(What) Mermaid (If) Romace (Love) RP (Isn't) Literate (Enough?)

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6:26pm Sep 19 2009

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Kirsty smiled at him hugging him closer her tail making small bubbles.


8:50pm Sep 19 2009

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Ayrion froze when he heard someone else in the water. His eyes soothed slightly from the beautiful voice.

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8:39am Sep 20 2009

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Lucy was going at high speed, and accidently ran right into some sort of a net. The whole thing toppeled down onto her, and she screamed. "Help!"

Jake pulled himself into Kristi, and kissed her. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

10:02am Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Ayrion jolted upright, and without thinking, swam towards the plea for help. He came upon her, and he had to bl
ink twice before he was sure the beauty before him was real. He frowned at the net, pointed to it and then to Aera, and she swam towards it. She bit into the net with one swift bite and she swam a few feet away, leaving a hole the size of a shark in it. Ayrion carefully extracted the girl out of the net and he held her before him. "Are you alright?" he asked carefully, worry and concern clear in his eyes.

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10:30am Sep 20 2009

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Kirsty smiled into the kiss kissing him back.


10:57am Sep 20 2009

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10:58am Sep 20 2009

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"Thank you! Yes, I guess I am. Im just a little shaken up. I was just swimming and ..."Lucy stopped, noticing this mermans hansomenes. "mustive run into. Im....erm... Im Lucy." She was at loss for words.

Jake finnally had to gasp for air, and then kissed Kristy back. He twirled a lock of her hair around his fingers. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

11:02am Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty kissed back her hand going in his hair as she played with it leaning back so he ended upon top of her.


11:03am Sep 20 2009

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Ayrion's lip twitched slightly in a smile. "Ayrion. It's good your alright. Wouldn't want a pretty thing like you to be hurt." he whispered. He blushed ever so slightly. He glanced at her from under his eyelashes.

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11:44am Sep 20 2009

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Lucy blushed. "Thank you." She looked around, and saw that Sabrina was no where in sight. "Oh, you haven't seen a seal around, have you?" Lucy looked around, making little bubbles with her tail.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

11:48am Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,931
Jake rolled over, so now Kristi was ontop. "Didnt want to crush you." Jake laughed, and kissed her again.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

12:02pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty laughed kissing him more "you couldnt if you tryed" she said then kissed him more.


12:11pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Ayrion smiled slightly. "If you mean some other seal than Aera, then no. But meet Area." he said in a calm voice. Aera swirled around Lucy and she sang a few notes. Ayrion's smile broadened ever so slightly. "She likes you."

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12:23pm Sep 20 2009 (last edited on 12:26pm Sep 20 2009)

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Lucy giggled. "Shes very beautiful." Out of no where, a seal came crashing into Logan. "Sabrina!" Lucy scolded," I told you not to hurt boys who talk to me. Im sorry. Shes very protective. Are you ok?" She asked, moving closer.

Jake laughed. "On land I would have. We would way more there than we do here. And, you can't leave the things below your feet, because of gravity. But, on land, you couldn't do this..." Jake swirled his hands in the air, creating a small wave. Then, bubbles started to form a heart. The heart froze,  and floated to the air pocket in the room. He whispered into her ear, "I love you." 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

12:27pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Ayrion shook his head sharply and began to laugh. "Yeah I'm fine. I like your friend." He laughed. He stood up straight and sighed. Aera glared at the other seal, swimming next to Ayrion. 

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12:28pm Sep 20 2009

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Sabrina swam over to Aera. She tried to say hi, but then noticed her glare, and hid behind Lucy's tail. "I can see your seal is also protective." Lucy giggled.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

12:30pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty smiled hugging him "i love you too" she said smiling at the heart he made.


12:31pm Sep 20 2009

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Ayrion gently tapped Aera on the nose who's eyes widened, startled, then went back to normal. She blew out and let a few bubbles drift upwards, watching them. "And she gets distracted easily." He laughed. The girl's beauty, her sweet smile, her delicately carved lips, her sweet scent... He shook his head slightly.

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12:57pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,931

((oh so now Lucy smells good too? Lol.))

Jake wraped his tail around Kristi's, and kissed her.

Lucy smiled, and giggled again. She had been giggling alot lately. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

1:02pm Sep 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Ayrion smiled. He didn't smile much. "So, do you have any family?" He asked, wanting to talk with her. Ayrion wasn't sure, but he felt like he liked her. A lot.

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