[Small] Avatar New Generation [Group]

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12:25am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776
ooc:// Your not a retard. Plus...I was freaking out about my laptop and still kinda am. My Laptop has a virus i'm trying to get off! *Cries* But sorry.


12:28am Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 12:30am Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( Lawl Captain (I'm sticking with that.), you're not a retard at all. ;o

Not to sound impatient or anything, but are we going to start soon, or wait for more people to join? ~ ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:35am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
(( nah, this seems good. We can start. And Im sorry to hear that your comp is sick ))

12:40am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776
ooc:// -sniffles- I'm going insane. It sucks when your only source of internet for homework is like dead. *sigh* Guess the house comp will have to do for now. Oh well...and I call not it to start! lol. I was never good at starting rps.


12:43am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
(( I dont mind starting, but sadly I have to go to bed. Its about to be one a.m. where I live ))

12:48am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( My rp-starting skills are questionable, so I'll just leave that to Captain. G'night, by the way. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:01am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948

Akilina watched her opponent carefully through silver eyes. She noticed many things through feeling and hearing. the boy was nervous, that was obvious and he seemed not to want to fight. A smile crept across her face and her hand whipped around. A sheet of water soaked the boy and he fell to te ground. Thre boy froze in a block of ice as Aki's hand once against moved in a swift motion. Her teacher clapped and she put her hands at her side, letting the boy out of his encasement. 

"You did well Miss. Chelen." The teacher placed his palm over his fist and bowed to Aki. As f in instinct, Aki bowed in the way of the air nation, her fists together. She sighed and quickly changed it, wondering why in heck she knew of air nation ways. Her shoulder's shrugged up and down as the boy congratulated her.

"Thanks." Aki whispered to the boy as they sat on their knees. She drew a line in the ice below her and water flowed out of it, around Aki's frail body. She smiled as she felt the water soak her tunic. It was nice to be treated as if she wasn't different and even nicer that she had grown to be so good in her native element, that her and her teacher were almost evenly matched...


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11:03am Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093

A roar resonated through the forest, followed by the snapping and rustling of the woods being trampled down. The sound got louder as the beast approached the young girl walking leisurely through a clearing, hands swinging at her sides.
A pause, then more roaring. Fever could almost hear the spit flying from it's maw. It stopped abruptly, replaced by a steady rumbling, as if... rolling.

So it's the mother.

A tiger armadillo. The creatures were uncommon but not by any means scarce. They generally liked to avoid humans- except when their dens were disturbed. Fever smiled to herself, remembering the adorable little cubs with the still-soft shells backs staring up at her in the gloom of the den.

The beast barrelled into the clearing, snarling insanely. Fever paused, and looked back at it. She curled her hands in to fists and placed them together in front of her- and took a deep bow.
"I'm sorry for invading your nest. Your cubs are beautiful. Good day." Her face split into a grin and she kicked lightly off the ground.
That one small motion took her a good twenty feet up into the air. Wind whistled through Fever's ears as she ascended. Before gravity could drag her back down she twisted on her side mid-flight, causing the air to swirl around her. With a sharp motion she shot to the side, skimming the trees. The tiger armadillo stalked back into the wood, knowing a chase was pointless.

She fell, but bounced right off the ground again, her momentum letting her go ever farther without using too much air to propel her. She continued like that, never letting the rhythm break, before the village rose into view.

Chin Village was an Earth Kingdom town. The people were friendly and the food was quite good- and, bonus, it wasn't Fire Nation, and probably wouldn't try to slaughter her in her sleep. The ideal pitstop.

Fever had been there for a full day and night, but she didn't feel like moving on yet. She landed lithely on the ground, half-crouched like a cat to absorb the impact, her odd blue-ish hair fluttering around her pale face.

It was nearing the cold months and a winter wind was already blowing across the four nations. Jer dark, tight clothes were meant to absorb what little sun their was. The only thing that didn't make sense in this weather was her bare feet.

Fever tightened her dark grey muffler and pulled it up slightly. She didn't bother putting up her hood. She wouldn't need it in the forest. Turning around, she flung herself back in to it's dark clutches.

The apples were ripening.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:46am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kai-Ching ran and hid behind a barrel of oats. "We're gonna' find you Kai-Ching!"a little boy's voice sounded off. She began to breath heavy as she heard the pitterpatter of feet drawing near. "Got 'cha!"a boy said slapping her across the back. "Ouch Shota! You hit too hard!"she growled. "Shut up! Youre just mad 'cause youre it!"the boy taunted. A group of other kids crowded around. "You hurt me! I dont care if Im it!"Kai-Ching said defensively. "Dont argue with her Shota."said a girl. "She cant even earth bend like us. Lets go home. Its getting late." Shota, his sister and two other kids left Kai-Ching standing alone. She could bend. It just wouldnt be wise for her to do her kind of bending in this Earth kingdom city. Her stomach began to growl. She sighed and went over to a large shadey tree where a pony sized badger layed sleeping. "Gwa-Ryo, are you asleep?"she asked as she climbed on its back. The badger growled lowly in response.

12:00pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,310
{{Dream, i found our Inuyasha roleplay can you reply to it?}}


12:02pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
(( yes ma'am (youre such a mom) ))

12:03pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,310


2:05pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 2:06pm Aug 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 776

Just outside of Chin Village in a sandy area within the woods, Ti Jinh was on kneeled down with his right palm pressed firmly to the sand beneath him. His left hand was resting on his knee as he was watching a large messenger hawk circle above him in a taunting like motion. “A little closer” Ti Jinh whispered to himself keeping his eyes on the eyes of the hawk as it circled a little bit lower.  

A smile crept onto his face as the hawk hit Ti Jinh’s invisible mark in the sky. He dug his fingers into the sand creating long streams of sand circled towards the hawk. It let out a loud screech as it swerved and glided past the sand with ease. “Ugh! Damn bird” he muttered standing up and waving his arms to the right making the streams of sand chase after the hawk as it darted through trees. Ti Jinh went through this dance like routine causing sand to fill the canopy of the trees above him. When he couldn’t barely see the sky he let out a sigh before dropping his hands to the side and stood up straight with his eyes closed. The sand dropped around him like rain, creating a large dust storm.  

“Jet” He whispered softly and the hawk screeched and dove into the dust. It perched itself on Ti Jinh’s left shoulder and began to clean its feathers from the sand. “You’ve gotten more skilled, brother” Jinh smiled opening his eyes watching the dust clear. He brought his right hand up to his hair and began to shake particles of sand from it. “One day you won’t be able to out run my speed” He grinned still speaking to the messenger hawk on his shoulder.  


Within the Fire Nation walls, Nokomis sat on the roof of a villager’s shop watching random Fire nation citizens’ pa.ss in the street. She glared as they looked up at her before making their way by. “It is boring in this city sometimes” she huffed standing up and jumping to the ground. She caught herself with her right hand to the ground before she stood up and followed a few citizens. “There must be someone I can bother…even torture” she whispered to herself letting her blue eyes scan her surroundings. “Actually, I shall sit this one out. My time will come” she spoke out loud bringing up her hand and letting a small red flame dance in her hand to keep her entertained.


2:50pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Is anybody a waterbender?))

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2:56pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776

ooc:// Yeah. Kiggan...Dream's character.


3:05pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Alright -waits-))

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5:07pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( I edited my first post so that Fever is still in the forest, and encounters Ti Jinh. xD I need something to do, lawl.

Posting in a sec. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

5:21pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Oh god I love these things. She had a serious soft spot for the them; juicy, sweet with a dash of sour, red fruit. And apples in the autumn were the best.

Fever snapped the stem off another one, letting it drop into her hungry hands. She had to remind herself not to eat too many, otherwise she wouldn't have any to sell in the market of Chin Village. Of course, she could always just steal money, but it was too much trouble if she got caught.

Eyeing her pile once before snatching a particularly ripe one, she brought the corners of her cape together and wrapped the apples in it, looping and knotting it intricately. The fruit would not break free unless they quite literally tried.

She slung the bag over her back and stood, balancing easily on the thin branch. It wobbled under her weight but she didn't falter- she had the inborn balance of one who used the air.
A harsh shriek made her pause, one foot frozen over the long drop from her branch to the ground, mid-step. It was clearly a hawk of sorts. But why was it screeching? Was it in pain?

Or was it hunting? She wouldn't mind some meat to sell. It fetched more than apples, for sure.

Fever let herself drop off her tree anyway, but as she was approaching the ground, used a strong blast of air to launch herself up again. She wanted to be above the hawk, to catch it by surprise so she could snatch the prey. There was no more screeching. Fever began to drop, but created a little current underneath her to send her a few feet up for good measure. She could already see the break in the trees ahead.

When she saw what was there, her eyes widened. She'd misinterpreted completely; It was a man, the hawk- a messenger hawk- perched on his shoulder.

She let herself fall though, and landed with a dull thump a good ten feet from him.

"I thought only the Fire Nation used messenger hawks." She said without right off, with no warning. She tilted her head slightly. The comment wasn't meant to be accusatory; she was simply curious.
Her clear grey eyes were alight with the emotion, though the left one was somewhat hidden behind a few locks of wind-ruffled dark hair.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:02pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:04pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Where is dream?))

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