to the mouth of her cave, turning her head to look back at her egg with a worried look. It'll be ok... THe thought raced through her head as she huffed in and turned around, setting off for the hunting fields. Rilo jumped out of the cave and closed her eye's. With a spiraling free-fall she suddenly stopped in mid air. She looked up and went forwards, gliding through the air quite fast.


10:04am May 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
((That's awesome Lauz, lol))

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:07am May 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Raithe snarled and leaped off the tree, her wings rotatiing slightly as she hovered in midair. "I want nothing to do with you, your quest and this," she roared, gesturing with one black paw to the chaos around them.


10:10am May 14 2010 (last edited on 10:12am May 14 2010)

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Posts: 2,148

As Zadoch gazed upon the charred ground below, the smell of the ash and fumes rose up in his nostrils. "No dragon did this," he whispered, then stretched his wings out once more and decended, using the ground as his landing strip. He came to a halt and turned around, sniffing the ground like a dog would. "There is nothing dragon-like about this." The brute spoke aloud.

He glanced up to the others who were finally appearing and huffed. "What trickery is this?" Zadoch asked to himself, making himself comfortable by sitting on his haunches and glancing around quietly. Zadoch purposely ignored Asland's request, he was comfortable, warm, and the others were there to help, if needed.

As Raithe burst out with fury, Zadoch turned to her and hissed. "Then leave, female. If you won't avenge your hatchling then sulk in a cave like all the others."


10:12am May 14 2010

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Posts: 354
I stoped and looked at Raithe. "How can you not?" I was near the point of anger now. "How can you sit there and not care? This is your family here, your blood, our next generation! We all should care!" I roared. "We should fight to protect our loved ones. So what we just sit back and watch as each one of us are killed and kidnapped? What if it's not hatchings these things are not after next time? What if they turn to us, will you fight then?"

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:14am May 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

Raithe snarled and landed on the ground in front of Zadoch, spreading her wings wide in an attack stance, "As if there is something to be done! Asland wishes to save the live hatchlings, but tell me, can he save my dead one? She's gone, and she's not coming back!" she roared in all her fury and sorrow.


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