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9:00pm Aug 1 2010

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(( Sadly, no. Everytime someone gets writers block, i just say. "Time skip?" SO ....

Time skip? Weekend? Next day of school? Or if you have any other idea's to time skip to, like somehow Andrew and Yukita see eachother again at night. Since that's what's been happening.

lol)) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:44am Aug 2 2010

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((ok ya, time skip to later that night.))

Yukita made sure to leave her window open a crack so she could see it in the dark. She jumped up carefuly so she wouldnt jostle(?) her shoulder too much. She flew over the city, admiring the lights, and then the lights got thinner and thinner until she left the edge of the forest. "Sorry mom, i think i will sit in a different spot today." She said looking up at the moon. She started to fly back the way she came until she reached the part of the city that had lights, but too little for her to be seen by the regular humans. "Just one of the perks if being a shifter. You get the eyes." She laughed softly landing on the roof af the nearest building. Yukita went to the edge of the buliding and swung her legs over so they dangled off the side. She coluld see the people clearly, and one group in particular caught her eye. It was a gang and it looked pretty dangerous. "I think i will follow them just so they dont hurt anyone." She said jumping into the alley way. She left the alley and quickly spotted the gang, sighing as she fell into step behind the gaang members. Close enough people would think she was apart of it, but far enough that if they looked back, she didnt look  like she was purposely following them. "This is going to get fun." She said smiling.


7:51am Aug 2 2010

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It was about 10,or 11:00 o clock at night. And Andrew was starving. He kept checking his fridge, but there was mostly nothing there. He sighed. He didn't feel like going out again. Everytime he did, trouble came to him, without him even doing anything wrong. Frowning as he got his jacket, he just kept telling himself the stupid motto that never made him feel better. You gotta do what you have to do.... If he was still with his parents, he wouldn't have to be responsible for things he shouldn't be responsible for. He was still a kid, not ready for a apartment. Knowing that he was going to have to get a job soon made him hate his parents even more.

He walked down the street, trying to find the right place to eat. He had about 50 dollars in his hand. Just in case he went to an expensive place. The city could be either really cheap, or really expensive, never really inbetween. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:12am Aug 2 2010

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She continued to follow the gang across the city until she was a block or 2 away fro the building. She frowned when she saw the unmistakably red hair of Andrew. From where she was, she momentarily changed her eyes so she could see him like she was next to him. 50 bucks? You are asking for trouble holding it out like that. She saaw the gang pick up speed and  had to trot to keep up with her disstance. "Run Andrew, cant you see the gang right infront of you?" she said under her breath. She saw the first guy shove Andrew, demanding the money(is that ok??). then looked to her side where convienatly was the antique shop. She went in and quicly found an old cloak that was only 5 dollars, put it on and quickly ran out side. "At least he wont recognize me." she said rushing up to the who was now trying to back him into the alley. "Well now its my turn to help him." She said rolling his eyes. The gang had reached half way through the alley, still trying to get Andrews 50 dollars. She jumped and landed between the gang and andrew, facing the gang. She hadnt done much fighting as a human but she knew enough martial arts to get by in the city. She round house kicked the guy closest to her than side kicked the next guy. While she was kicking the ine guy another advanced, punching her in the stomache. She let out a grunt, louder than she expected and the force of the kit sent her stumbling back some the hood of the cloak falling off her head. "You hit me!" She said, not a question but taken aback like she was surprised. "Now I'm pissed!" She said jumping at the rest of the gang.

((sorry, i hope all that was ok?))


8:20am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 5,997

((( Its okay lol ))

Andrew watched, confused at first by what was happening. When he saw the guy punch her in the stomach, he could feel rage coming out of him as well. He grabbed Yukita's shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "Stop. You'll get us both in trouble. Just walk away while you can." As calmly as he could. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:42am Aug 2 2010

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Yukita saw the eyes widen at the fact she was a girl. "Dude, you just hit a girl." one of the gang members exclaimed. She shook off Andrew, adressing both Andrew and the gang. "So what if im a girl. A girl cant fight. You s3xest pigs!" She yelled the alley echoing her words. "You stay out of it Andrew, and You! Stand up and fight like a man, i dont fight whimps." She said dodging a punch that was obviouly meant to miss and choping him on the side of the neck. "You shouldnt hold back. I play to win and so should you pathetic whimps." She sighed unclenching her fists. Her nail cut deep into her palm but she ignored it. "Get out of my sight." She growled watching the gang back up a step. Not watching to see if they left or not, she turned to Andrew, swiping his money from him. "Do you know how easy it is to take money when you have it like that. Get a wallet and chain it to your self. Is it realy that hard?" She punched backwards at a guy who thought he was man enough to try and hit her. With out even turning she said to the gsng member. "Better, but that wasnt manly, it was cowardly." Then she smiled still holding Andrews money. "I'm starving. Lets go get something, I'm buying! she said waving his money in the air as she walked out of the alley. She handed the money back when he had reached her. "Just kidding i have my own money." She turned her nose to the air. "Oh but there is this place you have to try." she said, running down the sidewalk. "You coming?"


8:47am Aug 2 2010

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Andrew stood where he was. Don't go if you don't want to...He growled a little in his head. "sure..." And he walked slowly behind her. He had to admit, holding money like that was stupid, he rolled his eyes and noted mentally, to hit himself later. Then kept walking, slowly behind her. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:02am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((oh come on i write a whole paragraph and you give ity bity post lol jkjk theres a face book page about that lol))

She slowed her pace down a bit,  surprised tha Andrew had decided to come. "Where we are going has the best... and i mean the best seafood around. I go for the crab legs, and they dont sell just sea food, they also make mean burgers and fries." She said falling into step with Andrew's slow pace. "So pick what you want to eat, so we can order right away!" The resturant, if you could call it that, was right down the block in between 2 really expensive resturants. "And the best part is that i could come here as a kid and work a little for my money. Then i would sspend it on their food." She said smiling at the thought.


11:13am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(( OMG! I know that FB Become a fan thing. "I text this big paragraph, and all you say is ' OK' !?!?! " I LOVE THAT ONE.

Sorry. I was typing when i first woke up. I guess i'm more focused now. SOrry!

I hate when people do that to me too. lol))

Andrew was surprised with how talkitive she was. 'Do you ever walk in silence?' He would ask, if she wasn't so freaky when she was upset. He walked a little faster, realizing that she looked hungry, and he didn't want to slow them down. After some silence, he finally said, "So you've been here since you were a kid...?" He didn't know if they already talked about this. But he was never good at keeping a conversation going, and he isn't the best at remembering, other then people's names, so he didn't really care. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

11:19am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 4,258

(ya that one lol i dont really hate it, its just buggish lol))

"Uh ya. Well i cant really say kid. I was 10 when i came to this part of the city. i was wandering the street and it just so happened that the owner was outside. He saw me, and asked if i had anywhere to go and then he offered me a job. I would go to his apartment and sleep there until i was old enough to live  on my own. But then he was mugged and didnt make it to the hospital in time. But thats life you know. I was 2 by the time i got my own place you know. Ah here it is." She said walking into the building. "Table for two, please." She said knuckle bumping the pa.ssing waitor. "Your back i see and who is your friend?" Asked the woman seating them. "Ya, its been a while hasnt it, he's a friend from school and hes new here so i thought i would introduce him to the best place in town." She told the woman who's name tag said Angela.


11:25am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 12:34pm Aug 2 2010)

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Posts: 5,997

Andrew nodded his head, and gave a 'friendly' smile, for a greeting to Angela, instead of saying 'hello'. Then sat down, across from Yukita. "So what did you say was good here? ........" As he searched through the menu. "......Crab legs?" He asked, Yukita. As he continued to look at the menu. There was mostly seafood, and randomly, they had burgers and fries? That's a knew one. He thought.

(( In a rush, i would have put more, i promise! HAHA BYE!! )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

11:28am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((aaaw ok byez))


12:34pm Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( Back, and i edited it. )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

12:56pm Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((Cool im back too... give me a minute to post so i can catch myself up.. i was at guita lol))


12:58pm Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( Guita? )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

1:13pm Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((sorry i missed the 'r' lol guitar hahahaha))

"So what are you going to get? I always get the same thing when i come here. Crab legs and the burger with fries. And the best part, its huuuuge." Yukita spread her arms out like a five year old describing a candy bar they wanted.

"What can I get for you kids?" The waitress asked her eyes lighting up when she saw Yukita. "Hey Silvie! can I have a cherry temple with the usual meal?" Yukita smiled, recognizing her old friend. "Oh it's been so long Yukita. Who's your friend and what can i get for him?" She asked turning to Andrew.


1:25pm Aug 2 2010

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He looked at Yukita, plainly. She would know everyone here...He thought. And he wasn't surprised that she had a big appetite too. Then he looked up at the waitress, and did another friendly smile. "Andrew..." Then frowned again as he looked back down at the menu. "I'll just take a burger with fries too."  He said, while setting the menu down, infront of him. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

1:31pm Aug 2 2010

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"Thanks Silvie. I'll stop by tommorrow for lunch to catch up. You still work saturdays right" Yukita's smile brightened. She watched Silvie walk away before turning to Andrew. "What are you looking at. I'm starving. Wait you dont think all this food is going to make me fat do you?" She said mocking the 'baribies' at school. "Oh ya, i found a picture of my mother if you want to see. Its old and fading but for some reasong, instead of making me sad it makes me happy to see her face." her eyes looking off into space, like she was remembering something.


1:43pm Aug 2 2010

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Andrew never knew what to say to Yukita, she had this ADD that just kept going. One subject to another before he could speak. He started to kind of...LIke that about her. He sighed at her energy, and said, "Let me see it." As he pulled his arm out, to grab it.

He stared at it for a long time. Her mother was actually really beautiful for her age. He smirked. And casually looked up at Yukita, and gave the photo back. "Looks alot like you." He said, plainly. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

1:57pm Aug 2 2010

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"You think?" Yukita said, smiling. "Most people said I looked more like my father," She stated spitting out the word father. "But i alway acted like my mom. I guess now its backwards." She laughedd a little, then sipped the soda that had finaly come. She stuck her elbow on the table and rested her head and hand looking at the ceiling.

(that was a fail... do you want me to find pictures for the mom and dad or is imagination ok lol)

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