All guards to Lab [Powered] 8- Experiment 313 [Wolves] is Loose and Considered Very Dangerous.

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3:08am Nov 27 2011 (last edited on 5:21pm Dec 4 2011)

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Posts: 3,371
In the year 4050, scientists decided to try and find out how to give powers to human beings. Powers such as control over fire, flight, and similar powers.
However, they didn't want to experiment on humans. So, they used wolves. They tried several different things on them, several of them dying before they finally figured out how to give powers to the wolves.
Now, they have eight labs, each of them containing three of the experements. Lab One is where the least dangerous of the experiments are kept, and at Lab Eight are the most dangerous.
The wolves are kept in cages made of 'Corbine,' a matierial discovered in 3167. It's clear like glass, but doesn't shatter. So, you can't break through it. The cage walls, cieling, floor, and door, are made of this, and the door can be unlocked only when using a key. You also can't hear wolves in other cages through the corbine-it's too thick. You can only hear them if the door is open.
Guards patrol the building and make sure none of the wolves escape. They're also in charge of feeding the wolves and giving them water.
And, of course, all of the wolves want out. Because they're treated cruelly, experimented on, and not meant to be kept in Corbine cages, anyway. But if you manage to somehow unlock the door, alarms go off as soon as you get out, because each wolf has a collar on that triggers an alarm if the wolf steps outside the cage. Each collar has a flashing light, one that matches the wolf's eye color.
So, it seems like there's no escape. right?


A bad character looks like this:
Name: Luna
Age:20 years
Gender: Female
Looks: a white wolf with blue eyes
Personality: smart, sweet and caring. She is fast and strong and never ever loses a fight and wants a mate and pups. She also wants to be alpha female.
Powers: She has every power in the world
Mutations?: none
Lab: 8
Crush: Open someone PLEASE PLEASE crush on her.

So, what's so bad about this character?
-She's not a creative character at all. 'Luna' is the most common wolf name ever. She's a white wolf with blue eyes, which is so insanely overused it's not even funny. T.T Also, in this rp, each wolf's name is a number, not an actual name so numbers like 192, 832, 146, and stuff like that are ok for character names, as long as the number is over 50. and under 1000.
-She's desperate for a mate.
-She's a mary sue.
-Wolves don't live to 20 years.
-If someone actually posted a bio like this, I would also be able to tell they probably aren't semi-lit, because they put very little effort into the bio ( I made this bio as an example.)
-She has every power in the world.

A GOOD character looks like this:
Name: Experiment #911
Age:Young Adult
Gender: Female
Looks: jet black with a red 'x' across her forehead,and a small red dot above each of her eyes. She has red front paws. She has the shape of an arrow (like one from a bow and arrow) going down her back, and her left eye is ice blue while her left eye is yellow.
Personality: 911 is a rebel, and likes to break rules, only obeying the rules she comes up with herself.911 has a short temper, and rarely thinks before acting. She is also a bit quiet, only ever really talking to insult others, or say something important. She prefers to be alone, instead of with others.
Powers: She can control lightning and electricity, but when she controls it, it turns red.
Mutations?: none
Lab: 5
Crush: None
Other: (I just realized I really like this character XD)

See the difference?

Mates and Pups
-you can't join as a pup.
-no insta-mates. meaning don't fall in love instantly.

-ask me before you do it.
-it will be VERY hard, and you're unlikely to succeed.

-at least 6 sentences per post.
-If you aren't semi-lit and you join, I will make you leave.

Your Bios

-I have the right not to accept them


-use these [] {} () when posting OOC.
-Don't fight OOC.

Powers (only one.):


Lab 1 (non-dangerous experiments):
1.51 (Rika)

Lab 2 (highly unlikely to be dangerous):
1.123 (Ice)

Lab 3
( unlikely to be dangerous):
1. 846 (Me)
2.446 (Ice)

Lab 4
(sort of of dangerous.):
1.108 )queenkira)<
2.500 (Ice)

Lab 5 ( slightly more dangerous than wolves from Lab 4):

Lab 6
1.749 (Tld)
2.472 (diamondwing)
3.871 (Ice)

Lab 7 (Very Dangerous):
1. 911 (Me)
2.709 (queenkira)

Lab 8 (Extremely dangerous.):
1.666 (Tld)
2.54 (Greenkat)
3.999 (Rika)

My Wolves

Name: Experiment #911
Age:Young Adult
Gender: Female
Looks: jet black with a red 'x' across her forehead,and a small red dot above each of her eyes. She has red front paws. She has the shape of an arrow (like one from a bow and arrow) going down her back, and her left eye is ice blue while her left eye is yellow.
Personality: 911 is a rebel, and likes to break rules, only obeying the rules she comes up with herself.911 has a short temper, and rarely thinks before acting. She is also a bit quiet, only ever really talking to insult others, or say something important. She prefers to be alone, instead of with others.
Powers: She can control lightning and electricity, but when she controls it, it turns red.
Mutations?: none
Lab: 5
Crush: None
Other: none

Name: Experiment #846
Age:Young Adult
Gender: Male
Looks: He has blue fur with black stripes like a tiger's all over him, and black wings with blue tips. his eyes are yellow.
Personality: 846 is skittish and afraid of basically everything. He is friendly, and tries to get on everyone's good side. He doesn't have a lot of muscle to him, and is a bit of a flirt. He is very social and nice.
Powers (only one.):Flight
Mutations?: Wings
Lab: 3
Other: None


10:55pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371


1:48am Nov 28 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Name: Experiment #666 (Oolooloo)
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Credits to Dolphy @ DeviantArt
666 is a sly and and all-around dangerous wolf. He sneers in the face of danger and death, and has a commanding and authoritative figure. He's an exceptional leader, with excellent speech skills and confident in his actions. He hates it when wolves question him and whenever he feels inferior. 666 prides himself in his powers and his position as lab 8, knowing that the humans do fear him a little. He does believe in socializing, however he finds gossip and friendly wolf talk to be boring and useless. He doesn't tolerate silliness and pranks, and does have quite a patient attitude. He's a bit awkward around the younger pups and she-wolves, preferring to not interfere with them unless necessary.
Powers (only one.): He has the ability to grow bones to utilize as a weapon (e.g. They can form weapons or jut out of his fur). However, he needs to consume bones to make up for the loss. 
Mutations: Elongated canines
Lab: 8 OHOHO
Crush: Goood luck lD
Other: None


Name: Experiment #749
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Credits to Dolphy @ DeviantArt
749 is an independent young she-wolf who loves the idea of freedom. She's quite destructive whenever she's confined, since she's a little claustrophobic. She doesn't mind socializing and having friends, but most of her mind is set on freedom. 749 is normally quite bouncy, cheerful and optimistic, and sometimes gives herself illusions of the green hills and lush forests that others tell her of. She's quite fidgety and often kneads her paws and swishes her tail around, to the annoyance of others.
Powers (only one.): 749 can create illusions, though right now they're rather weak and short-lived (too powerful? :c) 
Mutations: None
Lab: 6
Crush: None 
Other: None


1:48am Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Name: Experiment #666 (Oolooloo)
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Credits to Dolphy @ DeviantArt
666 is a sly and and all-around dangerous wolf. He sneers in the face of danger and death, and has a commanding and authoritative figure. He's an exceptional leader, with excellent speech skills and confident in his actions. He hates it when wolves question him and whenever he feels inferior. 666 prides himself in his powers and his position as lab 8, knowing that the humans do fear him a little. He does believe in socializing, however he finds gossip and friendly wolf talk to be boring and useless. He doesn't tolerate silliness and pranks, and does have quite a patient attitude. He's a bit awkward around the younger pups and she-wolves, preferring to not interfere with them unless necessary.
Powers (only one.): He has the ability to grow bones to utilize as a weapon (e.g. They can form weapons or jut out of his fur). However, he needs to consume bones to make up for the loss. 
Mutations: Elongated canines
Lab: 8 OHOHO
Crush: Goood luck lD
Other: None


Name: Experiment #749
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Credits to Dolphy @ DeviantArt
749 is an independent young she-wolf who loves the idea of freedom. She's quite destructive whenever she's confined, since she's a little claustrophobic. She doesn't mind socializing and having friends, but most of her mind is set on freedom. 749 is normally quite bouncy, cheerful and optimistic, and sometimes gives herself illusions of the green hills and lush forests that others tell her of. She's quite fidgety and often kneads her paws and swishes her tail around, to the annoyance of others.
Powers (only one.): 749 can create illusions, though right now they're rather weak and short-lived (too powerful? :c) 
Mutations: None
Lab: 6
Crush: None 
Other: None


7:39pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

(May Join)


6:44pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

Name: #472 
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Looks: Suprisingly bright for a wolf with his power, his fur is bright golden with white tiger stripes on him back. His eyes, paws, and tail are pitch black. His fur is unusually sleek.
Personality: 472 is pretty much, in a word, a absolute trouble maker. He will turn the lights off on the guards for fun, and says, with contepmt from the females in lab 6 in return, that his mate will have to be able to bear with him forever- even through his pranks. He loves to laugh at the guards whenever they miss a jump for an escaping wolf, and fights like a rabid wild animal. Inside he is a fun-loving freak.
Powers (only one.): Can summon darkness. (Eg. he can turn day to night, turn lights off, ect.) However he can't control his power well, and can't make the lights come back on.
Mutations?: Thick paw pads to muffle the sound of his footsteps.
Lab: 6
Crush: Open 


7:02pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

(May I join I can make a paragraph or two on a rp I really like.)

Name: Spriit
Age:Young adult
Gender: Female
Looks: She is midnight black as her base color,silver eyes and claws,and blood red tail tip,muzzle,chest,and under belly.
Personality: She is very dark,gloomy,and mysterious. She likes to stay with-in her own little world in her cage,alone and un-social. She will only talk to friends,which she has none of.
Powers (only one.): Controlls shadows
Mutations?: Extra sharp/long claws and teeth,with two long teeth like fangs,perfect for fighting
Lab: 8
Crush: none yet

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:26pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Name:Experiment #54
Gender: Male
Looks: Left eye mixture of green and yellow, right eye red
Personality: Don't joke or he'll kill you for saying something like that. Always naturally snarling, Don't steal from this guy.
Powers (only one.): levitation. Anything in his sight he can make float, except things weighing over 100 Tons
Mutations?: Fur changes color to match mood, usually gray for ' boxed up'
Lab: 8
Crush: Open
Other:None except, Kupula, don't forget about our rp, the mouse has a secret


9:27pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((I'll join this in a bit. o:

A wolf in Lab 8 and one in lab 1. c:

Also my Lab 8 wolf will be extremely scary just so you know. >.>;

You don't mind chains and wings and stuff in one wolf right? I mean, he won't be super powerful. His only power will be..hmm...possibly pyrokinesis or something like that. He's gonna be extremely unstable though if that's cool.))


10:35pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 785
((I would love to join this. That is, if you are alright with that. I believe the last time I attempted to roleplay with you, I was downright illiterate. I assure you I have improved. c:

I will post bios later (I am unsure of which labs I want... maybe one in lab 7 and one in 4 or 5, I think).)) 


3:20pm Nov 30 2011 (last edited on 4:01pm Dec 3 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 785
((I decided to change one of my wolf's (the second one) power. Hope you don't mind.))

Name: #709
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female

709 has creamy white fur that she is careful to keep free of filth and tangles. Her eyes are a soft, light forest green streaked with warm earthy tones. Her pointed ears are the colour of chestnut, as are her forelegs, underbelly, and the ruff of fur around her neck. Her lithe, wiry build makes her agile and quick, but she lacks strength.



Experiment 709 is fiery and headstrong, and she quite often has difficulty keeping out of trouble. She is a bit self absorbed, often believing that she is better than others, but she doesn't usually say anything. 709 believes that appearance is very important, and as such will go to any length to keep her fur clean. She once said that she would rather allow herself to be killed by 'those filthy animals' (humans) than to take refuge in an unclean hiding spot. Whether this is true or not, no one can be certain. Either way, it is quite a claim considering her revulsion and disgust of humans. Despite her behaviour, which would probably get her labeled 'girly' or at least 'feminine' by people, 709 loves nature. She loves nothing more than the scent of crushed pine needles and will do virtually anything in exchange for her freedom. It is, in fact, 709's love of nature that fuels her incredible hatred towards humans. She despises the fact that they destroy the land by cutting down trees and polluting everything. She was only a pup when she was first taken, and her only goal in life is to escape and once more be free, as wolves should be. She hates her box of a prison almost more than she does humans. If 709 could have it her way, all the humans would be exterminated 'like the petty insects that they are'. At the very least, she thinks a few of them should be stuffed into tiny little cages and see how they like it. 709 has promised herself that if she ever gets close enough to a human, she will rip them apart without hesitation.

Powers: 709 has some self healing abilities, but she isn't quite in control of them. So far, the best she has been able to do is to heal the bruises and tiny cuts she often gets after long nights of ramming herself against the cold, hard, plastic-like material of her cage. Sometimes, 709 isn't able to heal at all. She has no idea if she can mend broken bones or  illness, nor if she can heal the wounds of others. That certainly isn't a skill she's about to test out on the scientists or other humans- let them suffer. This is only a theory, but 709 believes she will likely be able to inflict pain on others eventually. It seems unlikely, but from what she's heard from those bumbling apes that call themselves scientists, that was actually the intended purpose of her power- to harm instead of heal. Apparently that was why she was placed in lab 7 in the first place, and the fools are just waiting around to make sure 709 can't use her intended power before they ship her off to lab 2 or something. ((If she does, in fact, develop her power to be more harmful, will that be overkill? I mean, does that count as two powers or one...?)) 
Mutations: None 
Lab: 7
Crush: Open 
Other: None


Name: #108
Age: Adult 
Gender: Male  
Looks: 108

 has shaggy, tan/ honey coloured fur. His rich brown eyes are warm and friendly, yet simultaneously, they have a very bright quality to them. 108  is somewhat muscular with broad shoulders. If anything, 108 can hold his own in a fight, though he is somewhat clumsy. He has a thin scar on his left shoulder that looks like it came from a knife, but he refuses to tell anyone the details of how he got it. 



is socially awkward and fairly dim-witted. He is usually the last to understand a joke, or an insult, for that matter. He panics easily and hates to be alone for long periods of time. 108 is very gentle and he is an extremely loyal friend, with a protective, fatherly side. He has been known to put himself in danger in desperate attempts to help close friends. At least, before he was stuffed into the little box that is now his home. He has a tendency to be very quirky, often saying and doing things that make little or no sense. 108, if anything, is eager to please. His somewhat docile nature often makes him appear weak or afraid, a strange combination what with how intimidating and strong he seems physically. In fact, 108 often complies with the humans, putting up little or no resistance when they tell him to do something. In reality, 108 does possess quite a bit of strength, but he is just a big, exceedingly gentle softy and wouldn't harm a proverbial fly. Unless, of course, said fly posed a threat to him or any person that he felt he could call a friend.

Powers: 108 has a rather peculiar ability, and one that goes rather strangely with his apparent submissive attitude towards the humans. Whether it is something in his voice or something completely different, 108 seems to have the power of suggestion. When he desires, he can make it so that every word that comes forth from his honey coloured maw is particularly weighty. Anything he says to anyone after that, they will listen and comply to what he tells them. The catch to his power is that 108 must be touching the one who he is working his power on. As well, it only works on fellow wolves, so the humans are immune. 
Mutations?: None
Lab: 4
Crush: Open 
Other: Are my charries too generic/ Mary Sue-ish? :c


9:57am Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Ohmygosh, I just realize I double-posted. Sorry, Kupa :c ]]


7:50pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 1,329
[[Can I join? I will have my bio up a bit later.]]


10:03pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ ... Is Kupa alive? :c ]]


12:47am Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(Yes, Tld, I'm alive, I'm just busy this week.

Tld- accepted.
Rika- of course you can join. :D
Leoleaf- sure, just post your bios whenever you want.

Lab 8 is now full, by the way.)


7:30am Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Name: #51
Age: Adult
Gender: Female

Drawn and colored by me steal and you lose a hand. :I
Personality: Her personality is as mysterious as her creation, for not even the scientists are sure how they made her. She is a quiet being and is most often only found to be sitting and staring off into nowhere.
Powers (only one.): Her one and only power is her ability to slowly wisp away as a puff of smoke, able to escape attack and such that way. She also uses the wisps of 'spirit smoke', as the scientists call it, so look around her. 
Mutations?: She is totally blind and is always giving off those wisps of 'spirit smoke'.
Lab: 1
Crush: Open 
Other:  Coloring wispy things is kinda fun. 8D

Name: #999
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Looks: #999 is a fearsome, almost nightmare inducing creature that hardly resembles a wolf anymore, although with the amount of chains used to keep him still it's really hard to tell that he's a horribly mutated wolf. His fur is the blackest of blacks and his eyes are an eerie, glowing red within a sea of ink. His front paws are like that of a wolf, but his hind paws resemble more of a raptor than anything else, made to dig into anything he's after to keep from being thrown off. His face is slightly fluffier than a normal wolf, but a line of scales goes down his muzzle. It is unknown where they stop, for the scientists have put a steel muzzle on him to keep him from injuring himself, as well as chain cuffs to keep him still. His wings, which are also chained down, are large and as black as his fur, resembling those of a bat. #999 also has another strange mutation: he is always glowing with a very faint red aura that seems to hint at his malice. He is also quite large.
Personality:  #999 is a silent creature, unable to speak due to the muzzle he is forced to wear. What he looks like without the muzzle is unknown, and how he truly acts is unkown as well. All he can do, day after day, is sit silently within his prison, awaiting the day that he can be freed and kill every single scientist in this lab.
Powers (only one.): #999's power is a fearsome one, made so by his unstable genes. His power is the ability to manifest the deepest evils of one's mind, these evils taking the form of a demon  that will sit and watch its victims with the occasional twitch before suddenly lunging to try to rip it to shreds.
Mutations?: Wings, eyes, aura. o3o
Lab: 8
Crush: Pffffffft. 
Other: Nope. :U Enjoy. I was debating on giving him horns but decided not to. :P


9:33am Dec 2 2011 (last edited on 12:52am Dec 3 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329
[[I will post my bio up after school *reserves for bio*]]

Name: Experiment #871
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Femlae
Looks: 871 is midnight black, but with no moon to lighten her up. The spekles of silvery grey that stripe some stands of fur on her back, are the stars to the moonless and heartless sky. The odd silver strands of hair also make her look older than she really is. 871 has eyes that are a dark blood red that almost blends in with her coat. The shape of her eyes, however, are big and round, not human like but not animal like either. Her big eyes soften up the sharp look that sits in the red balloons she has for eyes. Those are the characteristics that really stand out on Experiment #871 but, if you look closely she has swirls of dark purple fur that dance on her paws and on the under side of her jaw. No one notices them though. They only notice when those swirls actually start to move when her power is activated.
Personality: Experiment 871 is a bold wolf who stands up for what she thinks is right. She's realistic, and doesnt think anyone should over react about the little stuff in life. She may look like she is a mean wolf and would rip your head off any moment, but 871 is nice and has a big heart, though she doesnt act like that with people she doesnt know. 871 strong oppinions but doesnt listen to them. Its easy for her to live in the shadows because she isnt experianced at life. Her whole life revolves around how to make her powers stronger and bust out of the horrid place she is stuck in. She has a terrible temper. She also envys love, though she would never admit that to anyone. Life would be easier if she was never experimented on in the first place. She could truly be happy if she wasn't here, but she knows those fantasys aren't real and that the fairy talls she has heard ruins the mind, and leaves you hoping for nonexistant things.
Powers: She doesnt have blood red eyes for nothing. Her eyes are that color because she can control and see the blood in the other wolves. Though she isnt that good at it. 871 can only stop the blood flow for 10 seconds and can see if there is anything wrong with the wolves blood. She cant see humans blood though. The true strength of her powers are unknown to every one but the one who holds the power. She could be more dangerous than she show, but who knows for sure, right?
Mutations?: Besides the moving swirls on her paws and under jaw when her power is activated, then nope.
Lab: 6
Crush: None.
Other: Nope.


2:50pm Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
((Kupala: Our rp?))


7:50pm Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Lab 8, Lab 3, Lab 2, and Lab 1, please? :333

Also, are they all in separate cages? owo )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:07pm Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Ice I have the last 8 spot. D:))

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