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8:24am Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 6,948

She ducked, making the ice just skim her hair line and smiled. She had once heard a story about someone who had done this and had it work so she took up a circle of ice andstarted shaving of sheets of the finly cut ice. She tossed them like a frisbee at the boy, one after another, after another.

Aki's dark hair fluttered over her eyes and she shook them away as the fight went on. When the blocks were gone, she leaped over the boy and landed on the other side. She was confused for a moment on how she had done this, but Aki took no heed, knowing that he might take advantage of this...

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9:14am Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((I have to go to school now, don't go too far without me!))

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11:21am Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:36am Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Aug 30 2010)

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Posts: 776

ooc:// That's so nice Dust. Leave a battle in the dead center. >.> Poor Ti Jinh. His spirit's all broken now. Ugh.. I'll post in a minute. I broke my foot at school today and I kinda need pain killers. The one's the doctor gave me wore off. Stupid school and their hazordous slippery halls. I suggest you NOT run in a newly polished hall way.


Ti Jinh was slightly confused on how Fever could act so casual yet be in the middle of a little battle. He smirked though when half of his little attack hit which caused her to hiss. That was such a lovely sound to his ears, the sound of his opponents’ misfortune.  

That smirk didn’t last long when the dust storm cloud blocked some of his vision. Of course being an earthbender who meddled in sandbending the dust was an issue, but not really a big one. His eyes got used to the sand particals and the dust that was always being stirred up into the air. He could see some yes, but not fully.   

Figuring she would have some kind of sneak attack he braced himself, but sadly that was the last thing he needed to do. The air sweep hit the bottom of his legs causing him to fall with a thud onto the earth in front of him. He narrowed his eyes before quickly pushing himself to his feet and throwing up his arms causing the earth in front of him rise like a shield. The other attacks hit it then all fell silent. He lowered the rock shield and watched as the dust settled. He let out a huff of air before balling his fist. “Good one, bender” he semi hissed noticing she was gone. His normally peaceful green eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at the tree a cross the way. This little fight brought back a few memories of his past. One’s he wasn’t particularly fond of.  

Glancing to the side he noticed Kai-Ching. He stood up straight and let his eyes soften once again to their normal state, but that did not mean he wasn’t still highly upset. “Good afternoon” He greeted in a friendly tone glancing up at the sky noticing Jet. Smirking he whistled and watched the hawk dive down towards him perching on a random tree branch above him.


“Find her and keep an eye on her. This is not over” He growled to the bird watching it spread its wings and disappear towards the Chin Village in search of Fever.


12:14pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 11:45pm Aug 30 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( I'll take your word for it. o_o; Ouch. Sorry about your foot.

And really? :'< Sorry Ti Jinh. -wonders what memories Fever brought back- ))

Fever felt warmth spread through her body as she finished her first bun. It was tiny, but still it touched her hunger and made it more bearable. She stared at the second for a moment, then pocketed it. Best to spread out her meals.

She considered making a sort of box-like structure out of the wooden crates for her to sleep in, but she wasn't fond of tight spaces. They drove her over the edge if she was in them for too long. No fighting space. No easy escape.

Which basically added up to no survival, if she was in a deathmatch.

As the sky grew darker, Fever felt a chill breeze run through the alleyway, and shivered, curling up tighter in her cape- which was now free of apples. Even her warm clothes couldn't keep out all of the cold. She closed her pale eyes, but knew she wouldn't sleep tonight.

She hadn't for a few days, what with her case of insomnia. Fever exhaled as quietly as possible, not wanting to attract the attention of any night lurkers. Her breath came in white puffs, bright in the darkening air.

So she just sat there, eyes wide, shivering, and waited for night to pa.ss.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:46pm Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. ~ ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:59pm Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776

ooc:// No one was on today. T.T But I am going to post as Nokomis because her being stuck in the fire nation isn't getting me anywhere. lol.


Nokomis glanced up at the dark sky before smirking. She placed a dark green hood upon her head hidding her from the earthbenders. Not that she really cared if she was spotted, but a fire bender within the Earth Kingdom or well one of the Earth villages would not have a good turn out. She loved to cause mischeif, but she wasn't looking for a fight. In fact she was looking for a place to crash. Traveling was exausting especially since she was traveling at random going wherever her feet took her.

Letting out a soft sigh she glanced up at the sky watching a hawk circle an alley not to far from her. She narrowed her eyes wondering what on earth a fire nation hawk was doing in the Chin village. "Odd..." she whispered making her way forward following the hawk watching as it decended on the edge of the alleyway on a roof. Its yellow eyes were focused on Fever. They narrowed as it let out a screech flapping its wings before folding them nealty at his side.


12:09am Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 12:11am Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 4,093

Hey, I think this sleep thing might be working. Fever realized hazily.

She could feel her subconscious slipping, getting dragged into the deep black void they called slumber.

But everything good must come to an end; most things annoyingly early. A harsh screech made her jerk awake, eyes flying open, her body reacting so strongly to the startle that she felt herself whipping up some air against the ally floor as she tumbled off her stack. She landed with a barely audible 'tap' on the cold ground.

She forced herself to stop shaking, then glanced up to see what had disturbed her semi-successful attempt at getting some rest. She already knew what it was though. How many other Fire Nation messenger hawks were there in Chin?

Just one. Ti Jinh's. Fever met it's yellow stare with her grey one.

"Um. Hi." Fever said, clambering swiftly back on top of the crates. She held it's gaze for another moment, then blinked, and took out the meat-paste bread from her cloak's pocket. She ripped it in half, and tossed one up to the alley wall's ledge where the hawk was perched, using a bit of airpower to get it up there safely.

"So what's up?" She asked casually, as if talking to another human. She never treated animals differently anyway. Fever bit in to her own bread.

(( Yeah, I was pretty busy today. o_o
And probably a good idea, lawl. xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:22am Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kiggan stared in awe as she fung sharp disk' of ice at him. He alomost didnt react ing time to dodge, but he couldnt hault them. "Where did you learn that tric6?"he inquired as he relinquished his fighting stance.


Kai-Ching ate her fill of apples and rode on the back of Gwa-Ryu all the way back to the earth village of Chin. She heard a monger or two converse on there fears of the fire nation's rising power and how they figured if Azula's child was found then she would help lead the army. "Do I want to lead armies?"she questioned as she fell asleep on her badger's back.


12:32am Aug 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776

ooc:// lol. ^.^ I was suposed to do HW but didn't. Oh this procrastination is a bad thing.


Jet narrowed his eyes before screeching once again and caught the food in his beak. With one swallow the bird at the meat before spreading it's wings flapping them wildly. It screeched one last time before jumping into the air taking flight.

Just as the hawk went airborn, Nokomis appeared at the entrance of the alleyway glancing down noticing Fever. She glanced up at the circling hawk above. "Is he yours?" She asked crossing her arms letting her black bangs cover her peircing blue stare. She wasn't amused, but she wasn't bored either. Her mood was a little in between emotions not sure what to make of the girl and the Fire Nation messanger hawk in Chin village.

Jet circled lower before letting out one more screech and lowering himself on Fever's shoulder narrowing his yellow eyes at Nokomis. He ruffled his feathers picking at a few with his beak as if to straighten them.


12:52am Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 12:53am Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever turned her head to look at Nokomis. She shrugged. "No. I think he's tailing me though." She smiled, eyeing Jet, not wanting to stroke him or anything. She'd never had the urge to do that to animals, as many small children and even adults had. They were just other beings, who didn't speak Fever's language. And that was fine with her.

"I kind of left his owner unexpectedly. Maybe I pissed him off or something." There wasn't much to be tailing, anyway, if that's what the hawk was doing. She was just huddling against the wall, trying to fall asleep in her own body heat but failing miserably.

Her gaze rested back on Nokomis, and she blinked. The dark-haired girl seemed uncertain, and weary. Fever knew what she needed. After a moment she slid off the stack she had been sitting on, hoping that Jet could keep his grip on her shoulder as she fell, and hit the floor.

"Follow me." She said, walking right past Nokomis. "Or don't. Your choice." She continued on to the street and turned left.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:05am Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 776

Jet flapped his wings when Fever landed softly on the ground making sure to keep his balance on Fever's shoulder. With narrowed yellow eyes he watched Nokomis who nodded lightly and followed Fever still a little uncertain about her. "Left him? Heh...Smart girl. So his owner...he's fire nation I presume" she said watching the hawk just glare at her which only made her smirk. The bird knew who she was because this was not the first time comming in contact with Jet and Ti Jinh. Jet screeched loudly flapping his wings avoiding hitting Fever. A low grumbly hiss sound admitted from his beak.

 "The bird seems to like me" Nokomis laughed shaking her head lightly. "Creatures were never a big fan of me. For some reason I scare them away or well...make them nervous" Nokomis laughed lightly the sound was a little evil sounding, but somhow she managed to form it into a sweet normal laugh not sounding all weird and creepy.

Ti Jinh made his way back to Chin Village walking down the empty street. He let out a soft sigh clenching and unclenching his fists. He was a little irritated how the day went. First Jet out smarted him and then some random chick managed to get to him then disapear. Yeah what a great day he had. He let out a huff of air but paused glancing up ahead hearing the screech of Jet. "Ah...so he listens" he whispered whistling softly watching the hawk snap its head in his direction before jumping off of Fever's shoulder and flying toward's him. He held out his arm as Jet perched letting out a soft screech pressing his beak to Ti Jinh's cheek. "Ah. I see you have missed me" He sighed watching Fever and the unknown chick.


1:13am Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 7:16am Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever's eyes widened when she saw Ti Jinh. She gave him a small wave, and grinned at him. It went unnoticed though, because her mouth and nose hidden behind her muffler, her dark hair askew around her pale face.

Then something occured to her. Ah, crap. My plan to get some lodging for this girl isn't going to work out with him around. Unless he's not totally stiff.

She decided to dive right in to it, not sparing the details. She had always been honest, and he would find out soon anyway.

Fever tugged down the muffler. "Here's the deal. She needs a place to stay the night." She said bluntly, jerking her thumb at Nokomis. "I know some residents went on vacation to Kyoshi Island about a day ago. The house is empty. I also know where they hide their key." A small smile appeared on her face, and her eyes glinted in the moonlight.

She blinked. "Oh yeah, and I'll take full responsibility for anything that happens to their property. If they find out, all they'll know is that I broke in and stayed the night."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:15am Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. ~ ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

8:22am Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 6,948
She glanced away for just one second, "Oh, I don't know." she said, before returning to throwing sharp discs at him. She ducked beneath water and dug through the ice below her. She popped up behind the boy and pushed him over, landing on him...

Party image<-- Click me

11:31am Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 776

"You know...That would be a good plan if you were foriegn to the village, but seeing only one person out of this group actually lives here wouldn't it be best to crash at that person's place?" Ti Jinh asked with a slight frown. Jet screeched spreading his wings and taking off into the sky just circling the three. Ti Jinh didn't think anything of Jet figuring he wanted to streach his wings a little bit. "My house is down the street if you wish to stay there, but if you want to break into someone's house be my guest. I'm not telling anyone" he said walking forward toward's his own home not really caring if Fever or the other chick followed him or not. He had plenty of room and didn't mind sharing. It did get pretty lonely in Chin Village if you didn't have family or friends around.

Nokomis watched Ti Jinh frowning as her blue eyes narrowed behind her black bangs. So the boy really didn't reconize her beneath her stupid green Earth Kingdom cloak. That was a first. He normally didn't let his guard down but something was different. He looked a little annoyed and crushed. Wondering what exactly had happened today she glanced at Fever curious about if she was going to acccept the inventation or not. "Since when does an Earthbender carry a Fire nation hawk?" She asked mainly to herself but loud enough for Fever to hear but not Ti Jinh for he was a little to far away to be prying in conversations. "Such an odd place" She muttered this time to her self.


3:41pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever stared at Ti Jinh for a moment. "That... sounds good." She said, having not expected him to let a two near-strangers stay the night. "Thank you." She murmured, placing her fists together in front of her and bowing slightly, in the way of the Air Nomads.

When it came to hiding her identity, she just didn't try.

She smiled and started after Ti Jinh, but was stopped by Nokomis's words; "Since when does an Earthbender carry a Fire nation hawk?"

Fever blinked. "Beats me. He didn't mention how he got him." Other than the fact than the original owner died, or something. But that doesn't tell anyone much.

Without another word she caught up to Ti Jinh, then fell into step beside him, her quick, light steps compensating for her smaller stride.
I don't even know his name.
"I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours." She said with a grin.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:10pm Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 776
Nokomis followed behind Ti Jinh and Fever just staying quiet. She just listened to the two not really caring much to put her two sense into the conversation. Her blue eyes lightened as amusment fell upon her face. He was really an idiot at this moment in time, but she decided that he was tired and not really paying attention to anything.

Ti Jinh glanced side ways at Fever before letting out a booming laugh. His green eyes lightened as a very amused ex
pression fell upon his face. "Your joking right?" he asked not meaning to be rude but he couldn't beleive she had forgotten his words in the woods.

"Oh your serious" he sighed shaking his head letting his hair flop in his face not realy caring to push it aside. "I told you my name back in the woods, but you seem to only care that I was an Earthender...nothing else" He said glancing ahead of him and walking straight to the door of his house.

Unlocking it, he walked inside motioning for the two girls to step inside. "Make yourselves at home" he said a little bluntly.


4:25pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 4:28pm Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( ... He did?! xD -FAILS UTTERLY- ))

Fever grinned at his words, 'you seem to only care that I was an Earthbender.'
"That sounds about right." She said with a hint of innocence. "So I guess you know my name then. You should probably drill me once in a while so I don't forget."

She stepped inside and felt a rush of warm air greet her. She wasn't used to the sudden heat, and within moments she had torn off her muffler, cape, and jacket, leaving her in just a tight garment that was tied at the side and flared at the bottom, and her pants.

She glanced around the house while walking through it, making a map of it in her mind. The easy escape exits, et cetera.

It took a few seconds at most. "Can I crash anywhere?" She said, turning to Ti Jinh. "Like, on the floor?"

(( The weird garment thing that she's wearing is the thing she's wearing in her picture, without the neck part. C: -pokes bio- ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:58pm Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 776

Another laugh escaped him as he shook his head. "You never said your name, just started attacking" Again she was oblivous to anything that happened in the woods other than the whole fight. "And sure...Sleep anywhere you want" he said motioning to the house walking into the kitchen to get some water. His throat was a little dry from the day's events and especially from all the and that he had polluted the air with.

He wasn't really focused on Fever and kind of did his own thing. He did look back watching Nokomis close the door behind her. She glanced up catching Ti Jinh's gaze and gave a soft smile. "Ti Jinh..." she said softly watching his green eyes narrow. "It has been a long time. Last time I recall us meeting, I was encased in gl*censored*" She said slipping her hood off letting her long black hair fall past her shoulders.

"Nokomis" Ti Jinh said a little harsly greeting the firebender. "You would have done well to stay in the gl*censored*. It would have kept you from aging" He smirked leaning on the counter not really caring if she was there or not.

Nokomis's eyes got narrow and a frown fell upon her face. "Haha...very funny Ti Jinh. I see Jet is doing well. The son of the officer you killed was hoping he could have his father's bird back" she stated randomly leaning against the door slipping her cloak off revealing her black dress wth the red bow around her waist. "He also wants revenge on the one who killed his father, but lucky I didn't spill any secrets" she smirked. "Well too bad. The kid can't have his father's bird because I can't have my family back so why should I give his back?" He snapped letting his once soft green eyes harden on Nokomis.

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