(What) Mermaid (If) Romace (Love) RP (Isn't) Literate (Enough?)

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10:06am Sep 28 2009

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Kirsty looked at Jake and waved sadly then smiled at Randie holding the gold shell to her as she waited for Jake to return.


10:30am Sep 28 2009

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7:58pm Sep 28 2009

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Almost as soon as Jake left, he ran into.... people. Regular people. Walking through the woods. He froze. They were heading away, but still, he was less than a few yards away. Suddenly, Jake felt something build up in his nostril. How strange, he thought. Then, he sneezed, and gasped. In a mere second, the boys, who where dressed in ragged clothes, were beside him. Before Jake could think, they had him pinned, and were checking his pockets for money. One slugged his chest, while the other one held a knife to his throat. He felt as it cut skin. But, not enough skin to kill him, but the awful boys didnt know that. Then they decided that wasnt enough. From their conversations, Jake knew they were something called excons, whatever that ment. They were running away from the man. Needed money. Apparently, Jake was younger than them, and appeared to be weak. Jake stopped himself from screaming when one of them stabbed his arm. Jake had seen this before, in the water. If he pretended to be dead, maybe they would leave. THen Jake realized that they could kill him. But he played dead. A few more stabs later, and they left. Jake waited a good 20 minutes to move. He was bleeding out. He tried to run, and must have been a very odd sight to see. Then, his vision started blurring together. He finnally reached a road, towards the cliff, but no one was in sight. Jake couldnt help it. He let death take over. The darkness consumed his mind. He went into an eternal sleep...


Or so he thought. 


Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:02pm Sep 28 2009

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Jake soon awoke in a room, full of people. He screamed, and didnt hold back. These things had masks on, and were touching him with sharp objects. A woman walked to him. "it will be alright." She said, and dug a sharp needle into his arm. Jake yelled so loud it rattled the room. But soon, he went back to sleep.... 

What was happening? Am I dead? Is this Hedoublehockeysticks? These thoughts filled his mind. Soon, he awoke again. More people were in the room. All kinds of tubes poured into him. He tried to pull them out, and beeping started. More needles. More sleep. This went on for 12 hours.

Sabrina was freaking out.

Chris was freaking out.

Lucy was clueless.

Quite the cliffhanger, eh? 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

9:41pm Sep 28 2009

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Randie was in shock and very frightend for Jake.

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7:12am Sep 29 2009

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Kirsty sat on a rock above the water she was panicing where was Jake her neck had turned less red and more normal but she still couldnt talk but she didnt care she only wanted Jake putting her hands on her face she started crying she needed him not for her neck but to be with her and for them both to raise their baby together.


9:00am Sep 29 2009

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Randie tried to calm down and re*censored*ure Kirsty the best she could.

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5:37pm Sep 29 2009

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Jake woke again. He was still connected to the tubes. This time, a boy his age was sitting near him. "Took quite the gang fight, huh?" He asked, looking at Jake's legs in a way that Jake understood. Suddenly, Jake put two and two together. The red hair, the evil grin.... It was the socrer. He had followed him. Jake looked around. No one else was in the room. Jake ripped of the tubes, not caring about the beeping. "No one will come." The man said with a laugh. Jake suddenly knew what had happened. Kristi, Sabrina, Lucy, Chris, Randy, Ayrion, the gang was coming for them. This man had tried to seperate them. Now Jake was up to his disposal. The man came in closer to Jake. "Nervous, poor little Jakey?" He said cocking an eyebrow. Jake spat at him. The open window.... Jake had never hit someone before, but he found that he was very strong. The man had a nosebleed in seconds. With that, Jake flew off a 2 story building. Somehow, he managed to survive. His shirt got caught on a window sill. Then, he took off, trying to find out where he was.

Chris heard a snapping in the trees. "Get down!" He hissed at the others. Then, as the gang entered the water, he froze. The tattoos, the tail, they were the socrers minions. "KRISTY!" He screamed. "RUN!" 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

7:26pm Sep 29 2009

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Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

9:35pm Sep 29 2009

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Randie still had Kirsti and dived discovering a hole under a large rock she discovered it was a cave and yelled"In here!,".

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6:39am Sep 30 2009

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Kirsty swam hiding in there then smiled at sharks came and stayed behind them to keep them safe hiding she started to cry what was happening.


6:58pm Sep 30 2009

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Randie said"It's the sorcerer's followers,".Randie saw something familiar about them somehow.She had never known her parents and pretty much taught herself everything she knew today.

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8:46pm Oct 2 2009

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Jake ran as fast as he could, and ripped his arm open again. This was not good.

Chris tried to hide, but soon the followers had him cornered. "What could you want with me? Just a simple merman?" He asked, cocking his head. One moved in, holding a large point peice of gl*censored*. "How about the girl? Or should I say girls?" He asked, rolling his tongue on the s. Suddenly, Sabrina came thundering in, and knocked over one of the boys. The one with the shard lunged at Chris, and Chris created such a loud soundbeam that the followers ears bleed. Sabrina bit down on the one that was holding her. "Where is Lucy?" Chris hissed in between sound beams. "She is still with Ayrion. We cant give them away." She whispered.

Jake ran as fast as he could, but the sorcer was catching up. Jake had fallen 13 times, and bleeding so badly that he knew even in merman form he might die. He soon saw the cliff, and came running down it. The he realized it was the wrong canyone, with now water. Jake used dew to propel himself away from the sorcer, too weak to run. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:49pm Oct 2 2009

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((sorreh, glitch))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:54pm Oct 2 2009

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Randie whispered for Kirsti to stay put she swam out over here you idiots she screeched at the socerers followers her eyes had changed the same shade as the sorcerers oddly enough she was angry.

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9:04pm Oct 2 2009

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Jake was almost blacked out. He was nearing the right cliff. Then, the bubbles stopped. No more dew. He staggered into a run. The sorcer was on him in minutes. He saw Chris, Randy, and Sabrina, but no Kristy. He was about to go down the cliff, but the sorcer blasted him and sent him flying into the water.

"JAKE!" Sabrina said. Chris's eyes got wide. HE was falling a huge distance, and was bloody. This was bad. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

9:06pm Oct 2 2009

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"Damn you!,"Randie yelled at the sorcerer she was pissed.

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9:12pm Oct 2 2009

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Jakes body made impact with the water, and the water turned red. His body sinked, then floated to the top. He was not moving. Sabrina went completely insane. She started to choke one of the followers, and then swam over to Jake. She saw that he didnt breathe. She screamed. The sorcer smiled. "Now the baby is all mine." He said. He dove into the water. Chris knew that this was his moment. It was time to use his secret power. He ripped off the followers hand, and spat out the blood. He swam over to Jake. He closed his eyes, and  straightened up. Jake's body lit up gold. He floated, still in human form, into the air. Chris's head pulsed.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

9:16pm Oct 2 2009

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((Is it ok if i twist the plot a little?like mabey Randie is the socerers daughter but he never knew?just asking.)) 

Randie said deathly"You wish," diving after him.

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9:19pm Oct 2 2009

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((sure, twist the plot whenever you want. :D))

Chris's mind crumpled. Sabrina caught Jake's body. "We need to get out of here. I need to rest to do this. Take the body and go!" He shouted as sorcer tackled him. He had seen his power, and now would want him as well. Chris used sound waves to get away. Then he swam and looked for Lucy.  

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
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