All guards to Lab [Powered] 8- Experiment 313 [Wolves] is Loose and Considered Very Dangerous.

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12:57am Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I just noticed that asides from Rika's 51, I'm the only one who used pictures. /feeling so lazy right now ]]


7:31am Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 3,163
((Kupala: Our rp?))


1:56pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(Accepted, Rika.
Ice, Lab 8 is full. sorry D:
Greenkat- please rmail me about the rp instead of spamming the thread.)


2:56pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((Phineas and Ferb's movie with the inter-dimensional war thing was actually pretty cute. c:

And yay. 8D Also, my Lab 8 wolf is one of the creepiest wolves I think I've ever designed... xDDD;;;;))


5:47pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 1,329
[[Am I accepted?]]


7:02pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 3,371
{yes, Leoleaf. Sorry, I didn't see your bios.}


7:32pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 1,329
[[Oh its ok. Haha I just didnt know.]]


8:07pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 3,950

Name: Experiment #123
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Looks: Credit goes to blueshinewolf on deviantART.
#123 is the brown one~
#123's eyes are, however, an odd indigo color.  They even change colors depending on where he is and how he feels.
Personality: Do I haveee tooooo. ;c
#123 is calm and frankly doesn't do much.  Deep inside, though, he craves adventure and exploration.  He is very independant, however, he does enjoy the company of one or two others.  Big crowds aren't really #123's thing.
Powers: Breathes underwater.  Paired with his mutations, he's basically equipped for swimming in the most extreme way.
Mutations?: Wings, but they don't work for some weird reason.  They're huge and off-white and feathered and #123 trips on them a lot of the time, so they're just tucked in.  But it works for warmth.  These wings are actually waterproof and they work as huge propellors to push one through the water.  #123 also has webbed paws and waterproof fur.  His eyes are a result of experimentation.
Lab: Lab 2
Crush: None, OPEN.
Other: #123 is usually considered a fail.  He will possibly be moved back to Lab 1, where he originally was.  Once, he growled for a second when a guard poked him with a long pointy stick, so he got moved to Lab 2.  Big whoop, the humans are now realizing.
#123 also is unaware of his waterproof fur, his wings' true use, and power.  One guard patrolling Lab 1 and 2 treats him as if he was his regular pet dog.


Name: Experiment #446
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Credit goes to Hioshi-san on deviantART.
Personality: #446 is fun-loving, but doesn't comply well with strangers.  She will aggress towards others she doesn't know.  #446 learns quickly and can be a bit panicky.
Powers: Flight.
Mutations?: White, feathered wings that are not as large as #123's but sort of a medium-size.  Not big enough to cover a whole wolf's body.
Due to this, one could say she looks like a wolf angel.  If it wasn't for the black dots above her eyes and their light-brown color, she might just be able to pass off as one.
Lab: Lab 3
Crush: None, OPEN.
Other: Nope.


Name: Experiment #500
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Looks: #500 has a white base and then a pale blue color running along her back.  Her ears are the same blue and her tail is completely that blue, and towards the tip it even fades to a dark blue.  The bottom of her muzzle is white.  #500's eyes are gray and her paw-tips are the same gray.
Personality: Feisty and proud of it.  #500 is sassy and not afraid to show some flair and not afraid to aggress.  At any moment, she's about to snap.  She is always on high alert and will attack anything she decides is a threat.  However, deep down inside, #500's just a softie and even a bit shy and insecure.  This side sort of shows when the humans are around, hence her placement in Lab 4.
Powers: Can use ice in various ways, but only when there's some sort of cold source around.  Otherwise it's only harmless water.
Mutations?: None.
Lab: Lab 4
Crush: None, OPEN.
Other: Nope.


Name: Experiment #992
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male (Did you notice he's the only male in Lab 7?)
Looks: Experiment #992
Made with Wyndbain's Wolf Maker on deviantART.
Personality: Attacks anything and everyone he doesn't like or doesn't know.  #992 is always on edge, on high alert, ready to strike.  But instead of attacking, he usually lays silently and waits for just the right moment to make the hit.  When #992 is not this way (which is when he's alone in a place he feels safe in), then he is suave and likes to mess around and be a big troublemaker.  #992 is very serious, though, for the most part anyways..
Powers: Controls fire.
Mutations?: None.
Lab: Lab 7
Crush: None, open..
Other: His necklace thing?  Ignore that. ^^''
-doesn't know how to include and just dug out this pic-

(Total bio fail.  However, NEW CHARRIES!  :DD )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

9:16pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

Did you see my bios Kupala?



11:27pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 3,371
{Accepted, Ice. 
diamondwing, yes, and I said you were accepted already.}


11:51pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I don't want to sound impatient, but when can we start, Kupa? :D ]]


1:07am Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 3,371
{We can just start now}
911 watched the guards patrolling lab 7, and growled.  The guards of course, couldn't hear her, but one of them noticed her lips pulled back in a snarl and laughed at her. She jumped at the wall of the cage, her red front paws pressing up against the corbine. The guard tapped on the wall she stood up against, smirking, knowing she couldn't attack him, and 911 snarled into the guard's face.


1:14am Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Yey c: ]]

666 was lazing in his little corner in Lab 8, quite happy with his newfound powers. The scientists feared him, and a majority of wolves in the others labs would cower when he simply glared at them. When a scientist walked by, checkboard in their hand, 666 curled his lip and let out a little menacing growl, bones growing from his skull, poking through his fur and giving him demonic horns. The scientist gulped a little, hurrying onwards. The wolf collapsed onto the grown in a little fit of laughter, the scientists could be so cowardly at times. 


749 was in a world of her own, giving herself illusions of green hills, lush forests and free wolves. She longed to run alongside them, but she could only trot by them, saddened by her confinement inside these miserable cages. And it's not like the wolves would accept her with her strange pink coloration on her pelt... She sighed miserably, laying her head in between her paws and not even flinching when a human stood by their cage to record more data.


2:43am Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 11,785
51 sat within her cage, her blank eyes staring blindly ahead of her as she sat within her little cage. Her mist rolled around her, strangely evaporating into the air instead of filling the cage like it seemed like it should. the purple she-wolf let out no sounds at all when a scientists approached, her movement being a simply tilt of her head as her following him as he walked away, looking like he was put-off by her ability to follow him even though she was clearly blind. The scientists had yet to find out that she could see using her mists, and 51 had to say she really didn't care either way.

999 let out a soft growl as he sat within his cage, soft growls escaping him as several little demons kreened around him, twitching every now and again before launching themselves at the sides of his prison, his glowing red eyes staring forward at the exact same spot that he'd been staring at for the past three hours. He hadn't so much as twitched a wing until now, his ears pulled back as his demons grew even more rambunctious. A guard was approaching, his stare enough to unnerve the man and make him quickly hurry on, shivering at the grotesque devils that were constantly around the one wolf that they needed to constantly keep chained down.


7:44am Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 3,163
54 sat in his cage, fur red from anger. Just wait until they try to give me a shot,54 thought,Then they'll be sorry. He had a plan for escape, yet it could only be put into action once a year. His plan was only months away from complete, and he would be the first wolf to get out.His fur turned back to grey as a scientist walked by so as to not arouse suspicion of even being able to make that happen. If the security was too high here, he would make himself look like he belonged in Lab 1.


11:54am Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 3,950

123 lay silently in his cage, his huge wings spread and covering his whole body.  One could barely see the top of his head.  His ears perked up when he heard a human walk by.  Was it him?  Bright yellow eyes aglow, tail starting to wag, 123 poked his head out from his feathery cave and saw, much to his disappointment, it wasn't his special human.  It was one with a clipboard, writing down things.  He tapped the glass and 123 jumped, his wings tucking in as he stood, a bit frightened.  Didn't really expect that.  His eyes changed to a dark blue.  The scientist merely smiled, not a warm smile, but a pleased and sort of wicked smile.  123 didn't like those smiles.  The scientist scribbled down some more on his clipboard and went along his way, casually taking his time.  Probably because 123 was definitely not a threat.


446 sat, her wings oustretched, and she yearned to be able to fly free.  Far, far, far away from his place.  However, that was impossible.  Corbine cages, guards, alarms, stupid collars.  All too much for one wolf who could only fly.  Right?  Well, you'd be wrong.  446 spent a lot of time thinking about ways to escape, but nothing would go right.  And if anybody dare call her a wolf who could only fly - she'd rip you to shreds.  446 has fire in her heart and she believes that any wolf can do anything.
But, of course, she does everything better.


Patiently and silently, 500 stared.  No, not stared.  Glared at the guard outside her cage.  He made faces at her, taunting her.  She'd get him one day.  He'd be the first to die.  Once I escape, of course.  Which will probably NEVER HAPPEN.  500 lashed out against the corbine wall, slamming herself onto it, but her attempts were futile.  Her paws couldn't scratch it, her body couldn't smash it, her teeth couldn't gnash it.  The guard only laughed and pointed.  You are the first to die.


992 slept.  This was the only time he was ever even close to 'peaceful.'  However, if he heard even a minisclue scrape, 992 would jump to his paws, fire ready to strike, teeth bared.  His eyes suddenly snapped open, and a low growl escaped his throat.  The scientist that passed by jumped at his sudden awake, and sparks of embers started to come off of his paws.  He was about to melt this corbine off and melt that scientist's face off.  But he just quickly skittered off, afraid.  992 smirked.  He better be afraid.  Be very afraid.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

12:34pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 785
709 sat in her little corbine prison, silky fur bristling as she watched a scientist clad in white with a clipboard in his hand approach. He had that same smug ex
pression that all of them wore, the one that made 709 want to tear their throats out. 

709 curled her lips back to reveal pointed teeth and gave a warning growl, but it did little to deter the scientist. He began to move his lips in that strange telltale sign that he was communicating to another of his kind, though he never looked away from the she wolf. 709 noticed another human, a little ways off, shake his head almost disappointedly in response.

She knew, even without hearing them speak, what they were talking about. The fools had tried to give her a power that would indeed be very dangerous. Just by looking at someone, 709 was supposed to be able to cause the most intense pain imaginable, but it was not to be. She had instead ended up with the ability to heal herself, something so tame that it would surely get her landed in lab 1 or 2 in time. All the scientists seemed to be waiting to make sure her intended power didn't magically surface before they did just that. As a result, 709 had promised herself to never show weakness and take every opportunity to try and escape or maim someone so the scientists would at least view her as a threat. 

Even as she thought it, 709 felt self-hate well up inside of her at the notion that she felt she needed to prove herself to the apes that had imprisoned her. How tame she had become...


108 sighed. He lay curled up against the back wall of his too-small cage and stared sullenly at his captors. "Let me out, set me free." the wolf with the tan coat whispered to no one in particular.

For months- or had it been years?- 108 had waited. Waited for the scientists to make some fatal mistake that would allow him and the others to escape. But that day never came, so hen resorted to cooperating with the humans when they told him to do something. "Get back, mongrel!" they would say, so 108 would retreat to the corner of his cage. "Don't you even think of biting me, you mutt!" they would warn, and 108 would flatten his ears back in submission, trying his best to communicate that he would never dream of such a thing.

Now 108 clung to the hope that if he was good and did as he was told, the scientists may one day take pity on him and decide to set him free. He knew the other wolves spent their days dreaming of the future, a future where they could all be free, but 108 did just the opposite. He fantasized about the past, of days when his name was more than a number. What had his name been? He could not recall. More than anything, 108 wished to wake up from the nightmare his world had become and find himself in the den he had grown up, with his parents and littermates there to tell him that it was all just a bad dream. 


1:14pm Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 1,329
Darkenss. It could be a scary thing, full of mysteries and danger. To Experiment 871, it was protection, though what lurked in the shadows with her and around her was danger and mysteries. She had grown up in this Corbine Cage, in this corner of hers, alone and envious of the outside wold. But she didnt show it, expecially when the broad shouldered guard walked by. Usually he only walked by twice or three times a day and when he did 871 stoped practicing her powers to pretend to sleep. She tried to look as useless as possible so they would kick her back to lab 1 instead of this highly guarded lab 6. She was just grateful that she wasnt in lab 8. 871 knew that they wouldnt kick her back to lab 1 because of the incident she caused another wolf a few months or years, she couldnt tell the diffrence, back. But that was when she was stuck in lab 3, and when she didnt know that she had such powers.

[[I hope that little antidote was ok, and I have a question. What does the cages have in them?]]


2:59pm Dec 4 2011 (last edited on 12:37pm Dec 6 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 322

Name: #648
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Very little is actually known about her, since she never reacts to anything outside her cage walls. Not even another wolf. 648 is a very secretive being, preferring to be curled up in a ball. Despite her ferocious appearance, she is actually very timid. She is easily startled, but if she had the guts (and the opportunity) she could do some serious damage, for somewhere inside her, her fear is slowly turning to anger.
Powers (only one.): Normally, 648 is just  mass of black mist in the shape of a wolf. But, let her look deep into your eyes, and she becomes much more that just that. If she were to look directly into your eyes, she will become your worst fear. Be it a tiny little spider, or a giant one, she will 'turn into' it. 648 doesn't actually, what really happens is she tricks your brain into thinking she is it. However, when she does this, she is unable to attack or do anything to you. And, if you were either particularly   brave or stupid, tried to attack her, 648 will instantly return to the form of a wolf. Then, she will not be able to take the form of your fears again for a few hours. (Hope this isn't too powerful)
Mutations?: She isn't totally solid. She is more of a mass of.. misty, wispy black stuff. However, you can touch, bite (etc) her head and neck. 
Lab: 4
Crush: Open
Other: Nup


4:13pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
{silent- sure. 
leoleaf- nothing but the wolves unless its time for the guards to feed them.}
The guard chuckled at 911 before walking away, and 911 sat down. She turned and saw through the corbine another wolf in the cage next to hers. Bored, she wanted a way to communicate with him.  He seemed to be in control of fire. She thought for a moment, realizing communicating with the other experiment would be difficult. She wondered if electricity could damage corbine. So, 911 shot a bolt of red lightning at the cage wall. It bounced off and came back at her, and she dodged it, then managed to somehow make it dissappear simply by thinking it needed to be gone. She chuckled a bit before sitting back down.

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