In Our Land Everything Is Covered By Ice...(Dragon RP {Of Sorts})

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6:54pm Jan 23 2014 (last edited on 9:15am Feb 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(I got this idea over a long period of time when everything was frozen outside. {Beautiful!} I have been working on it for quiet awhile,but it still might be dumb.)


    In a land covered with barren fields and the occasional pine forests there are frequent ice storms that keep the land forever frozen. The only places where it isn't frozen is around an active volcano with no name and,oddly enough,the mountains and their peaks. You would think that this place would be lifeless,but in fact it has its own special types of creatures. There are much hairier versions of our reindeer,buffalo and various other creature that dwell in the sky,under the ice,in ice covered rivers and other bodies of water and the ice's surface. One creature here is especially unique and I'm sure you've heard of these scaled beasts. These beasts are dragons that have adapted the the extreme cold and even have developed icicles of their own on their bodies. They are an interesting species because of this,since their ancestors never were able to survive this cold,but some managed to slowly adapt through the generations,getting icicles on them as they did. We are this generation,lets see if we can survive this cold longer than the others had.


1. Res rules apply.
2. I am listened to on here. I choose whether or not you leave the rp or stay and please don't argue. {Besides the staff of this site.}
3. Violence and romance is wanted,but not needed.
4. Please remember that young kids can see this too,we aren't all teens+.
5. This isn't much of a rule,but every 200 human years will be 10 in dragon years in this rp.



My Bio

Name: Shadow
Age: 400 in human years and 20 in dragon years.
Gender: Female

The cloth on her face is silver and is kind of stuck there. She also has silver eyes,with a deep scar over her right eye,and her horns,teeth,claws,wing claws,and back spikes {Which are curved backward at the end and extremely sharp. They go from her skull's base to her tail tip.} are silver and covered by icicles. Her tail,as you can see in the picture,is extremely long and wip-like. It reaches 20 yards in length and she loves to use it as a weapon.
Personality: She is very mysterious and has serious anger issues,which most fear her because of. She is a major tomboy,but still likes guys,and loves to hang with the guys and other tomboys,when she feels sociable. {Which is only around certain dragons.} She has a soft side towards those she trusts and those she cares for,but is only seen by them specifically. She fears showing her soft side that is hidden by her hard outer shell and waits forever before showing it to you. Rp the rest out.
History: She doesn't like to talk about it,but she will tell you that an ancestor of hers was the one to lead the dragons to this secluded place.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Hatchlings/eggs: None
She lives near the volcano in a mountain cave the is in the nearby mountain range.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:34am Jan 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Subbing and bumping! Will join later!


5:31pm Jan 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Alright,thank you.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:06pm Jan 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:27pm Jan 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 970

Name:Ayumu(Which means dream in Japenese)

Age:400 in human years and 20 in dragon years.


Personality:RP it out.
History:Not telling.
Other:Lives in a forest.

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7:07am Jan 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
{Accepted,thank for joining. :) }

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:29am Feb 1 2014 (last edited on 9:27am Mar 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324


Name: Noctis
Age: 400 (20 dragon years)
Gender: male
Looks:tle="" align="middle" class="th imgthumb2" style="margin: 0px -11px 0px -8px;" alt="" src="da
ta:image/jpeg;base64,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" border="0">

But he is blue with an orange head.
Personality: Dungeon is aggressive, mean, strong and brave, but when you get to know him, he is a gentleman. He will easily share, be friendly and be kind.
History: Dungeon was born on a hot day. His mother was a dragon from the sun and his father a dragon from water. So he is blue, from his dad, and orange, from his mom, he breaths fire and can shoot icicles. (Must I remove this? Nothing in rules!) 
Crush: hasn't met anyone but will have a crush on Ayumu
Mate: nope
Hatchlings/eggs: no
Other: He lives in a cave in the forest. When asleep he looks like a big bird's nest.


1:46am Feb 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Accepted,but on this computer I cannot see his picture. I will have to get on a better on later to look at it. That is perfectly fine.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:32pm Feb 3 2014 (last edited on 9:16pm Mar 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 783
Name: Storm
Age: 180 (18 in dragon years)
Gender: Male
Black and silver, large for his age, with large horns and large wings.
Personality: bold and adventurous, Storm loves flying outside while the wind is raging, but will often come home scratched up and bloody. Determined on the verge of being stubborn, he likes being with others and can spend days training hard-core on a mountaintop. He is agile and very strong, and he tends to prefer to fight rather than talk out a problem. He is extremely tough and hates to talk about his feelings.
History: Storm was born during the worst ice storm ever recorded, and was the only one of his hatch mates who survived. His mother died during that same storm and he was raised by his father. At age 100 he left the cave in search of his own place, and has finally settled down in an underground cavern beneath the volcano, which is heated by a magma stream that runs through it. 
Crush: none
Mate: still looking
Hatchlings/eggs: none
Other: he can breathe fire and withstand flame and ice, as well as being able to fly higher than most dragons.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

9:42am Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 970
When do we start?

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12:12pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
See pic now?


3:59pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Soon hopefully

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

4:20pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(I see the picture now,thank you. Accepted. I will start us off no later than tomorrow,hopefully.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

4:23pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

4:35pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Oh yeah! 18 in dragon years on this rp would be 360.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

4:37pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

4:43pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(That's alright. The math kinda hurts.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:34pm Feb 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Someone understands!!! :)

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

7:03am Feb 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Lol. Alright,I guess I'll start now.)(I'm also putting infromation about Shadow's tail in the her bio when I finish this post.)

    Shadow silently stuck her head out of her warm cave to look outside at the freshly falling snow as it hit the ground. Today she felt as if there would be yet another blizzard on its way to cover the land in more soft snow. She let out a sigh that quickly turned into a cloud of cold and then stepped outside of her cave and into the snow. Oddly enough she didn't sink into the deep snow,but stayed on top much like a snowshoe hare or other creature that lived in this environment. This did not surprise her as she walked across the white blanket and quickly caught the scent of a herd of buffalo nearby. Soon she saw the furry bodies and unfolded her wings,ready to attack the creatures from the air as she always did. Her long wip-like tail swung behind her as she waited on the right moment to attack her prey.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

8:18am Feb 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Storm uncurled himself and slowly got up, stretching his wings. He yawned, letting out a stream of fire,which scorched the already burnt floor of the cavern. Ambling sleepily over to the cave entrance, he bounded out an looked up at the cloudy sky. A storm was coming, but Storm didn't care. At most, he was glad for it. It would give him time to practice flying in the icy snowstorms that often covered his world. Unfolding his wings, he leapt up, the wind catching in his mighty wings and jetting him upwards. With a few strong wingbeats, Storm was high in the clouds, surveying the icy lands of his world. "What was next?" He thinks to himself. Food.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3
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