♥Both Good and Evil Grasp at My Heart♥
♥Ripping and Tearing it Apart♥


^_^ Hey! My name is ssather!...At least that is what my username says. My real named is Summer, but you can call me Smartiez, Blondeh, Skulleh, or really whatever you like. ^_^

Some stuff about me

I'm 14 years old. I love reading and writing and even though I hate it I am good at math. My favorite animals are cats, but I also love snakes, wolves, and most animals. I love coffee, soda, monsters...Pretty much anything that tastes good and makes me hyper. I also love drawing and taking random walks with my doggie, Pearl. I am pretty nice, most of the time, but I am terrible blunt when it comes to telling the truth, so if I have something to say about something I don't like then I will probably say it and put it out there without even thinking about how it might affect some people...So sorry if I'm mean or something every once n while. ^_^'

Saddest Sea

I'm sailing in the saddest sea,
Staring down at all my dead dreams.
I look around and see lost souls
I hear my heart cry as my spirit goes.