LadehT would you like some more Koolaid?((1x1))

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6:47pm Aug 26 2010

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((lol X3))

Alex listened to their short conversation. "Don't worry," he replied, "I win't let anything happen to her." He said. He smiled at Katana. He was thrilled that she was going to be staying with him, but he just wished that it was because she wanted to not because she had to. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:57pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana say Alex smile and smiled back.She walked towards his car not wanting to be rude and just check if it was open like Layna usually did.She didnt mind waiting either ~Maybe staying with Alex will be fun!~she thought with a smile but she then remembered that she was in danger.

(( Meh hasnt hugged you in a longz time D': *huggles* ))


7:15pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187



Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:56pm Aug 26 2010

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"Don't worry." Alex replied, " won't let her out of my side. "He smiled at her again. Alex grabbed the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the doors, walking around the front of the car until he got to the drivers side. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:13pm Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana sighed,it wasnt a bored or a sad sigh it was more of a:I have nothing else to do so Im going to sigh kind of sigh.She sat in the car and smiled"I like this car!"she laughed and looked at her purse.~Lets see whats in here...Lipgloss,mirror,wallet,cell,candy?~ "Do you want some Jolly Ranchers?"she asked as she popped one into her mouth.

(( Did the whole 'sigh' thing make sense?xP Lolz:"Pop a pill" These kids that I know made fun of the song written by Lady Gaga. ))


5:58pm Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 7,187

((I think I got the sigh thing XD))

"I like this car too." Alex laughed, putting the keys into the ignition and starting the vehicle. He put the car in reverse, looking over the back of his eat to see if there was anyone behind him and backed up. He put it in drive, "No, but thanks." He replied, not in the mood for candy at the mement.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:15am Aug 28 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana nodded and looked out the window by force of habit.~Lets see how many trees there are!~she thought happily as she waited to count.This was a game that Kentanu had played,ever since she was small she continued to play it.She started to hum the song"Always and forever" it usually calmed her down and cleared her mind.


5:28pm Aug 28 2010

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The ride was relatively quiet, aside from Katana's quiet humming. It made the situation clear to Alex as he drove, face grave as he looked through the windshield. Katana was in danger. And it was his responsibility now to try and keep her save. no, not try, to keep her save at all costs/ He couldn't let her get hurt. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

4:28am Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:57pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana soon grew bored and looked over at Alex.She studied his movements,the way he drived.Katana didnt know why but it was very interesting,she also noticed the ex
pression on his face.~I am so glad Im not a mind reader~ she thought to herself


4:19pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 7,187
Alex slowed the car and pulled into a long, dirt driveway. The car bounced here and there when there was a rock in the road or a hole. But other that that it was smooth and they soon arrived at a house. It was white and two story, it didn't look big but it was and he had got it for a good price so he was happy with it. "Here we are." He said, turning off the car and turning to look at her in his seat.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:08pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana smiled she felt extremely happy"I cant wait to see the inside"she said as she got out of the car.Her cell started ringing but she ignored it ~Whoever it is can wait until later~ she thought as she turned it off,without looking.Katana took a few steps closer to the house,taking in the view.Her house was more of a boring place but this,it looked so cool!"Awesome"she said,turning around.


5:25pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 7,187
Alex got out and followed her, "Its not all that cool..." He said, a little embarras.sed to be showing her his house. He thought that it looked a little girly. He watched her silence her ohone but didn't think much about it a t all except wondering who it could have been. He stepped onto the porch and unlocked the door. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:01pm Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana looked through her purse for a special picture,she smiled and laughed as she unfolded it.Putting it away she walked towards Alex and said"No I like it.Must be cool to have your own place"She had lived with her mom since she was small,Katana really didnt know how it was to be away from her mother.~Im sure I can handle it~she thought


5:43pm Aug 30 2010

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"Actually..." Alex said, closing the door behind her as she came in. "It gets a little lonely." He said, he was still just a kid, and he missed his parents sometimes. He understood Katana when she talked about missing her brother, though he didn't like to admit it. Thats probably why she would be so happy all the time. Because she could talk about her brother and he couldn't talk about his parents,

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:38pm Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 3,318
All Katana could say was"Oh"Thats true,things could get lonely,she started to think about how it would be like~Oh....~she thought as she was silent again.Katana checked her phone~Maybe it was Layna...~she looked at her missed call and frowned,she just dropped her cell into her purse and let out a frustrated sigh.Katana felt confused and somehow trapped~Hendersoa is not going to get away with this!~she thought to herself as she sat down.


8:51pm Aug 30 2010

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Alex locked the door. "Do you want anything? I've restocked recently." He joked, coming to stand beside her. "And I want you to be totally at home here." He told her, sitting down on the other side of the couch and giving her her space. "Who called?" He asked, hoping that wasn't out of place to ask.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:28pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana giggled and then sighed"Ranu...He just said how I made a "huge" mistake and that Ill eventually come back to him"She rolled her eyes at that part,Katana wouldnt make a mistake like that again.But no one could really blame her,he was really sweet in the beginning before he turned into a horrible monster.


12:56pm Sep 2 2010

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Posts: 7,187
"Forget about him." Alex told her, relaxing on the other end of the couch. "Now you can go back and live your life without him telling you you can and can't do anymore." Alex as.sured her. He looked around for a moment before he got up, "So, you hungry? All you;ve had is icecream right?"He asked, going to the kitchen. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:02pm Sep 2 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana nodded"Yes"She knew that Alex wanted her to feel at home but it was still kinda rude to walk in his kitchen and just start eating his food randomly.Katana didnt even do that at her own house,it was more like:Her mom would cook and serve the food and Katana wouldn't go in the kitchen at all.~Oh well....I guess my own house wasnt even comfortable..~she thought as she got up and followed Alex slowly.

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