Anyone an Avatar fan ? o3o

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11:43am Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 221

Dont come in here all 'oh yeah the bloo ppl on the planet, omg tht movie is gr8!' xD

No. I mean the REAL original avatar.

Avatar the Last Airbender :3


Just wanted to see if there were any hardcore fans around such like myself :3


12:07pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 677

I used to be a hard ore fan, then they took Nick off our  channel provider.D8
I was Rayging for days.xD


5:14pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 221

I would be too o.o

They never show episodes anymore so I watching them all online again :3 *dork*



3:41pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 221
bumper carz :>


4:40pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 2,962
xD  I've watched maybe once or something...  Would you care to explain it to me?  8x

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

6:43pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 OMG. I am such a Avatar freak! I even got my dad to watch it! I think they might make a movie out of it soon...I hope. Ihave watched every episode and now I am upset because they stopped making them.


 There are four groups of people. They each can control a element like fire, water, earth, or air. The avatar is the person that is reborn and can control all the elements. They go in a order of the element, so if the last avatar was a fire bender the next one would be an airbender then a water bender then a earth bender and it goes on. The old avatar has died and the new one was born. When he was 12 he learded he was the avatar and people started to treat him different. When he learned that he would be seperated from his friends he freaked out, ran away, and a storm came making the water crazy and wild. He almost died but he went into the avatar state (where all his old lives put the skills into his body) and froze in the water. Hethen woke up 100 years later in a world of war. He is the only hope that might end the war and he must leard the elements...I will not tell you anymore but I hope you kind of get it.



7:21pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 2,962
Thanks, it sounds cool!  x3  I don't usually watch series that have a chronilogical order simply because I always miss one and am confused, but I might try and look for them on youtube.  <3

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

7:24pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 I started to watch in the middle of a episode. My friend showed it to me and told me who the characters are. I now know all the characters by heart. My favorite would have to be May though. She is awesome! I also like Suki but I don't know if that is how you spell her name...


8:52pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 4:20am Feb 7 2010)

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Posts: 221

My dad actually got me into ^^

Yeah they are making a movie. It'll be released this year (july-ish I think)

Though the actors in it are really disappointing. They have the guy from slumdog millionare playing Zuko! Zuko is supposed to be pale and hot. Not eww >.> Lookup the cast on youtube - there are a lot of good clips ^^

I Love Mai And Ty Lee :D

But my favourites are Zuko/Sokka/Toph. Zuko being my favourite :> 

I know. They totally have to make more soooometime :( Every single day I browse through all the fanart of Avatar characters on deviantart x3 And look up episodes online. 


9:10pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 Lol. Zukko is awesome. Have you seen the Play episode? IT IS SOOO FUNNY! If you haven't then I wont tell you about it.XD


9:43am Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 221

Yeah I've seen just about every episode more than once x3

Was watching the play one last night online actually :D 


10:54am Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 Cool. I have watched each episode like ten times! I love that show it is awesome. My favorite is episode would have to be the play one because it is FUNNY! Of corse I also like the one where May first comes in. Is May's name spelled like the month or am I spelling it wrong?


5:30pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 229
*raises hand*  I like Avatar though I feel like a total dork...

Chuck Norris not only 'Tasted The Rainbow,' he roundhouse kicked it so hard, skittles fell out!

1:08pm Feb 9 2010

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Posts: 520
I lurve Avatar. I can't wait until the film comes out, the trailer looks pretty good. ^^ But they can't call the movie Avatar, which is pretty rolf-tastic.

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3:20pm Feb 11 2010

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Posts: 1,120
omg im obsessed with avatar.  My friends and i came up with a similar game and we play it ALL the time.  I'm a lightning bender, and my EVil cousin is a firebender. lol.


1:47pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 221

The trailer looks good but dev patel will NEVER pull off zuko for me <3

I think Jesse McC might have, but Dev Noooo.

I always had my own little vision of Zuko in real life as a pale , tall kid with a black emo-ish cut.

Not a dark skinned guy with short hair >.O

Apparently Jackson Rathbone is gonna be an amazing sokka :) We'll see.


7:57pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 1,120
the sokka guy BETTER be hawt.


11:33pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 1,597
I like avatar! My favorite character's got to be Zuko.. and all the other bad guys.


12:01am Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 225

I absolutely love Avatar: The Last Airbender, and so do my siblings. *-*

Earth-bendeeeeending style! :D I just love all the battle scenes and the fluidity of them as well. 

Hoping the film will be good.

*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3

6:45am Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 3,642

I finally got around to really watching it sometime last year.. almost exactly a year after it had really finished. x3 I keep managing to do that somehow - always be a year late. But still. It's absolutely amazing; I still remember how freakin' stoked I was while watching the finale.

I keep seeing people protest the fact that The Last Airbender is just about ignoring all the cultural stuff that Avatar originally had. Almost makes me not wanna see it. o3o

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