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1:52pm Jul 27 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((ya i guess ill time skip to after school, i hope you dont mind that its going to rain now lol))

Yukita sat impatiently for the end bell to ring, and noted that her cab had just pulled up by the side walk waiting for her, and that it had begun to rain. Finaly the bell rang and she picked up her books and shoved them in her bag hoping they wouldnt get wet. On her way to the door she spotted Andrew and decided that maybe being friendly to another shapeshifter would benefit her in the future. She aproached Andrew and tapped his shoulder. "Hey, so how the heck are you going to get home in this weather? Where do you live anyway?" she prodded, using what she thought was her best smile. The fake kind that kids gave to their least favorite relative whenever they came over.


1:54pm Jul 27 2010

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Andrew turned back to her, and said, "I'll" He looked around, and said to her, "I'll shapeshift into something, and run home. I know how to be not noticed." He said with a shrug.

(( Im in a rush, that's why its a fail..^^...gotta go...BYE! )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

2:00pm Jul 27 2010

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((aaw ok ill wait after this post... bye))

Yukita's smile vanished. "Your a freaking Bear." she whispered so the group of kids p*censored*ing by wouldnt hear. "And this is a city, im pretty sure that someone would notice a bear. Hmmm Why dont you take a cab? that would be better. My cab is waiting  for me, but im not leaving until you promise not to shift. I cant deal with something like that again." Yukita stated not realizing that the last thing she said was out loud.


11:08am Jul 28 2010

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He looked at her, confused, "I can shapeshift into anything" (i thought i said that...i guess i didn't ! :PP )) THen said, "I don't have money for a cab anyways." He said, with a frown. "I've shapeshift into something, to go home many times, i promise the secret won't be out." He frowned and started walking outside, walking by people before they could start talking to him. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

11:19am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 11:19am Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 4,258

((oh well if you did i might have missed it. i guess Yukita can too but prefers her wolf form.))

Frustrated with Andrew, she stormed out side and grabbed his sleeve dragging him behind her. "You are not going to walk in the rain and you sure a hell(pardon my french) not going to shift." She said opening the cab door and shoving him inside, sliding into the seat next to him. "Dave, can you do me a favor, and let him ride for free. ill pay for it tommorrow, promise." Dave nodded in agreement as he pulled away from the curb. Yukita sat back with a smug grin, and turned to Andrew. "So where shall the cab take you?" (is that ok or do you want me to change it)


11:38am Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(( mmkay :P ))

Andrew sighed quietly out of frustration. He wasn't a big fan of people, but this girl was over the edge. He had no desire to be in the same car as her. He looked back at her, for answering her question, "Just drop me off at the corner of my street, Number 13.. I can walk from there.." He said, with no real emotion. Why is it one minute she was rude, and the second she was offering him a ride? It was as if metapaus came a little early for her. Too many mood swings for him. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

11:51am Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((cool thanks))

Andrew was making it very hard to be nice and she had just about lost it. She was letting him ride in HER cab for FREE. Yukita took a deep breath and calmed her self. The cab suddenly stopped and she looked out the window at her building "We are here already?" She asked amazed at how fast time had moved. She dug into her purse and payed dave for the ride, opening the door and getting out. Just as the cab pulled away driving for the end of the block, she realized that this was one of the only places to live on the block. She shook her head, Andrew couldnt be her new neighbor too.


11:56am Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Andrew smiled inside his head as she got out. Finally... When the cab driver dropped him off at his house, he mumbled. "Thanks...I appreciate it." He got out, before he could respond, and walked inside. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

12:13pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((wait i thought earlier, we made them in the same building.. oh well.. i gtg see ya later))


1:28pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( OO wow i had another 'duh' moment, sorry lol :P lets just say, he got out with her or something, instead of how i said, in the other paragraph, 'When the cab driver dropped him off at his house'. )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

4:49pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((lol it happens to me all the time haha, lets pretend he got out at the end of the street so my post makes sense and then he walked up to the building... ok? umm ill post something so he meets her in the hall.))

Yukita pulled her mail out of the box, and dug in her purse for her keys. "Aaaaarg, this bag is too cluttered, i cant find anything in here." She said, walking over to the plant by room 3C(That will be his number ok? im 3A) and digging in its leaves for the spare. She heard the keys jingle and grabbed a hold of them starting to walk back to her door, but stopped when she heard footsteps coming up. She lunged for the door trying to shove the key in the lock but failing and ended up dropping them on the floor. Just as she bent down to pick them up the steps stopped and she slowly turned around. "Oh come ON! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. you are my new neighbor, this is rediculous." She shoutedd at Andrew who had the same ex
pression as in the cab. She finaly unlocked the door and slammed it behind her.


4:57pm Jul 28 2010

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Andrew watched the irritated girl walk inside, and he smirked. He didn't know why, but he liked watching her get mad, she had this way of making him smile that noone else really had. He shook his head, as he walked inside his house. Yukita was an interesting yet special one in his head. He closed the door, and sat on the sofa. He fiddled with the clicker, and then gave up, realizing he had alot of clutter in his house that he didn't feel like picking up. Procrasinating, he thought about going to the woods again. He had the gift to heal, so he was going to use his gift.  Which was his excuse for not cleaning up. He sighed as he walked out again. He looked at the room 3A, and smirked with a small chuckle, as he walked forward to the woods. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

5:16pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((i just realized i forgot to change my status lol aparrantly im posting offline lol))

Yukita heard Andrew leave his room and had a clue to where he was going. "No the forest is my place. I will not let him ruin my sanctuary." She said grumpily, looking down at her social studies homework. She picked up the pencil and began to write. An hour later she changed into her hiking out fit(which is the one in the pick) and opened the window. She didnt fell like walking and it was dark enough so she could fly with out shifting. She dived out the window only falling a few inches before she began to hover, changing her direction to the clearing. She landed in the clearing earlier than usual, but shifted to her wolf form and began to call again to the lost family. To her murdered mother, and her abusive father, to the brother that had been lost at birth. All the lives and love lost, she howled for, sang for and she enjoyed it. It was like a shopping trip for the glamour queens, it was art and she loved every bit of it, even the tears she could now feel in her fur.


9:00pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(( LOL ))

When Andrew got to the forest, he walked inside, no hesitation, even if it was dark. He sighed sadly, as he saw a dead rat (IDK..LOL) along the way. He hadn't come soon enough. He frowned, and kept walking. He realized that he had more love for animals, because they showed him love. That's why he liked dogs, or cats. Dogs really were mans best friend, because the only way Andrew could ever feel special was with a best friend. He felt the same with any other kind of animal, they can't talk to bash you or make fun. He smiled, at the thought of never being a human ever again. Shapeshifting just to animals for the rest of his life, so he wouldn't be hurt by the insecure. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:19pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((idk what to post... can they fight again?))


7:34pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( I guess so :P )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:14pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((Ok ill start that then.))

Yukita started trotting through the forest, catching a baby squirrel in her jaw letting it dangle and squirm. She chuckled and thought to herself "Ha, what are you going to do about it now, Andrew?!?!" She gasped silentlly when she saw the back of andrew's head, her jaw clenching tighter around the squirrel causing it to cry out in pain. She let a snarle erupt from her lips, as Yukita threw the creature to the ground floor, pinning it down, not that it could runaway in its condition. "This is my turf boy. Get out! As far as im concerned you are just another human, another enemy for me to take down. There is a reason nobody comes here." Yukita growled at Andrew.


8:31pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Andrew smirked, while his back was to her. Yukita. When was he going to learn to stay away from her? Oh yeah, he didn't have too learn. He wasn't scared. He kept his face to a frown again, as he turned around. He has taught himself very well to put on a face, and that's what he did. "You got some serious issues." He said, as he walked closer to her. He trained himself, as a shapeshifter, and during that, he learned alot about himself. No matter what happened to him, no matter how many times he has been hurt by anyone physically, he couldn't be scared by that person. It was just how he was. He had to embrace that about him.And maybe she should too. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:39am Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 4,258

Yukita snarled at the approach. "Dont you dare come near me. This isnt just a forest, its my forest. So get out. Or are you going to sit here and play doctor for the animals, because its nice and helpful. Well if you were so help full then where the hell(pardon me) were you when my mother was shot?!?!" She clamped her mouth shut not meaning to have said so much. She shook away the haze of tears as she picked the baby squirrel from the ground, snapping itss neck. "What are you going to do about it now, Andrew? What did you do when i killed the squirrel? Nothing!" The emotions inside were at their breaking point and there was no physical pain that could amount to what she fellt. Yukita realize what she was doing, she was being a bully, "Just like father" she said to herself, but snapped her gaze back to Andrew. She couldnt stand his straight face. "Well lets see how straight your face is now!" she yelled running and pouncing, going for his neck.

((failish i know.. sorry i bailed yesterday... the power had gone out.))


8:59am Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 5,997



Andrew watched as her glare met his. And he back away as she was running towards him. He sighed, not wanting to hurt her. He made a new plan, he can shapeshift, and she could hurt him as much as she wanted as him in another animal, but he swore he would not do anything back. He's playing defense, and that's it. He transformed back into a bear, and growled. Waiting for her to come nearer. He backed away as far as he could, not of fear of her, but fear of hurting her. He hated fights. One of the reasons his parents hated him, was when he got in a fight, he sent someone to the hospital. Just as human. He had no idea how strong he was as another animal. He can't imagine doing the same thing to Yukita. "You need to calm down." He said, softly. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
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