{Private} Some Love ((shounen ai)) Is Forbidden {RPz]

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6:03pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(How far along should Addy be? O:

And the next baby should be a girl and they could be all excited about it. And then the stress on poor Addy comes and ends it. .u. -mean to her charries lol-

And. Could you start? .u.)


6:18pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187

(Sorry Dx

How far along should he be now? Or when the baby doesn't make it?)

James led him to the door and then to the front desk so that he could check Adam out and take him home. He didn't see his doctor anywhere in the halls and wondered where he had gotten off to. What he did see were a;; of the nurses and doctors looking at the two of them as they went. He walked close to Adam, hoping he wouldn't notice their stares.


Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:30pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(When we skip, how far along should he be? C:)

Adam moved a little closer to James, feeling the stares directed towards him. That doctor probably went and told the whole hospital about him... He sighed softly, closing his eyes and wishing they were already back at their dorm. It was nice and comfortably quiet.


6:43pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187

James held Adam's hand, despite the stares they received and signed him out. Once he was done he turned back to Adam. "Ignore them." He told him quietly. Then was when he realized that they were going to have a lot more trouble than just raising a baby. They were going to have to deal with people looking at Adam like he was some kind of circus freak.

(3 month? He barely be showing then, but at 4 theres definitely some indications so one of these? XD)

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:59pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Adam lightly squeezed James's hand, looking up at him, his gaze having been on the floor. "But...they're staring...at me..." he murmured, suddenly feeling insecure about the whole thing. He didn't like how they stared at him, their gazes making him wish he could shrink down to nothing.

(How about 4 months? :3)


7:33pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

(Sounds good)

"Let them." James said, kissing him quickly. "People are always going to stare." He told him quietly. It was a sad but true fact. He wished he could hide him away from everyone so that they couldn't look at him that way. The best he could do, however, was start moving again. To get him back to the room. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

7:54pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Adam returned the kiss while he could, then followed behind James when he started moving. He couldn't wait to get back to the room, where he wouldn't have to worry about people staring at him. "I suppose you're right..." he murmured softly.

(Wanna skip now? .u.)


8:40pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187
((Yes XD))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:35pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,736
(Granny rmail me..i have bad news about my mom)

Anzu is-Online^^

9:36pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Four months. Thats how long its been since they had found out Adam was pregnant. And in that time Adam hasn't shown... not until now. Now he had a recognizable bulge, but maybe he could put it off as just gained wait though James doubted that he would do that. School was going to start back soon and he would have to sign up for online cl*censored*es now.

Not only that, but every day Alex would ask him how Adam was himself were doing and if they were still together. Each time James would say the same thing. "We're doing fine. Yes we're still together." He also wanted to know why Adam hadn't been going to work and apparently he had been talking to Markus this whole time. That couldn't be good. 

James was on his way back to his room, and, unbeknown to him, Alex was following him. He readjusted his shoulder bag, he had been making up on the work that he had missed while he was out taking care of Adam. The teachers all understood and thought he was an excellent role model for the other students and allowed him to finish up his work while school was out.

He put his key in the lock and unlocked the door, walking inside and set hi bag down beside the door. He was exhausted, and this wasn't even the hard part. he wondered what he was going to do when the baby got here. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:59pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(... -cries- I just wrote a wonderful reply...and it didn't send... -emo-)


11:00pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(Aw!! Dx Im sorry lol)

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:07pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Mind if I summarize? ;n;)


11:13pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(Go ahead XD Was it that awesome ?? You have to summerize? XD lol)

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:22pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(It was so awesome it is impossible to rewrite.

Basically, Adam woke up and got out of bed to hug and nuzzle James when he saw him, asking him hiw his day was. I went into how he was in a better mood today compared to the last four months when his mood-swings hit. I mentioned how he'd always apologize for them when he calmed down.

Then I went into cravings and how he always graciously thanked James for getting him things he craved once he started to show.

Then I said Markus was following James in that silent, cat-like way of his. .U.



11:28pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 11:35pm Aug 26 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

( lol That sounds really awesome!! Dx My turn now? XD And did Markus and Alex come together or do they meet up or what? lol the creepers XD )

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:40pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Your turn. C:

And of course they came together! XD)


11:41pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187

(Just making sure X3 Posting! ^^) 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:47pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 7,187

James hugged Adam close to him, happy to see him. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked him quietly. "It was ok, I'm exhausted honestly." James answered, he had spent all day at the coffee shop and then working on his break on school work. "What about you?" He asked the other, pulling away to look at him.


Alex watched as James disappeared into the room and closing the door behind him. He sighedm he couldn't believe he was stalking his friend through the night back to his dorm just because his curiosity had gotten the best of him. Ok, lets admit it, this was the most fun he had had in a while and that was saying something.

He looked at Marus and motioned for him to follow him to the door. There, he pressed his ear to the door and listened. He could hear the muffled voiced of James and Adam on the other side of the door but couldn't quite put together what they were saying. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

12:03am Aug 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Adam grinned. "It's okay! I slept almost day anyways," he told James. When the other male answered his question he pouted, pulling him towards the bed with him. "Ah, my day was the same as usual," he said in response to James's question, smiling wide as he sat down on the edge of the bed. His hand unconsciously moved to rest upon the now quite noticeable bulge that was his stomach, a habit he'd formed about a month ago.
Markus moved up beside Alex, pressing his ear against the door. To add to his cat-like qualities, he also had good hearing. Better than an average human being, that's for sure. So there he listened in on his friend and co-worker.

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