[Private between Shay and Pere] ♥

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3:11am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((xD I can't stop smiling. c;))

"Ah, goodbye, Pansy," Lyle said smoothly, his voice sliding off his tongue, his tone sweeter than sugar itself. He could tell Draco was bothered, and for some reason, Lyle seemed to enjoy that immensely. "I'll see you in class."

After the others were gone, Lyle then heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see Hermione, and a huge grin on her face. "That was... Amazing, Lyle!" She squealed, wanting to give him a hug, though, she knew it would be weird.

"I don't think she'll be bothering you much for the rest of the year," Lyle said, chuckling to himself. He grinned at Hermione and then kept walking to the dungeons. He couldn't wait for class to start... Maybe he would sit in the front with 'Mione!


3:21am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184

"That's Lyle Jones," Olive said to Ron and Harry, as they walked behind Lyle and Hermione. "And that's Hermione Granger. Lyle's dad makes brooms, and Hermione's a Muggle-born." 

"I've heard of Jones brooms," Harry said thoughtfully. "They supply brooms to the Cannons."

"Really?" Ron said excitedly. "Maybe we could make friends with them, and then Lyle'd give us some brooms, free of charge!"

"That'd be mean," Olive said, "making friends with him to get stuff from him. Sometimes you surprise me. You could have been in Slytherin."

Ron made a face. "Yeah, sure."

"Oh, it's Draco!" The three stared as they watched Draco and Pansy talk to Lyle and Hermione. "Oh no... two Muggle born haters against Lyle and Hermione? Not good."

They watched as Pansy and Draco prepared to exchange biting words with the pair, only to be stopped by Lyle's suave interruption. 

"Ugh, he's just like Draco," Olive said. "Trying to charm everyone to get his way. Except that Draco turns the charm on much older women."

"Gross," Ron replied.

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"They're just walking away..." Harry said. "Looks like whatever Lyle's plan was worked."

They watched as Hermione squealed in delight, and Olive chose this time to approach them.

"Uh, hi, Hermione, Lyle," she said a bit apprehensively, their last encounter still fresh in her mind. "Do you mind if Ron, Harry and I walk with you to the dungeons?" 


3:27am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338

((hahaha Ron = Love. <3))


"Sure, Olive," Lyle said to the girl, getting a nod of approval from Hermione afterwards. "You're Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, right?" He then said, looking at Harry as he walked. "I think my dad supplies the Canons' brooms? Maybe it's another team...."

As Lyle tried to remember, Hermione couldn't help but to smile at the three people, though, she was oddly curious as to why Olive wasn't hanging out with her cousin anymore. So, as curiousity struck, Hermione couldn't help but ask, "Hey Olive.... Why don't you hang out with Draco anymore?"

"Yes! It is the Canons' he supplies!" Lyle then hollered out, getting excited about his memory. "Oh... Sorry," He then said quickly, after getting an icey glare from Hermione.

"Anyways," Hermione continued after the unexpected outburst from Lyle. "I thought you guys were... attacted at the hip?"


3:36am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184
"I just need a break from him," Olive said, laughing a bit dismally. "I'm sure tomorrow we'll be back to normal. What was that I saw earlier with Lyle and Pansy?"


3:40am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
"Ah," Hermione said, grinning. Though, she wasn't quite convinced yet.

At Olive's question, Lyle couldn't help but laugh. "Well...." He started slowly. "Pansy and Draco started harassing Hermione, nothing new there, and I figured that Pansy would... 'yell'" Lyle put the word 'Yell' in air quotes. "At Draco if he continued to tease her if I was showing interest. So... I put on a smooth facade and it worked..." Lyle couldn't help but grin at his own little ruse. 


3:52am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184

Olive wasn't so convinced. "Draco won't let Pansy stop him from being a bully," she said mournfully. "I'm sorry, Hermione."

They reached the dungeons and saw Draco and Pansy sitting in the back. 

"Good morning Draco!" Olive said as brightly as she could, because as much as she hated Draco's bullying ways, she still felt a distinct sense of loyalty to her first best friend and cousin. 

"Morning," Draco replied stiffly, nodding at her. He saw Harry and Ron behind her, but he ignored them. "We meet again, Mudblood." 

((I'm going to get off for the night, I think. xD Night~)) 


3:58am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Night. c:))

Hermione barely heard what Olive had said, because they had just entered the dungeon. And, unfortunantly, Draco and Pansy were the first two people that they saw.

"Hello, Draco." Hermione huffed, not saying anything else before walking to the front of the class. She sat down, slamming her stuff onto the desk, nearly sending her potions book flying off the edge.

Lyle couldn't help but glare are Draco. "I would say hello, Pansy," He then turned his attention to the girl. "But I find it hard to speak to you when you're around this... Well, when you're around Draco." Lyle gave a half grin, and then frowned as he walked away. All play, of course. But Pansy wouldn't know that.

"Hermione... You need to learn to ignore Draco," The boy then said casually, sliding in the seat next to the girl. "He's a no good scoundrel..." Lyle lowered his voice for the last sentence. He didn't want to get on Draco's bad side, nor did he want on Draco's good side either.

((.... What class to Gryffindors have right now? xDD))


6:06pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ c:))


6:55pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184

((Crap, I forgot they weren't having class with the Ravenclaws and Slytherins. xD Time to say bye-bye to Ron and Harry.))

"Bye Ron, Harry," Olive said, smiling at the two boys who were turning to leave. "Don't miss me too much in DADA."

"See you, Olive," Harry replied, and Ron nodded in agreement.  

"Don't worry, we'll be learning spells to kick your cousin's arse!"

Olive shook her head and slid into a seat near Draco and Pansy.


Draco and Pansy were arguing about Hermione, as predicted. Olive had heard Lyle's remark about not saying hello.

"Well, that's good," Draco said curtly. "The least you talk to that Blood Traitor, the better."

"Hi Olive," Pansy said, ignoring Draco. "How are you?"

Olive nodded. "I'm fine. I heard Lyle's caught your attention."

"Well, yes," Pansy said a bit shyly. "Yes, but Draco's jealous, and he's ruining my chances with him."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Because he's been teasing Hermione, right?" Olive inquired, and Pansy nodded. Olive abruptly stood up and strode to another desk, near Lyle and Hermione. "Come sit with me Pansy."

Pansy sent a worried look between Olive and Draco, who were glaring mutinously at each other, but she got up and joined Olive. She tried to ignore the stabbing in her heart at Draco's betrayed look. Didn't he understand? He hadn't showed any interest in her, and Lyle had got there first, so of course she had to go after Lyle.

"Well taht's just great," Draco spat, mainly to himself. "I'm alone."


7:10pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Hehe, take that, Draco! >D .... <3 I'd take you gladly, boy. c;))

Hermione turned at the sound of chairs sliding behind them. Instantly, her eyes grew bigger. "Pansy. Is. Sitting. Right. Behind. Me." She whispered fiercely to Lyle, making each word it's own sentence.

"Pansy?" Lyle repeated, looking quite confused. He turned to see Olive and Pansy sitting close to them, and it did make Lyle feel a bit torn.

"Uh, hey Olive," He said, confusion thick in his voice. "And Pansy," He added, throwing the girl beside Olive another flashy grin. "Why're you sitting over here?" Lyle paused. "Was Draco being a big git again?" He chuckled at his own joke. Everyone knew that if Draco heard that, he would be sure to say 'My father will hear about this, Jones!'. Not that Lyle minded much anyways.

It wasn't a moment later that the door flew open, slamming against the wall behind it's hinges. A tall, pale faced, greasy, long, black haired man walked through it's doorway: Professor Snape. "There will be no foolish wand waving, saying of any incantations, or playful actions in my classroom." He said firmly, turning when he reached his desk. He gave a quick scan of the classroom, his eyes lingering on Hermione in the front row as he did. A small 'Tssk' excaped his lips as he surveyed the rest of the class.


7:15pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184

"Hello, Lyle," Olive said. Pansy echoed her, sighing. "And yes, Draco was being a git. He didn't used to be like that, you know. Just...I think coming to Hogwarts messed him up." And then she quickly shut her mouth when the Potions teacher made his dramatic entrance. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself, not after this morning when she had been sitting with Ron and Harry. 


7:18pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((..... I don't know what to post / How to play Snape.... -.- Meh. :c))


7:24pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Chanceh and Paige's RP? xD -is my reference-))


7:43pm Jul 19 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((... We need Chance. xDD))


3:57am Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Lol, mhmm. xD))

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