[Small] Avatar New Generation [Group]

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11:29am Sep 4 2010

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"I am Akilina." Aki looked at them defiantly and started to wobble on her feet. She put her hand against Kiggan to steady herself. "sorry." she whispered. She stared into his eyes Just make something up they said as she fell to the ground...

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11:41am Sep 4 2010

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"She will be permitted, but know that requests should be submitted befor hand and in writting as to be documented."the gaurds said as they motioned for the two to follow them. "Aki, be calm. As long as you only water bend around them you will be ok."Kiggan said as he re*censored*uringly put his hand at the small of her back. "Lets go Aki...and remember...no other bending than water."

11:43am Sep 4 2010

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Aki stood, wiping tears from her eyes. "I can do that." she said, twirling a piece of water in her hand. It calmed her down to know that inside, she was still Aki, the little water-bender. "Where are we going anyway?" she asked him..

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11:58am Sep 4 2010

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12:44pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever led them to the thicker part of the river, where the water ran faster and clearer than downstream. She looked at Kai-Ching.
"...Actually, I was named for feverfew. It's a medicinal plant with little white flowers." She smiled and dug into her pocket, pulling out a small metal case. It was almost completely flat except for a wide, gaping circular part at the opening. Fever put her finger in and drew out a little pressed flower- Feverfew.

"Like this." She said with a smile.

A muffled shriek alerted Fever to Jet's presence. Ah, so he can tell Ti Jinh when we're done.
"Come on. The river's not getting any warmer." She grinned, stripped, and ran into the surprisingly deep water. She immediately dunked underneath, wanting to get it over with. The cold was refreshing, anyway.

After she was done, she sat in the river and tried to wash out Ti Jinh's cloth. The water drew out most of the blood, but most of it was already dried. With a sigh, Fever towelled herself dry, put on her clothes, and pocketed it.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:34pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kai-Ching looked at the small pressed flower. "Feverveiw..."she mused as Gwa-Ryu leaped into the water. She watched Fever leap in and bathe, embracing the cold water. Kai-Ching shook her hed and stayed far back from the water. She wasnt getting in there no matter how dirty she was.


Kiggan sighed. "Like the man said."he paused as they were lead to the steel fire nation ship. "We are going to the fire nation capital."


1:39pm Sep 4 2010

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Aki growled slightly. "As long as they don't figure anythuing out." Aki said quietly to herself. She didn't want to be the avatar, but she did want everybody to be equal. The fire nation was no better than the rest of the world...

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2:09pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever tilted her head at Kai-Ching, still towelling her hair. "You're not going in?" She asked with surprise. "It's refreshing. Really. I feel clean." She smiled blissfully.
Maybe it's because she's a Firebender. They really hate the cold.
She wouldn't exactly be able to heat up a river of swiftly-running water even if she had the comet's power on her side. Fever raised her eyebrow. "At least wash your hair."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

2:24pm Sep 4 2010

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(( lolz, little kids hate getting in the bathe, but once in they dont wanna get out XD ))

Kai-Ching put her nose to the air. "I dont want to."she pouted as the hawk name Jet flew overhead and landed on a brach nearby. "I will be fine right here."she said sitting down.


Kiggan sighed as they got aboard the boat. They were told that since Akilina was a last minute addition she would have to bunk with Kiggan. "It will take three to four days to reach the fire nation."a man told them as they were led to their room.


2:27pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 6,948

((Should we time skip.))


Aki watched as the man left and then turned to Kiggan. "How did they know that I was the avatar?" She wondered, unsure whether he would know or not...

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2:31pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever paused, then grinned mischeviously. "Alright, fine." She said loftily, walking right past Kai-Ching.
The moment she was behind her, Fever grabbed Kai-Ching and jumped back in the river with her. It didn't matter that she was still wearing her lower la
yer of clothes. They would dry off.
She protected Kai-Ching as they crashed through the surface, soaking them both completely.

Fever shook her head, water droplets flying off of her hair. "You'll feel better once you've washed, trust me." She said with a smile, floating in front of Kai-Ching in case she started drifting downstream.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

2:55pm Sep 4 2010

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"No! No!"Kai-Ching began to flail and scream. "I cant swim!"she screamed and flailed. She felt her feet touch the bottom and she quieted down. "Im cold0"she complained as she splashed Fever with water. "Yay! Im a water bender"she laughed. The bipolar-ness of Kai-Ching continued to get into a more positive state. She was soon playing around in the water happily.


Kiggan quickly covered her mouth with his hand looking around to see if anyone had heard Akilina. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one had been paying any attention. "They dont know! But if you continue to speak out loud like that then you will get found out!"he scolded her as he carefully pulled his hand away from Aki's mouth.


2:56pm Sep 4 2010

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"Not them you idiot. I was talking about the people at our village." She said, wiping her mouth. She looked around, but they were alone...

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3:08pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever grinned at her when she calmed down, and splashed Kai-Ching as well. "I think I fail as a waterbender." She said matter-of-factly. She stared at Kai-Ching as if in shock. "Wait- that means you're the Avatar!" She exclaimed with a half-smile. She was clearly joking around; the Avatar would be born in to the Water Tribe, then the Earth Kingdom, and finally the Fire Nation.

And then the Air Nomads. Would there be any Airbenders left at that point?

The thought darkened her mood slightly. The World Spirit will find a way. She thought, shrugging it off.
"Come on, little Avatar, let's get dried off so Ti Jinh can wash as well." She said, and began wading out of the river. It was fairly shallow where they stood and continued to the bank, so Kai-Ching would have no trouble getting across.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

3:08pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kiggan's brow furrowed. "Well.."he wondered. "I heard they they tend to keep track of where the avatar will come up next."he said leaning back. "Like it depends on what toys you like and all. What kind of toys did you have when you were a kid? Well, younger kid"he said remembering that she was only twelve.

3:11pm Sep 4 2010

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"Well, there was this cool little ribbony thing that if you blew into it, it would float. There was this orange and red toy that looked like real flames and you could wind it up and make it pop out. I really liked this toy that you could put in water and it would float around if you pushed it. Lastly, there was a toy that resembled dirt, but you could mold it into different shapes." Akilina said, wonering why it mattered what toys she had picked..

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3:34pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 776

(( -waits patiently- hehe. I'll play as Jet for a while! Oh this should be awkward ))

Jet flapped his wings but remained on the branch watching Kai-Ching and Fever splash and have fun in the river. His eyes shinned golden yellow as he just watched. If he was a human one could swear the hawk was smiling. He turned his gaze away from the two spread his wings taking to the air.

He was a very busy hawk. He hated sitting in one place for long. Screeching Jet circled above the two not taking his golden gaze off of the two girls, listening for any signs of Ti Jinh or danger near.


4:08pm Sep 4 2010

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Kia-Ching laughed at being called the Avatar. She had fun in the water, but she didnt want to stay in too long. She watched the badger mole get out and shake its fur out. She got out and began to shake like she had wet fur as well. "Fever Im cold."she said shivering as she heard the hawk cry out from above.


Kiggan looked for how he could word it right so she would understand. "The toy selection shows which child is the Avatar and as for which clan has the avatar, there is a cosmic order. Air, water, earth, and then fire. The last avatar was air and now it is water's turn."


4:10pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"Ah, that's so simple thoguh, I mean, anybody could've picked them." She said, folding her arms. "So, does that mean I have to learn earth. If we're going to the fire nation, how the heck am I suposed to do that?" She wondered aloud...

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4:25pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever looked down, then took off her cloak and wrapped it around Kai-Ching. "It's wool, so it'll keep you warm." She said. She blinked, and felt the urge to do something even better than just offering a cloak.
She picked Kai-Ching up and held her close in her arms, then started walking. It was like having her little sister again, and wondered if Kai-Ching's mother ever did this for her.

(( Probably not, knowing Azula. O__O ))

"Come on, I'll show you a great view." She said with a grin.

A few minutes later she was standing on the upper branches of a tree with Kai-Ching safely in her grasp.
It was the tree that she had jumped out of the day before, with the Fire Nation guard at the door. So they were standing about fifteen feet off the ground. You could see most of Chin Village from there, and far into the fields on either side. A simple bird flitted past Fever's ear.

"Do you like it? This is how I travel. Through trees." She spotted Ti Jinh below.

"Your turn!" She called.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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