{We've got a problem..} Wolf Rp

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8:53pm Nov 19 2009

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Dethal waited for her then padded out of camp. He suposed he should check near the river. He told one of the other wolves where he and Necilia were going, just in case some one would look for him. He entered the forest, sniffing around for any scent of wolf.

Lucian sniffed the pup then drew himself back. "What are you going to name her?" He asked.


6:15am Nov 20 2009

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Posts: 1,117
OOC: I profusely apologize for not posting in quite a while. Could someone catch me up?

9:03am Nov 20 2009

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((Dethal and Necilia are going to check out on DeathClan, Lucian and Rhein are in a den where Latu^ and Shai and a pup that ahsn't been names yet. Jazz and Felan are back at camp doing nothing..I think.))


2:14pm Nov 20 2009

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"Giala," Said Latu^ simply as she heard the wolf pup sneeze. "It means 'sneeze.'


2:15pm Nov 20 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((torry's spelled with two l's....))


8:25pm Nov 20 2009

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Lucian watched Giala. "Will she be sleeping in the pup's den?" He asked.


9:31am Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 1:42am Nov 22 2009)

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OOC: Is the position of alpha male of Death still open? If it is, could Asita be it, unless someone else wants to? ^_^

Akari sat silently, looking at the other wolves of her pack.

Atareth wandered around the den, thinking of something to do.

OOC: Fail :O 


9:50am Nov 21 2009

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((I will post tommorow, but yes, he can. And also, is Akari from Craw 'cause Felan is from Death.))


1:41am Nov 22 2009

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OOC: Thank you, Garcia. And whoops. She is xD I got rather muddled up with all RPs. -goes to edit post-

2:13am Nov 22 2009

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Rhein saw Akari then padded over to her. "Hi." She greeted. Lucian had only told her the names of some of the wolves, and Akari was one of them.


3:12am Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 3:14am Nov 22 2009)

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Akari smiled down at the young pup. "Hello there. I suppose you are Rhein?" She asked. "I'm Akari, as you might know." She rubbed her head with her paw gently, still smiling.
Atareth heard Rhein and came running up to her. "Hey Rhein! Where's Lucian?" She asked enthusiastically.

4:19am Nov 22 2009

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Rhein pointed her muzzle towards the den the alpha female was in. "Inside there." She told Atareth then turned back to Akari. "Yes, I'm Rhein. Lucian told me about you."

Felan sighed then stood up. He jumped onto a rock where he could look around camp then sat down.


11:04pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 7,187

     Necilia stayed with Dethal to the best of her abilities, trying not to lag behind or show weaknesses that resulted in her battle with Ariana. Her chest still ached and her gem still spun in terror at the tiyest snap of a twig. She inhaled silently, searching to the scent of the new pack. She dreaded finding them, and she wasn't completly sure she could face Jazz right after a battle with Ariana. She glimpsed at Dethal from the corner of her eye and decided she would give her own life for her Alpha.

    "I smell them." Necilia said suddenly halting. She put her nose to the ground and searchedfor a stronger scent. Shefollowed it to a recent kill, it had the very recent, very strong scent of a male. It was mengalled with many other unfamiliar wolf scents. "Here." She said, raising her head and looking back at Dethal.

     Jazz raised her head, she could feel some sort of urge, a siren went off in her head alerting her to something  unseen and unheard. It was a disturbance she couldn't put her paw on. She got up and breathed in, trying to catch a scent on the wind, but she breeze was blowing away from her and into the woods that lined her camp.

     Ariana woke up to the pain in her chest and wondered where the medical wolf was at. She looked down in suprise to see Ken beside her. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:11pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 1,597

Dethal padded over to her then sniffed around. "Yeah, here it is." He followed the scent a little further away from Necilia. "Seems like they're as big as a pack too.." He muttered. He lraised his head then started walking closer to the scent but stopped when it was fresh.

Felan sniffed the air and pricked his ears up. There was a scent of another wolf, but it seemed far away.


11:43pm Nov 22 2009

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     Necilia started to get that familiar feeling, the feeling she only got when Ariana was trying aniother atack on Craw. She knew instantlt that she had found Jazz. "Dethla." She said, and walked up to him. "I need to tell you something before we go any farther." She swallowed, trying to put together in her mind ythe way she as going to explain. "You know that Ariana and I are sisters. The day we showed up at camp for the first time, you were the only one that knew. But... I have another sister. She traveled with us too, but she split from our group first, seeking a different pack from us. I ca feel her now, shes here. Alive. And she posseses the same power as Ariana and I. But... I'm not sure I ca protect you from her." Necilia sai, looking at the ground, she should have walked away from Ariana that day.

     "So if anything happenes, I want you to leave me behind." She finished, not wanting to look up, but she did anyway, she needed to show him that she was determined and not afraid to die.

     Jazz moved toward Felan. "Felan." She growled, she was starting to scent other wolves. "Do you smell that?" She bat-like wings sread from her body automatically.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

12:01am Nov 23 2009

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Posts: 1,597

Dethal's eyes widened. She had another sister and leaving her msust be the last thing he would ever do. "I'm not going to leave you behind! You almost died when we fought Entu and I'm not going to let the same thing happen again."

Felan nodded. He took a few steps forward, drinking in the scent of the other wolves.


12:17am Nov 23 2009

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    "B-but Dethal! Thats is my job! I am supposed to protect you with my life, and I am not affraid to do so! I am only afraid that I cannot protect you because of the battle with the Entu. Because of my stupidity. I could have walked away from Ariana, but I did not. And now look at me now, I am weak. And I cannot protect you. You must leave me if you have to." Necilia pleaded sternly, she stepped back, realizing that she had been getting closer. 

      Jazz pricked her ears. "I can hear them now." Jazz said, her anger causing the air around her to get all staticy.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

12:30am Nov 23 2009

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Dethal looked at Necilia for a moment then sighed. Necilia was one of his warriors but also one of his friends and he couldn't leave Necilia behind if a fight happens. I am not going ot leave you behind.. He sighed then looked at the direction the wolf scents came from. "Do you think that your sister would look for a fight?" He asked, trying to sound calm.

Felan growled then started to creep forward, trying to get closer to the wolves' scent. Obviously he could hear them now.


12:52am Nov 23 2009

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     "Yes. She is violent and rash. She usually doesn'y wait for orders and moves without being  told to. Being that way, wolves usually follow her because of her obvious power, strength, and confidence. She likes fighting, it gets her going." Necilia explained. "To put it simply, shes dangerous. And she knows it."

      Jazz moved in front of Felan out to the right automatically without even thinking about it. The fur between her shoulder's rose and her wings flared in a defensive manner. She kept her head low and her ears perked, picking up slight peices of a conversation. She heard her own name mentioned, and the voice was oddly familiar. 

     "Where is she??" Ariana growled, the pain was getting worse. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. SHe s=winced and fell back down. "Ahhh..." She sighed, laying down in an awkward manner.

(( Who is the medical wolf, and who control's her?? o.O ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:54am Nov 23 2009

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Posts: 1,597

((I believe Shadwolf is the medicine wolf of Entu..You can make Ariana feel well all of a sudden.))

Dethal nodded. Suddenly the scent of wolves become stronger. He pricked his ears up then looked around as if something was going to jump out at them and attack. "The scent is gettign stronger.." He whispered. "I hope you'll be ready for a fight..just incase."

Felan sighed then his fur started to give out some smoke. Quit it or you'll ive us out! He snarled at himself. Almost instantly the smoke dissapeared, leaving a faint smoke in the air that eventually disappeared.

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