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7:54pm Sep 30 2009

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Posts: 2,036

It is an idea I have about a girl, she gets killed, she gets born again, but extra smart. It will be a series, about maybe 2 of her years in each book. ?? She already knows everything from her past life when she is a baby, so she talks on her first day, walks the next, etc. But. She doesn't actually remember her past life. She remembers certain parts every now and again, untill she finally remembers everything.

Do you like?


8:10pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
What are you doing?  WRITE IT ALREADY. >o  I want to read it.  I think it's a good idea. :)


8:16pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
Thank you. :] I am also up to the fifteenth chapter of my ShapeShifter's Academy book. XD I have writers block.


11:07pm Sep 30 2009

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Posts: 2,721

Hrm... I had an idea similar, well kinda similar.  It went like this:  A girl disappeared.  She was somehow sent to an alternate universe, a dark dreary place.  Nobody knew, but while her best guy pal was grieving her disappearence he stumbles upon a portal in a deserted old city.  A deep twisted hole that sucks him up into the same world as her.  The portal behind him vanishes, trapping him there.  He eventually meets up with her and together, after searching and meeting up with a few new figures, they find the way out. 

I like stories like that, and your idea sounds like it'd make a great story.

I\'m back.

11:42pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036

I like. O.O

Mine is kind of completely different. XD I have started a bit of it.

   I hurried along, trying to keep up with Dad. We absolutely needed to get to the hospital. Mum was pregnant, and she had had a heart attack at home. We rang the ambulance, but they couldn't come for another half an hour. So Dad put her in the car and we tried to drive to the hospital, but the car broke down. So Dad and I got out of the car, left Mum and my older brother in the car, and we ran to the hospital.
   We got to the busiest road in our town. I stopped to look, but Dad grabbed my hand and ran onto the road without looking. Dad was a very fast runner, much faster than me. I stumbled, then tripped over my feet. My hand slipped out of Dad's, and fell face first onto the road. I looked up, and saw a m*censored*ive truck coming towards me, horns blaring, and Dad yelling, and then blackness.
   I knew. I was dead.

Do you like?


11:51pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,721
I like it, but I'm more into extra fantasy things, as you can see.  There's definetly a crowd that'd appeal too though.

I\'m back.

11:57pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
I know! I am writing another story that you would definitely like. It is called ShapeShifter's Academy. Do you want me to write the first chapter? I have done fifteen.


12:05am Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,721
Shape shifters?  Hrm.. not really my drift.  Nor do I like academy type things.  I like odd stuff.  If you've ever heard of the May Bird book series that's the kinda stuff I like.  You are a good writer though. 

I\'m back.

12:09am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,036

Okay. Do you like Twilight?

No I haven't read the May Bird book series.


12:18am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,721

Hurr, no.  Twilight ruined my view on vampires.  Sorry my reply took so long, I'm writing my own story now.

I\'m back.

12:20am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,036
That's okay. What is your story about?


12:22am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,721
What I wrote above, a girl that goes missing into an alternate world. 

I\'m back.

12:26am Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
Ohhhh. XD I would love to read it when your finished.


12:28am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,721
Heh, thanks.  I've got a small portion of it finished.  Before she has gone missing though.  I work things in slowly.

I\'m back.

12:30am Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
I have to go now. Thanks for talking to me. :D


12:32am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,721
M'kay, see ya.

I\'m back.

2:41am Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
Hey, you on?


5:56am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 2,721
I'm on now.

I\'m back.

3:42pm Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,721
Anymore of your story done Milo?  I'm just getting to the good part of mine ;3

I\'m back.

7:19pm Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 320
I love your idea! I'd be awesome if it were published some day. I'd totally read it!

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