LadehT would you like some more Koolaid?((1x1))

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7:02pm Aug 12 2010

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Alex watched her from his place on the ground, wishing that it could be the way it used to be. Them the best of friends and no one in between them making everything difficult. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say and sighed, "You ok?" He asked finally, very gently.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

7:22pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 3,318
She looked back at Alex with a dazzling smile"Im fine.I want icecream..."Katana laughed as she motioned for him to follow her"Lets go to the diner!"she said happily.Her thoughts hd flown away with the wind and she was glad."Everything can get back to the way it was!"she thought cheerfully

(( Sorreh!I had no idea that you posted before Dx I just of your posts say James xD ))


8:34pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 7,187

[[I know! Dx James is my main chara so I usually use him in RPs and I didn't here and it messed me up lol]]

Alex stood up quickly to follow her happily to the diner. They had already been there once before but he didn't care, he was probably there more than he was at home. Thats was good, considering the living conditions at home which Katana knew nothing about. He wanted to keep it that way. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:52am Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( Lolz xD Its okay.Sorry I didnt post back!My mother went Puerto Rican on us O.O ))

Once at the diner Katana ordered her usual and ate her icecream happily."I seem too cheerful..."She thought to herself.Not that being happy was a bad thing,she just wasnt used to it."Is there a such thing as being too cheerful?"she asked Alex curiously.All her problems before had prevented her from ever feeling this carefree joy.Thinking back she remembered the dinner"We left!...Oh well Layna will understand"she thought with a sigh of relief.


8:30pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Alex ordered his own usual and ate his more slowly, he hadn't ate this much ice cream and sugar at a time in a while. Katana seemed really happy, he was glad, maybe she was already feeling better. He pondered her question for a moent, taking a slow bite of ice cream. "No." He replied finally, a finality to his tone. "I don't think anyone can bee too cheerful..." He said.

He let that go for a few moments and let it hang in the air between them. "Unless its fake." He added, "Because, in my opinion, if its fake then its already too much." He told her. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

4:12pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana listened carefully and nodded"Yeah thats true....Hmm,I never thought of it that way before"she said before eating her icecream more slowly now.Taking everything he had said into consideration,she let her thoughts come back to her."That makes sense...How many times have I faked happiness?"she thought to herself.Probably lots...She felt bad and stared at her icecream.Sighing she continued to eat very slowly.


4:43pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 7,187
"Why?" Alex asked, watching her carefully. "What is it?" He asked, hoping she wasn't faking her happiness now and he went and basically told her that he hated it when you did that. "Di I upset you?" He finally asked worriedly.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:05pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana looked at him and blinked slowly"Well...its just that I used to always do that...Im not doing it now.I just realized how dumb I was"Feeling better she put a spoonful of icecream into her mouth."Im sorry.."she said at last,feeling happy that she could tell him instead of hiding it inside.


8:53pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 7,187
"You're not dumb." Alex insisted firmly, looking at her. "But I'm sorry you ever had to fake happiness." He said seriously, it was never fun to fake your feelings. He would know. "And you don't have to be sorry, sorry for what? Feeling? You can't help but feel Katana." He smiled at her.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:09pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana smiled at him"Thanks..."she said.Suddenly she didnt have anything else to say"Alex,do I ever bore you?"she asked, knowing that sometimes she kept silent.Katana would prefer the other person to do the talking and she would add on to the conversation.Feeling a little awkward she kept her eyes on her plate.

(( g2g bye!Dx ))


9:18pm Aug 14 2010

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Posts: 7,187

((Aw! Bye DX))

"No!" Alex said, "Where would you get that Idea> Unless... I'm boring you then that would be kind of embarr*censored*ing..." He said, looking down at his ice cream, then realizing it had melted over the sides of the bowl and onto the table. He frowned, "Oops..." 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

8:22am Aug 15 2010

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Posts: 3,318
"Nah,you never bore me Alex.If it wasnt for you I probably WOULD be bored"she smiled."I dont know...I mean sometimes I cant find anything to say..."Katana giggled as ahe looked at his icecream.

(( braindead Dx ))


11:12am Aug 15 2010

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Posts: 7,187
"Oh...." He answered, "I know what you mean...." He said slowly as he concentrated on cleaning up the ice cream from the table. "Ugh~ Ice cream is messy..." He told himself, the napkin not longer soaking up any more ice cream, just spreading it around and making the table sticky. "Hold on." He got up and went to get more napkins.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

2:39pm Aug 15 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( Ranu is gonna cause trouble xD ))

Nodding her cell started ringing"Hello?Oh really?What would make me stay with you?Its over.....Wait wha?"Ranu had hung up on her."What did he mean by Las animals...."she whispered to herself,suddenly feeling terrified.She shook her head"Hes justtrying to scare me...I have to change my number..."she reminded herself.Looking at her icecream she didnt feel like eating the rest.Katana started texting Layna who was wondering where she was."Its alright Kat!Ill take care of everything here you just have fun."She smiled as she read the message and sighed."No matter what he says I am dumb...."she thought.A sudden calm washed over her and all she could do was laugh,not knowing why though."Hendersoa...."she finally said aloud,shuddered at the mention of his name.


5:40pm Aug 17 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Alex came back with plenty of napkins, not that he put them onto the table to clean up all of the ice cream that had melted maybe too much. He had a look of determination on his face as he worked the sticky liquid, not really enjoying how it felt being soaked into the brown paper towel. He looked up when he realized that Katana seemed a little wuiet.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, not really knowing if something was wrong or not, the question just rolled off of his tongue. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:02pm Aug 17 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana sighed"Ranu called...He wanted me to go back with him.Of course I said no......You ever heard of Hendersoa?"she asked curiously.She felt better about telling him."If not I would've just hid it and try to figure it out by myself...thats not much fun..."she thought to herself.She ler out a sigh and concentrated on what Alex would say.


7:42pm Aug 17 2010

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Posts: 7,187
"Hendersoa? ....No... Are you sure hats what he said>" Alex asked, sitting down in the seat across from her at the table once again. Trying to think about what Hendersoa could possible mean. "Maybe is a place or a last name?" He asked, more himself than her. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:55am Aug 19 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Katana thought some more"Hendersoa is definitely a name...It seems so familiar..."The name brought shivers through her and she almost felt like crying."H-he is the guy.....who kidnapped me and Kentanu"she stared at her hands.Was Hendersoa released from jail?Was he around in the streets?Feeling terrified she just started to hum,not knowing what else to do.


7:48pm Aug 19 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( *sigh* Bumpsergo :D ))


11:25am Aug 21 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( Ladeh?If ya dont wantz to continue let meh know. :D *Omnoms coffee cake* ))

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