[Private between Shay and Pere] ♥

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7:48pm Jul 13 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Bump. <3))


8:42pm Jul 13 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Sorry, I spent the night at my friend's house and her internet wasn't working. :c But, now to post! :D <3))

Hermione scrambled out of the boat, not even waiting for everyone else. Lyle was more gentlemanly though, as he helped Luna out, then waited for Neville to get out before himself. When he was finished, he could barely see his friend anymore, and had to race to catch up to her. "Hermione!" He gasped, when he finally reached where she was. "You walk fast!"

"Oh hush," Hermione retorted, giving a small laugh. Her adrenaline was pushing her forward, making everything go by 10x faster than normal for her! "Are you ready, Lyle??" She asked him, knowing the answer already. 

Then, the huge doors opened, to reveal Professor McGonagall. Lyle couldn't help but cower under her stare. She may be one good teacher, but, boy was she scary!

Hermione didn't say a word as she walked with the crowd after McGonagall. She felt as if she wasn't even walking, but meerly floating. Lyle chucked softly, following in her footsteps. He was just excited as she was; though, Lyle was much more descrete about it. 

It seemed like it was a long, long walk before reaching the Grand Hall for the pair. The boy turned giddy as he saw the large doors, and Hermione instantly turned nervous. "Lyle," She whispered to her partner. "What... What if I get there, when I'm being sorted, and they say I'm not actual magical! What if they have to send me back home?? I can't go back after seeing this!!" Hermione then started getting teary-eyed.

"Please, calm down Hermione," Lyle said, shaking the girl off of his robes. "They're not going to do that! Everyone here is magical, that's why they got their letter! Besides, I heard you ranting to someone earlier because of how many spells you knew! They can't kick YOU out, you're too smart!"

Lyle's words did just the trick. Hermioen quickly wiped her teary eyes and smiled at him. "Thanks!" She said happily, becoming more confidant about the sorting. Then, the girl nearly jumped out of her skin when the proffessor started speaking again.

"We are going to walk into that Grand Hall, then be sorted." McGonagall barked at all of them. "Walk to your house seats, and they will explain many things, don't ask me unless it's serious." McGonagall eyed them all suspiciously and turned, walking into the Grand Hall. 

Hermione and Lyle, being rather close to their teacher, were some of the first people to enter the Grand Hall. Lyle's jaw dropped as he saw everything: The 'open' ceiling, the Slytherin Banners hanging everywhere, the crowds of people sititng on four seperate, and long, benches, and a row of an odd assortment of teachers at the back of the room. Hermione's reaction wasn't quite as suprised. She had read up on Hogwarts, and was ready for this. "The ceiling is actually charmed, to display the weather, and sunlight, or lack of, outside. It's not actually open like that," She informed Lyle in a 'I'm-Smarter-Than-You' tone. 

The two walked down to the end, where McGonagall placed down a four-legged stool and put a tattered old black hat on the top. She then started to call names. Hermione watched in amazment when the hat was put upon the first child's head. 

It said thoughtfully. "I know just what to do with you... Griffindor!" The hat yelled. 

Lyle watched as the kid jumped off of the stool, heading to the opposite end of the room, as the benches went : Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, then Slytherin. Three rows of benches were clapping; Slytherin, of course, was not. This made Lyle laugh. Of course Slytherin wouldn't clap for Griffindors! Too stubborn!

((Yay for rambling! xD))


9:10pm Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

((It’s fine, I understand. <3 I just realised Hermione has to be sorted before Olive, so I couldn’t put her or Draco’s Sorting in yet. xD))

Draco felt kind of bad when he saw that Olive had walked back to Potter and Weasley. She seemed not to be as happy as before, but being the gits they were, Harry and Ron didn’t seem to have noticed.

“Draco, what do you think of my new robes?” he heard someone say, and when he turned his head, the face of Pansy Parkinson met him. She was looking at him with overly big and bright eyes and a simpering smile, and he cringed, not only at her ex
pression, but also because of the question.

“I, uh, I think they look very…nice,” Draco said. Her smile dropped, and her hurried to fix it. “They’re very…stylish.”

The smile was up again. “Thank you!” Pansy squealed. Draco smiled back at her, but not so genuinely, and then slowly edged away from her to Blaise’s side.

“How do you put up with her?” he hissed.

“You get used to it,” Blaise replied. “You wouldn’t know, because the only girl you hang around with is Olive, and sometimes she doesn’t even act like a girl.”

“She does too!” Draco hotly defended his cousin. “I’ve seen her curling her hair for those balls, and-”

“I didn’t mean to insult her, mate,” Blaise said chuckling. The two walked together through the halls of Hogwarts. Growing up in lavishly decorate houses, they didn’t think the castle was quite so stunning as others thought.

The large, uncharacteristically silent group stopped outside two large doors. Draco’s hands suddenly grew clammy. What if…what if he turned out to be a Squib? Or what if he got sorted into Gryffindor? The horror!

“You won’t mate,” Blaise said, and Draco looked at him bewildered. “You were talking out loud,” Blaise explained. “You won’t be sorted into Gryffindor. You’ve got a cunning mind if ever I saw one.”

Draco looked at him doubtfully. “Maybe.”

On the other side of the group, Olive was talking with Ron and Harry.

“This is it,” she said softly.

“If you get sorted into Slytherin,” Ron said jokingly, “we’ll never talk to you again.”

Harry only looked worried.

“What’s up with you, Harry?” Olive asked.

“My mum and dad think Slytherin is the lowest of the low,” Harry said lowly. “But I read about the house, and I’ve got some of those qualities. If I…if I get sorted into Slytherin, you’ll still be my friend, won’t you?”

“I will,” Olive said instantly. “Don’t know about that prat over there though.”

“’Course I will!” Ron said, his mouth full. In his nervousness, he had hastily stuffed a chocolate frog in his mouth.

All three students jumped when they heard McGonagall begin to talk. "We are going to walk into that Grand Hall, then be sorted," McGonagall said in a clipped tone. "Walk to your house seats, and they will explain many things. Don't ask me unless it's serious." McGonagall looked them over, her eyes resting on many familiar faces, and internally she smiled. This might be the best Hogwarts First Years yet. Certainly the most entertaining, considering the parents of many of the children here. She turned sharply on her heel and marched into the Great Hall. 

The group of First Years walked into the hall, and every single one of them could feel the many eyes on them. Olive hadn’t noticed that she had drifted away from Ron and Harry to the group that Draco was in.

“Nervous, Olive?” Pansy asked from her side, and she started. Where had she come from?

“Not really,” Olive said curtly. She knew the girl only wanted to be close to her to get to Draco.

“Me neither,” the girl replied, not noticing her tone. Her eyes lifted to the ceiling, and she gave a sigh. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Finally something they agreed on. “Yes, it is.”

Olive heard Hermione talking somewhere in front of them. “…the ceiling is actually charmed, to display the weather, and sunlight, or lack of, outside. It's not actually open like that.” She smiled and heard a giggle from Pansy.

“What a know-it-all,” she whispered. Olive gave her a disgusted look.

“At least she’s got a brain,” she replied.

The entire Hall was silent now, as McGonagall stood on a raised platform. She took out a scroll, and began calling names.

Draco watched in fascination as an old, tattered hat was taken out and placed on the nervous girl’s head. It was quiet, and it seemed she was having a conversation with the hat in her head. Suddenly, it shouted, “Gryffindor!”

A table clad in scarlet roared, and laughter echoed through the hall. “We got the first one!” shouts came, and the girl blushed scarlet, but smiled happily.

Draco turned back to the front, and watched as the next name was called. It would soon be Olive’s turn, and then his. He hoped to Merlin that he would be in Slytherin.


9:35pm Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Hehe, Draco's last. c< And dude, I love how long our posts are! :D I feel like I'm becoming actually literate! xD <3))

It wasn't soon after the first name was called, that Hermione then stated off her alphabet, to herself, of course. Then, it hit her. "Lyle! We're on the 'D's now! There are only three more letters until my name is called!" Hermione then started to turn frantic, and was boarderline hyperventalating.

"Hermione, calm down! I know you won't be put in Slytherin!" Lyle paused as looked at the girl. "Not because you're muggle. It's because you're too nice." He added quickly as he watched Hermione's face blanch, then turn a soft shade of pink at the compliment. 

"Granger, Hermione," McGonagall then called.

Calm down, Hermione. The girl thought to herself as she walked to the stool. It's okay, like Lyle said, you're not going to get put in Slytherin! You can't! You're too nice... Right? Hermione then plopped down on the stool, looking out at the crowd nervously. She bit her lip, and clenched her fingers on the chair as the tattered old hat was put upon her bushy-haired head. 

"Ahh, another brain!"
The hat said loudly. "Obviously.... Ravenclaw!"

A huge grin appeared on Hermione's face as she scrambled away from the front of the crowd. She made her way to the table, throwing Lyle a grateful grin as she walked by. The girl was sure to sit with her back to the Slytherins. She didn't want to see their ugly faces glaring at her. Hermione was greeted by a hoarde of loud, happy Ravenclaws. Making sure she knew some of their names. She only caught a few though: Cho, second year, Penelope, 4th year, Michael, a 1st year like her, and a few others. 

The new Ravenclaw was practically glowing with happiness. This was the house that she really, really wanted to join, and here she was!! A few more names were called, and two more people joined their table, Hermione greeting them cheerfully. The girl had never been so happy before in her life!

((And then comes my short post... xD))


10:32pm Jul 13 2011

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Posts: 2,184

((Ugly faces of Slytherin? :O I think Draco is hawwwt. But then I guess he isn’t in Slytherin yet, so. xD))

“Granger, Hermione,” McGonagall called.

Draco felt Olive tense up next to her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her from the corner of his mouth.

“I…I’m hoping she won’t be in Gryffindor,” she said hesitantly. “It wouldn’t look so bad if I was in Slytherin and was friends with a Ravenclaw. I mean,” she said hurriedly, seeing Draco’s ex
pression, “I know Harry and Ron will probably be in Gryffindor, but two Gryffindor friends is better than three, isn’t it?”

No Gryffindor friends is better than two,” Draco pointed out.

“Oh, be quiet,” she muttered. She watched in trepidation as Hermione sat on the stool. She looked very nervous, and she saw her bite her lip. A few seconds, and then…


The Ravenclaw table burst into applause, and Olive hadn’t noticed she had as well until Draco sent her a pointed look. She sheepishly put her hands away, grinning. The smile was wiped off her face when she realised that after G was H.

And that meant she was next.

“Hester, Olive!”

She hadn’t even had time to prep talk herself! She clenched her fists, and sent Draco a terrified look. He returned it with something that might have been reassuring, but then he gave her a nudge towards the seat.

Taking a deep breath, she took one step, then two, towards the platform. Her eyes met the piercingly blue eyes of the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and suddenly, she felt she could do this. Straightening up, she hurriedly made her way to the stool, and sat on it, jamming the Sorting Hat on her head.

“Ah,” the Sorting Hat said. “You have many…interesting qualities. Ambitious and manipulative, eh? Slytherin qualities. But you do not seem to house the same prejudices as the other Slytherins. No matter, I know you will be able to handle it. You’ll have to be in SLYTHERIN!” The Sorting Hat shouted the last word, and there were cheers from the green house. She met Draco’s eyes and smiled triumphantly.

“No!” she heard a shout from the First Years, and saw Ron groaning and shaking his head. She shrugged at him, and saw Harry. She gave him an encouraging smile and left for the Slytherin House.

She had done it! She had made it to Slytherin!

“Welcome to Slytherin!” said a deep voice. She looked up, and saw a rather ugly older boy who seemed to be in his Sixth Year. ((Sorry, I don’t know what year Marcus Flint is in D:))

“Marcus Flint,” he said, sticking out his hand. She took it and shook it.

“Olive Hester.”

She greeted the rest of the Slytherins who came to make their names known (although she already knew Gregory Goyle), and sighed in contentment. She had passed the first milestone. She hoped she’d make it through the rest of the year.


11:44pm Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((He is. xD Hermione is... Picky though. xD Hehe... She likes red heads! -Curses Ron-))

Hermione held her breath as Olive reached the stool. She truly hoped that the girl wasn't in Slytherin! She seemed nice! Unlike that dreaded little Draco boy. Hermione felt her face shift into a frown as she thought of his name.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted. Instantly, Hermione felt herself go rigid. Of course, any half nice person she met, went to Slytherin. Curse that house! 'Mione clapped none-the-less; she didn't want to be disrespectful. The girl turned her back and saw Olive sit down. Hermione then gathered up the guts to wave, with a friendly smile on her face. She didn't want to be rude, though, she wasn't sure if Olive would return the gentleness... Being surrounded by 'her' kind now.

Lyle wasn't too worried when Olive went into Slytherin. He was fine with all the Slytherins, though, he personally didn't like their displeasure to muggle borns. Magic was magic, no matter what the blood type! Then, Lyle realized that he was soon to go up. After 'G' was 'I'... Then it was to the 'J's.

"Jones, Lyle."

Lyle took a deep breath and walked quickly up to the stool. He sat down on the chair as if he wasn't worried about a thing, though, in secret, he was. A wide grin appeared on the boy's face as soon as the hat touched his head.

"Ahh," The hat hissed into his ear. "Jones, is it? Yes, yes... Father, a Slytherin. Mother a Griffindor. Never knew they had a son." The hat then made a noise that seemed to be a chuckle. "I see intellegence.... Lot's of it. I see compassion, and a drive to be the best... I see jealousy as well, along with... Strong passion for what you believe." It paused. "A fit for all houses, I belive... But, I guess it will have to be... RAVENCLAW!" Of course, the crowd only heard the last word, which the hat shouted.

Lyle couldn't help but beam at Hermione as he walked over to the bench. This was the best house! Well, in his opinion. He sat next to his friend, throwing a grin at Olive before he sat down. 

"Lyle! Congrats!" Hermione said, clapping loudly, and a bit obnoxiously. "I knew you would be in here! I just knew it!" 

"Thanks, 'Mione!" Lyle said happily, right before getting a few introductions from other people in Ravenclaw. Then applause then died down, the next kid approaching the chair.


12:06am Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 2,184

((-bashes Ron on the head with a broomstick-))

Draco watched as Lyle was sorted into Ravenclaw. Perfect, he thought with a sneer. Mudblood and the Mudblood-lover in the same House.

He watched as more students were Sorted. They seemed to be less nervous than the people before them. It didn’t seem too difficult to sit on a stool and wait to be put in a House.

None of them had fathers like Lucius though. Draco went cold just thinking about it. Suddenly, he heard McGonagall’s clear voice. “Macmillan, Ernie.”

Mac…that meant he’d be next!

Ernie was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Draco scoffed. A leftover of the Wizarding world. He didn’t expect to hear much of Ernie at all for the rest of his life.

“Malfoy, Draco.”

Please let me be in Slytherin, he thought. He walked to the stool and took a seat. All the eyes in the Hall seemed to be staring at him intensely. Olive gave him an encouraging smile.

He needn’t have worried, though, because the Hat hadn’t touched his head when it cried, “SLYTHERIN!”

“Whoo!” Olive screamed, and she laughed and applauded. Draco grinned and made his way to sit next to her. “You made it, Draco! I don’t think you could have been put anywhere else!”

“Well, Malfoys always get what they want,” Draco replied arrogantly. He smirked at all the people clambering to talk to him. “If I hadn’t been made a Slytherin, Father would have come and put it right,” he said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “He’s on the Board, you know.”

Olive rolled her eyes, and when she heard McGonagall call ‘Potter, Harry’, she turned them eagerly to the front.

It was a long, long ten minutes. The Sorting Hat seemed to deliberate for a long time. Harry’s face grew more miserable with every passing second, and there was no doubt he hated what the Hat was saying. Finally, it yelled, “Gryffindor!”

Olive was disappointed, but it was not unexpected. After all, he had told her he didn’t want to be in Slytherin. The rest of the ceremony was rather boring, until they got to Ron. He was, of course, in Gryffindor, with the rest of the Weasley clan. She smiled at him as he jumped off the platform.

“Finally!” she heard Gregory Goyle moan. “We can eat!” She shook her head at his appetite, so like Ron’s, and began to eat. 


1:18am Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
((Bumpesh :3))


1:33am Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Omg, your Rp makes me want to do a Harry x Ron one. xD -Fails- I've never done a male x male though. o.o))

Lyle then turned his head when Malfoy was called.
"Slytherin, no doubt," He said in a hushed voice to Hermione. "He has so much prejudice it's not even funny!" And, without fail, before the hat had even reached Draco's head, it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

"I don't think there's a person in here who didn't expect that," Hermione said coldly, glaring Draco down as he walked to his table. The girl didn't even clap, though, Lyle did so happily. He had nothing against Draco, he just thought he was a bit... rude.

The pair clapped continously as more and more people were sorted. Then, a familular name appeared: Harry Potter. After what seemed like ages, he was finally sorted into Gryffindor. Lyle whooted loudly at this: His own father had made Potter's dad's broom! Best in the nation, of course. It's what them Jones did!

Harry had seemed to have heard Lyle, because he looked over and waved. They had known eachother for a few years. He knew of Harry's newlyfound best friend through the grape-vine. 'Blood-traitor', what the -purebloods- called him. But, Lyle knew better. No one was a blood traitor in his eyes, all created equal. Like... That one muggle president said once.

Then, as if it were magic -pun intended-, Ron's name was called. He was sorted into Gryffindor, along with the rest of the Weasley family. And, then, a few minutes later, the sorting was done. Dumbledore did his little speech about 'Forest was bad', etc~

Instantly, once Dumbledore had sat down, food appeared on the tables. Mounds and mounds of food! Of every sort! It was... Heaven!

"I didn't know I was this hungry!"
Lyle said as he piled food upon his plate. Hermione agreed with a mumbled; she was scarfing food just as fast as he was. And, for once, Lyle and Hermione were both silent. For a long time.

"God that food was good!"
Lyle said, patting his full belly. "I'm stuffed!" Then, the entres disappeared, and desert took it's place. "... But not for desert!" Lyle added with a laugh, putting some more things on his plate: Apple pie, some chocolate pudding, and even some weird looking lemon tarts!

((Should we time skip after dinner...? o.o -Won't know how to continue- xD))


1:51am Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 1:51am Jul 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

((Yeah, sure. :3))

“Slytherin House will be your home for the next seven years,” Snape said in a cold voice, addressing the small group of First Years in front of him. The other years had all gone up to their dormitories, after Snape had glared at all of them. “You will be expected to make House Points for Slytherin, but not to lose them. Every year, the school holds a House Cup. Whichever House holds the most points at the end of the year will have the last feast of the year dedicated to them.” His lip curled unpleasantly. “Because the imbeciles in this House have been very obvious in their dislike for the rest of the school, we have lost more House Points than we have made. The last time we won was twenty years ago, when I was a student. ((I’m not sure if this is canon o.O)) I’m hoping that some of you-” his eyes rested on Draco, “-will be able to hold your tongue. I do not wish to be the Head of House of the losing one for another year.”  

“Don’t worry, sir!” Olive chirped happily next to Draco. “We’ll win this year!”

Snape turned his dark eyes on her. “Your name?”

“Olive Hester, Professor!”

“Ah,” Snape said, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. “Miss Hester. Very interesting. I hope your – uh - enthusiastic prediction will come true.”

His eyes swept over them once more, making them feel cold, before he left the Common Room, his robes sweeping behind him and making him look remarkably like a bat.

“Better get your beauty sleep, Draco, ‘cause I just promised the Greasy Bat that we’d win the House Cup this year,” Olive laughed.

“I noticed,” Draco said dryly. He turned and made his way to the stairs.

“Hey, Draco!” Olive followed him. “You aren’t still angry at me are you?”

“It depends. Will you be loyal to Slytherin and stay away from that Blood Traitor filth you were around earlier?”

Olive’s eyes clouded. “I’ll be loyal to Slytherin, but I won’t stay away from my friends.”

“Well then,” Draco said, his foot on the first step. “There’s your answer.” And he went up the stairs, leaving Olive behind.


2:14am Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Poor Olive. :c And they've one for many years. xD House Cup for them... Yeah. xD))

Filius Flitwick said, standing on a bunch of books to be seen in the crowd. Behind him, the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw behind. "I don't want to go another year with those Slytherin's winning another house cup!" The short man said angrily. "I'm tired of those colors in the Great Hall! It's time for Blue and Silver to shine once again!" The professor's voice squeaked on the last word, as he nearly fell of his chair and books.

Hermione couldn't help but giggle as the small man slipped. But, as the Charms professor, he knew how to hold himself up. "I love this school already!" She whispered to Lyle happily. Lyle responded just by nodding. He wasn't quite sure about Flitwick yet, but, he was sure he would get used to him in time. 

"Well! Time for bed! Tomorrow's a big day!"
Flitwick said quickly, lowering himself from his stand. He then exited the Common Room, leaving first years to do what they please. 

Lyle yawned loudly and smacked his lips.
"Well, 'mione," He sighed. "I'm going to bed! I'm sure I'll see you in the morning," Lyle said this with a smile, then walked up the stairs and went down the left hallway, the boys corridor.

"Oh, Hi, Hermione,"
A dreamy voice said from behind the bushy-haired girl. Hermione turned around and saw Luna. "Hi, Luna!" She said, putting on a grin. Together, they walked to the girl's dorms. 

"So, how do you like the school so far?"
Luna asked her in a 'far-out' voice. "I personally like it... It's so.. Nice! The wakspurts aren't as crowded here too! It's actually rather nice..."

"Er-" Hermione replied awkwardly. She didn't know what to say! Luna was intent that 'Wakspurts' were actually real creatures, which, of course, was ubsurd. "Yeah, I'm glad they aren't here either...."

"No, they're here," Luna said simply. "Just not in large crowds. I would have thought Wakspurts would have loved it here in this house... Because of all the people with intellegence." Luna said this in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Hermione just gave up on trying to please the girl and her crazy rants. "Well, er- Luna, I think I'm going to bed now... Like Flitwick said, it's going to be a long day tomorrow!" Hermione chuckled nervously before she crawled into bed.

She actually wasn't tired.... No, she was wide awake. Hermione just didn't think she could take Luna's weird ramblings. Personally, she didn't even know why Luna was in Ravenclaw. Though, she did remind herself that they haven't even started schooling yet, so she had no room to judge.


2:49am Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

((Oh, sorry about that. xD I was hoping it’d be unnoticed though, seeing as we’re not doing canon))

Breakfast in the Great Hall was torture for Draco. Not because of his housemates…no, they were fine. It was Olive. Stupid Olive, going off and being friends with Harry and Ron. And leaving him. What had happened to being best friends?

He sighed and pushed his scrambled eggs around his plate with his fork.

“What’s wrong?” he heard a voice say, and he turned to see Pansy.

“Morning, Pansy,” he said glumly. “Nothing.”

“Good morning to you too.” She took a seat beside him. “Obviously there is something wrong. So tell me, what is it?”

Draco didn’t reply. He just sent another glare Olive’s way. She was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Harry and Ron. This caused lots of unhappiness with the Slytherins, and especially Snape, who was watching her murderously, but the Gryffindors seemed to have welcome her with open, if not hesitant, arms.

“Oh, Olive,” Pansy said. She didn’t sound angry. “Don’t worry about her, Draco. She’s just curious about people. Her parents never let her in the real world, remember? She hasn’t met Blood Traitors, Mudbloods or the like. She just wants to see what they’re like. They’re different to what she’s grown up with, us Pureblood children.”

Draco nodded. “Maybe.” The thought brightened him up. “Yeah, maybe.” The rest of his breakfast didn’t taste so bland. He’d let her have her fun, and then she’d see the Mudbloods for what they really were. And then they’d be friends again.

The First Year timetables were handed down the table, and he took his from the top. He groaned.

“First period is Potions with the Ravenclaws,” Pansy read. “Well, they aren’t so bad. And Snape is our teacher. What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s that Mudblood Granger,” Draco replied, disdain clearly showing on his face. “She’s in Ravenclaw.”

“Oh, well, that’s too bad,” Pansy said. She looked around the hall. “Where is she, anyway? I’d recognise those buck teeth and bush of hair anywhere. It’ll be fun to tease her.”

“How should I know?” Draco hissed. Pansy shrugged and finished the rest of her breakfast, before standing up.

“Want to help me find the dungeons?”


2:51am Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Sorry, I was like, half canon, and yet half not. xD Haha Anywho, I'm going to have to post tomorrow, I'm wiped out. Goodnight! <3))


3:00am Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Ok. <3 Goodnight, hun. :D))


2:23am Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
"Oh!" Hermione squeaked. "You forgot your bag, Luna!" Hermione then pulled out her wand. "Accio Bag!" She said loudly, concentrating on Luna's bag. And, by magic, the bag started to zoom at Hermione. The girl barely had time to duck before the bag smashed into the wall, leaving a mark where the heavy books had hit.

"Thank you, Hermione," Luna said in her usual dreamy voice. "But I find that was unnessicary." Luna said this happily as she picked her bag up from the floor, making sure she picked up all of the quills that had spilled on the ground.

Hermione stayed silent and fumed as she walked towards the great hall. She was amazed at herself! That was her first spell cast, and she hadn't even taken Charms yet! That's what she got for reading Basic Spells, chapter 2!

"Hmph," The girl muttered when she reached the hall. Luna's opinion didn't matter... The teacher's opinion did. After all, she did have something to prove.... She had to prove that being a mudblood meant nothing when it came to magical talent!

" 'Mione!" A familular voice called out to the bushy haired girl. Hermione turned to see Lyle, stuffing his face at the Gryffindor table. 

"What're you doing over here, Lyle?" Hermione asked her friend curiously, as she walked up to their table.

"Fred and George!" Lyle said, pointing across the table from him. "That's Fred," Lyle pointed to the boy on the right. "And that's George!" He pointed to the left.

The twin on the right then pounted. "C'mon, Lyle," He complained. "I'm George! He's Fred!" Well, to Hermione, and everyone else, the two boys looked exactly the same. 

"Oh, sorry George!" Lyle said quickly, laughing off the weird moment. 

"I'm just kiddin' ya, I'm actually Fred!" The boys then said, snickering at their own little jokes. 

And with this, Hermione rolled her eyes. How immature. "Anyways, Lyle," Hermione then directed her attention away from the red headed twins and back to her friend. "First period, Potions, is about to start... In about half an hour. Now, I want to be there early, to get my seat in front. If you want to come with me, I wouldn't mind it."

Lyle then stared at the girl in disbelief.
"Half an hour, Hermione?" The boy sighed. "Fine... I'll come, but don't expect me to sit in front with you!"

Hermione then smiled, turned on her heel, and started walking out of the Great Hall. She then noticed Draco and Pansy not too far ahead of them. Hermione instantly felt her cheeks growing red. She was embarrassed by his presense already. No doubt that he was insulting her to his girlfriend or whatnot.

Lyle turned to say something to Hermione, but she seemed to be in her own trance. Red and all. "Uh, 'Mione?" He said, tapping her on the shoulder. 

Hermione then snapped out of her thought-bubble. "What?" She said, nearly  jumping from his touch. "What, Lyle?" She snapped at him. She was thinking, couldn't he tell?

"Just seeing if you were okay..." Lyle said, frustrated at the girl. He stayed silent and walked at her side, looking up at Draco and Pansy along with her.


2:47am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

 “Do you hear that?” Pansy asked sharply. She cocked her head to the side, but didn’t break step. “It sounds like…” She turned around and grinned maliciously at Hermione and Lyle. “…A Mudblood!”

Draco turned too, and he grinned. “Whatcha doing, following us, Granger?”

((I’m sorry, I’m getting used to shorter posts. D: ))


2:51am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((No worries! :D I need to work on short posts..... xD hehe))

Hermione instantly blushed when Pansy shouted the word 'Mudblood'. She hid her head and stopped walking altogether.

"No worries," Lyle muttered under his breath, only loud enough for her to hear. "Just watch, I have a plan..." 

"Well," Lyle then said, loud enough for every else to hear. "Honestly, I only wanted Granger to walk with me so I could get your attention, Pansy," Lyle then said, winking at the Slytherin girl. "I hope you understand my.... Tactics," The boy then shot the girl a smile that would melt a muggle girl's heart, though he didn't know about a Pureblood Slytherin's.

((Lyle, you little 11 year old charmer, you!! xD))


2:55am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

((OMG. ♥))

"Oh really?" Pansy said with interest. She tossed her hair a bit, making her look (to the others) quite stupid. "I don't even know you. What's your name?"

Draco looked with confusion between Lyle and Pansy. "Uh, Pansy-"

"Shush, Draco," Pansy whispered. "No need to be jealous. You know I'll always prefer you."

Draco reddened. "No, Pansy-"



3:00am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((xDD Yeah, I had a plan. >3))

Lyle couldn't help but smile at Draco's reaction. He then walked up to Pansy, putting himself inbetween her and Draco. He took her hand and kissed it, as he had seen in those old muggle movies.

"I'm Lyle, Lyle Jones," The boy then paused. "Pureblood, Ravenclaw, and my father is a famous broom maker." Lyle couldn't help but grin at his own 'smooth-ness'. He would have laughed, if he were someone else, but he was in the groove now.


3:05am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

((I'm giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush. Just thought you should know.))

"Oh," Pansy giggled, blushing beet-red. "Uhm, Pansy Parkinson, Pureblood, Slytherin and my parents work for the Ministry." She flashed Lyle a shy smile.

Draco rolled his eyes at the girl, and felt like he was going to be sick. He glared at Lyle. "Come on, Pansy." He tugged her robe sleeve, and this time she didn't resist. She allowed herself to be pulled along the corridor, away from Lyle and Hermione. 

"He's so dreamy, Draco," Pansy sighed.

"You have girlfriends for this kind of talk," Draco said with disgust. "I thought you wanted to tease Granger."

"Oh, well, there are other times for that," Pansy replied, glancing back at Lyle. "And, well, I wouldn't want to look bad in front of Lyle. She's his friend, I might just leave her alone. There are other Mudbloods to pick on." 

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