I have to buy a what (slave RP)

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1:17pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,406


Fifty years ago the humans had to hide in terror as the supernatural beings ruled earth. Now the humans rule the earth. The humans are just starting to thrive it has been fifty years yet their reign is not as strong as the supernaturals reign was yet. For the past 25 years the supernatural beings have been treated as slaves. They are sold at auctions for w wide variety of prices. They must work for the humans or risk getting beaten or killed. Some humans dont really believe they have to be slaves, mostly the teens of this new age. But, what happens when they are forced to get one by their parents as a show of power.



1)no swearing

2)no gmming or powerplaying

3)your character cant be invincible even if its a supernatural being

4)you can have 2 masters and/or 2 slaves characters. you also could alredy have 1 slave that you play that belongs to each character.

5)no killing others characters

6)It is not like modern times there is electricity but no tvs ipods or that kind of stuff

7)if a slave runs away by law they are to be beatten almost to death, but most dont follow this law they just lower food rations.

8)romance is allowed even ecouraged.

9)dont buy your own slave character although you could have a slave that youve had for a long time and play that one too.

10) you cant buy more than 2 slaves

11) have fun








Reason for getting a slave:

Slave that that master owns played by you:(optional)

Slave(s) boughten:




Age in human years: (optional)

Species:(vampire, werewolf, fallen angel, demon, elf, necromancer, spirit shifter, cat shifter, bird shifter, mix, etc.)



buy out price and/or starting price:


Right i will add my bio when someone joins


1:20pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Joining. ^^


1:21pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((ok :D))


1:24pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,406



Age in human years: 19

Species:mix werewolf and wolf shifter

 looks:http://www.my-silvermac.com/wordpress/wp-content/images/redhairanime.jpg human

werewolf http://msp200.photobucket.com/albums/aa85/kitsunekatie/RP/girl_werewolf.jpg

wolf  http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/174/3/b/Wolf__s_Rain__Kiba_Wolf_by_TAPSgirlofNC.jpg

 personality:shy loyal to her master and protective

buy out price and/or starting price:starting bid 1000 buy off 6000


1:25pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 1:25pm Feb 7 2010)

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Posts: 1,060



Name: Crisis Kisaine

Age in human years:15 if she werehuman

Species: Spirit Shifter

 looks: Human: Crisis  is a bit tall. Her figure is a stick, with the slightest muscle, but not much. Her skin is extremely pale, barely any colour. Her hair is black and choppy, reaching just below her shoulders with more choppy, slightly uneven, bangs falling onto her forehead. The longest part of her body has to be her legs. The colour of her eyes are grey, with a purple tint, though barely noticeable. Usually, she wears dark clothing. A black long sleeved shirt with a dark purple t-shirt over it, sweats or dark bandage-like bindings on her legs, chains on her ankles, sometimes she has buckled boots on(I can edit if she's supposed to look different lol)

Spirit: Any translucent spiritual being, usually a translucent dead wolf or a ghost-like version of herself. When she's a spirit, her eyes are black and hollow, bandages on the spirit's legs (Is that okay??)

personality: Loyal to her master, but she can be quite defiant and rebelious at times.

buy out price and/or starting price: (Not sure yet, will edit this part)


-- I'll probably make a master if there's too many slaves lol


1:29pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((accepted :D and ok))


1:30pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Feb 7 2010)

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Posts: 2,091

Name: Christian Ozera

Age: 19

Looks: Coming

Personality: Cold, uncaring, a bit anti-social unless he gets to know you. He see's no reason to beat a slave no matter what they do.

Reason for getting a slave: Is forced to by his aunt.

Slave that that master owns played by you: Sayna

Slave(s) boughten: None yet



Name: Dimitri Ramos

Age: 20

Looks: Coming

Personality: Quiet, anti-social, can be aggressive if annoyed. He is loyal to his slaves and chooses not to beat them

Reason for getting a slave: Wants to keep at least one from being hurt

Slave that that master owns played by you: None

Slave(s) boughten: None yet



1:36pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((accepted we can start soon if you want))


1:41pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 2,091
((I think im gonna change Faythe to a male, seeing as theres more females.))


1:42pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm Feb 7 2010)

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Posts: 5,835

Name:Kitty Hawk

Age in human years:17

Species:Fallen angel

 looks:(NOT MY ART!!!)

 personality:She is honest and loyal to her friends. She gets a bad temper easy and can get snappy. She has a big opinion.

buy out price and/or starting price:1500 is the startingt bid, 5700 if you buy her now.


1:44pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((ok we can start now :D but im not starting *hides* oh and others can join after we have started))


1:45pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Not starting!))


1:46pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((lol stray can start because its the name of my favorite song from wolf's rain XD))


1:52pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,091

((Alright i'll start. And Strays a name of a song?))

Christian sighed as he made his way through the awful place of cages and supernatural beings. He hated it that the creatures were treated like trash and that humans seemed to lose any respect for them. "Hurry up and pick one." His aunt snapped from behind him, fanning herself with her hat to take away some of the smell. "Alright alright." He grummbled, and went to look through the cages. 

Dimitri tried to hide the look of disgusted on his face as he ventured away from his group and through the deeper parts of the slave holding place. He had no interest in any of them and did not want one after his other ran away. Not that he could blame her since his older brother tended to be really harsh. Glancing through out all the bodies, he itched to run.


1:55pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,835
  Kitty sighed. She looked around. She hadn't done anything wrong so why was she here? She looked up to see Christian walk by. She hoped that no one ever picked her so then she wouldn't have to work for them. She wanted to stay here no matter how horrible it was for she thought it would be beter then having to work for someone.


1:58pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 2,091
Christian glanced over at movement and saw Kitty sitting in the back of her cage. He could tell by her look that she did not want to be bought, which means she would probably cause trouble. He wanted a quiet one that did not complain much so he could tell them to do what ever they wanted and leave him alone. Then again tings did tend to get boring sometimes, so maybe one that caused problems would not be so bad. He'd come back to look closer if nothing else caught his eye.l


2:02pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,406

((yes it is look stray))

Kirsty was in her cage in the corner away from the human going back and forth looking at the slaves whimpering she hugged her knees closer and buryed her  head into them her way of hiding from the humans but doing that seemed to make some male humans laugh. Kirsty wanted to whimper more but didnt until one of the keepers put a shock rod in her cage, using it on her making her yelp in pain because she was quiet, she receved the most punishments, it was a game to them to see who can make her scream because of it her whole body was covered in scars and wounds from all of what she has been though one of the keepers even thought it would be funny to carve a wolf in her back a way for him to know what she was.


2:02pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,835
  Kitty let out another sigh. She looked around her boring cage. She grabbed a rock and started to draw a picture of an old memory of hers. She then took the rock and drew a big X shape over the picture. She didn't know what had happened to make people hate her or any one else in these cages. She was thin from little to eat and looked like she hadn't had a good shower in a long time.


2:06pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 2,091
Hearing a slight scream a bit different from the other wails, Dimitri walked over towards the noise to see what was going on. Seeing a guard picking on one of the slaves, he scowled and strode over. He knew his family was rich and had a high power around these parts so every now and then he used that slight prestige to intimidate people. "Excuse me, but i'd like to look so if you dont mind, leave." He growled, voice monotone and eyes hard. 


2:09pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 5,835
  Kitty giggled a little bit. She had never seen a someone talk to a guard like that. The guard gave her a mean look before stomping off. She wanted to stick her tongue out but knew it would only get her into trouble. She stood up and stretched her back as far as she could with the chains holding her down. She had forgotten what it was like to be outside of a cage. She yawned and st back down drawing another picture.

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