I can still feel your heart beat fast when you dance with me...

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8:38pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 3:27pm Mar 30 2010)

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Posts: 9,944
You're the sky that I fell through
And I remember the view
Whenever I'm holding you
The sun hung from a string
Looking down on the world as it warms over everything
Chills run down my spine
As our fingers entwine
And your sighs harmonize with mine
I can still feel your heart beat fast when you dance with me
We got older and I should've known (Do you feel alive?)
That I'd feel colder when I walk alone (Oh, but you'll survive)
So I may as well ditch my dismay
Bombs away, bombs away

Circle me and the needle moves gracefully
Back and forth
If my heart was a compas s you'd be north
Risk it all cause I'll catch you when you fall
Wherever you go
If my heart was a house you'd be home

It makes me smile because you said it best
I would clearly feel blessed if the sun rose up from the west
Flower balm perfume, all my clothes smell like you
Cause your favorite shade is navy blue
I walk slowly when I'm on my own (Do you feel alive?)
Yeah, but frankly I still feel alone (Oh, but you'll survive)
So I may as well ditch my dismay
Bombs away, bombs away

Circle me and the needle moves gracefully
Back and forth
If my heart was a compas s you'd be north
Risk it all cause I'll catch you when you fall
Wherever you go
If my heart was a house you'd be home

If my heart was a house you'd be home
 Welcome to the Lands of Graves.
In the west, deep in the swamps, is a tribe of legendary shapeshifters. They live in silence, and prey on anything that happens to wander into their territory.
In the east, in the gras sy savannah's, is a clan of werewolves. They live a human life, except for the full moon every month, when they go on a rampage.
In the north, a little town of vampires. They hunt in a large city about a mile away, feeding on stray children or elderly people.
And in the south, a rough-looking group of dragon-people. They live in harmony with their soulmate dragon, only wandering out of their lands when the dragons get restless.
The shapeshifters are the most intelligent.
The werewolves are the fastest.
The vampires are the strongest.
The dragon-people are the most mysterious.
You play the role of a child, or teen, who must make an important choice. Die, or become one of the people from the land of Graves. So, eventually, you pick. But their wild, reckless life doesn't fit you, so you run away.
Now you live in the small town of Windsong, on the coast of the lands of Graves. It is quiet, human-filled, and a happy community. But little do you know, you are being watched by the Grave-people. They don't take lightly to your leave, so they keep a careful eye on you.
Make one mistake, and you're dead.
One human finds out what you are,
and consider yourself killed.
..:: Rules ::..
You may be either one of the Grave people, or a human. Your choice.
No PP or GM.
I have no co-owner yet. 
Post anything with a star on the bio in their species colour. If you're human, then just keep it black. xD
Doritos Taste Good.
Delete anything in brackets in the bio.
Try to keep the gender count even.
Ages 14 - 20 only.
I play Jace, Josh, Poppy, Sarah and Charlotte.
(Looks go here if you have a picture)
Name: (Name. Pretty self-explanitory)
Age: (How old are you?)
Gender: (Male or Female? :D)
Species*: (Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, or Dragon-Person?)
History: (What did you do your entire life?)
Crush*: (Do you like someone more than a friend?)
Bf/Gf: (Are you dating someone?)
Other: (anything extra?)
Looks: (What do you look like?)
If you are a dragon-person, also fill this out:
Dragon Name: (What is your dragon's name?)
Age: (How old is your dragon?)
Gender: (Is your dragon a boy or girl?)
Other: (anything extra?)
Looks: (What does your dragon look like?)

wuss poppin jimbo

7:22pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:37pm Mar 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
Name: Poppyseed ??? (Poppy)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species*: Werewolf
History: -ASAP-
Crush*: Never.
Bf/Gf: Are you crazy?
Other: She hides a knife in her boot. It has a sleek red handle, with a curved black blade, and words enscribed in it. They are spanish words. "Dolor y el asesinato."
Looks: Poppy is short, with gorgeous curves, a deep tan and bright golden eyes. Her hair is a long, raven-black that goes down to her waist and kicks to the side in the front.
Name: Charlotte Sparks
Gender: Female
Species*: Vampire
History: She and her sister were taken by vampires, but her sister escaped. They decided to change Charlotte instead of killing her. Shortly after, she ran away.
Crush*: No.
Bf/Gf: Not currently.
Other: Sarah is her twin sister.
Looks: Charlotte is tall and thin, with pale skin. Her eyes are a deep, startling violet color, but they used to be blue. She has long, blonde curly hair.
Name: Sarah Sparks
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species*: Human
History: She was taken by vampires, but she escaped. Her sister stayed behind, and was rumored to have been killed. She moved to Windsong shortly after she escaped, to avoid explaining her sister's absence to her parents.
Crush*: No.
Bf/Gf: Not right now,
Other: Her twin sister is Charlotte.
Looks: Sarah is tall and thin, with pale skin. Her eyes are a crystal clear blue, that reflect most of what she is feeling. Her hair is long, curly and blonde.
Name: Joshua Banks
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species*: Dragon-Person
History: Josh was actually born a dragon-person. He moved to Windsong on his 16th birthday, because he wanted to explore.
Crush*: No; he's not trusting enough.
Bf/Gf: Are you stupid?
Other: He weilds a sword, which is always hidden in his house. It has a sleek red handle, and a shadow black blade inscribed with red spanish words. "Pasión y lesiones."
Looks: Josh is tall and muscular, with deeply tanned skin. His eyes are a harsh indigo in colour, and are hard and fathomless. His hair hangs over his eyes and forehead in shaggy bangs; it's a deep raven-black in colour.
Dragon Name: Muerte
Age: Meurte is about 17 in human years.
Gender: Male
Other: His name means "Death" in spanish.
Looks: Muerte is a huge, muscular black dragon with spines that travel down his back to the tip of his tail. His teeth are sharp and triangular, made for tearing. His claws are sharp. His eyes are a glowing, hard indigo colour.
Name: Jace WillowSpring
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species*: Shapeshifter
History: Born a Shapshifter; picked his form when he was twelve. Moved to Windsong when he turned 15.
Crush*: Nope.
Bf/Gf: Haha... No.
Other: He's scared of water. He has a British accent. 8D
Looks: Jace is tall and muscular, with pale skin. His hair is a shiny silver colour, and it's a bit too long. His eyes are a silver like his hair. His form is a snow leopard. Looks -

wuss poppin jimbo

7:22pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,927

((I like doritos too. ;o))

 Name: Angel Dehart

Age: She just turned 16

Gender: Female

Species*: Shape-shifter

History: Angel was quick and happy to join the Graves at first, until she realized how they lived. It only took a few moments to consider running away, and with a few days of planning, she ran away with her pet dog: A Siberian Husky pup named Daemon. She lives in a small apartment close to the water, one with half a veiw, with Daemon. She leads a quiet and careful life, wanting not to give away what she is.

Crush*: She secretly likes Josh, but you didn't hear it from me. o-o

Bf/Gf?: Nah.

Other: Nope...

Looks: Angel is about 5'6" with an athletic body and a skin tone that never tans, but never burns either. Across the bridge of her nose, she has light brown freckles witch bring out her amber eyes. Her lips are more... velumptuous than most. Angel has long blonde brown hair that is layered to her shoulders, though it's usually in a pony tail. Her bangs don't fit so they fall straight behind her ears. Angel's legs and fingers are longer than most. She's usually wearing jeans, preferably white skinnies, and a casual T. Her favorite is Yoshi. She also wears a Shark Tooth necklace around her wrist, like a bracelet.



7:34pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Mar 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((Det likes doritos as well ^^))
Name: Nails
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species*: Shapeshifter
History: Well..she was born...
Crush*: Nah, she's too vicious for someone to like, and vice-versa
Bf/Gf: NO
Other: ...
Looks: Up ^
Name: Varis
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species*: Dragon-person
History: She was born and than did this whole chosing thing, it wasn't interesting if that's what you mean >.>
Crush*: No
Bf/Gf: No
Other: Nope
Looks: Up ^
Dragon Name: Shard
Age: 13 (Young adult)
Gender: Boy
Other: He breathes shadowfire and can teleport using shadows
Looks: Up ^


7:36pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((Accepted. -yawn- ))

wuss poppin jimbo

7:37pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((Moo! I need you to post on my RP, Doomkit's prophecy o3o))


7:39pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((Okay then, Det. Will do. xD))

wuss poppin jimbo

7:59pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 40
3-11.jpg sexy anime image by arczeric 
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species*: Human?
History: Eve's dad devoted his life to learning about the myth of the grave people. Eve wasn't sure about it, but ever since her dad mysteriously died one day Eve became suspicious and curious
Crush*: Open
Bf/Gf: Nope
Other: not really....
Name: Kyle
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species*: Human again?
History: Grew up on a farm his whole life. He left the farm just before age 17 to start a new life looking the perfect girl, and the perfect home.
Crush*: Open
Bf/Gf: Nah
Other: (Nope
Looks: brownish hair and dark brown eyes

_______________________________ I am currently : Offline D: Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD

8:04pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
Name: Crispin
Age: Looks 17
Gender: Male
Species*: Vampire
History: Crispin was born in England, in a small town called Chandswich. His vampire father left, and his young human 19-year-old mother was killed in the crusades, for fear she was a vampire too. He was left abandoned, but raised by a human family. Unfortunately, at 13 years, Crispin's instincts developed, and he sadly killed his family. Devastated by the incident, he fled to America, where he currently resides.
Crush*: Charlotte. ;D
Bf/Gf: Not currently.
Other: He has the power to read minds.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

2:24pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 40
Bump ;D

_______________________________ I am currently : Offline D: Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD

3:07pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((All accepted. xD))

wuss poppin jimbo

3:20pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 3:37pm Mar 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
Name:Aurora Hawk
History: Aurora grew up in a rich family. Her parents refused to get a good security system but didn't think they needed it. Then when she was 6 someone broke into the house and put poison into all the food on the day of the family reunion. She got into trouble and was sent to her room to not eat dinner for the night. This saved her life even though the rest of her family died from the poison. 
Crush*: Bleh
Bf/Gf: Love is a weakness...
Other: She is very gloomy and always wears a bored look on her face. She doesn't care about her looks or if people don't like her because she doesn't want others to be her friends. She feels as if all emotions are weaknesses so she doesn't show any to anyone.


3:24pm Mar 30 2010

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Posts: 9,944

wuss poppin jimbo

3:28pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Okay, so when can we start?8D))


3:30pm Mar 30 2010

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Posts: 9,944


((Now would be good. xD))

wuss poppin jimbo

3:31pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((Hey Moo^^))


3:33pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Okay...I might actually be able to star if no one else wants to.))


3:33pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((ssather :D))


3:34pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((You wanna be the last special kit in my RP?))


3:37pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Sure! What is the rp?XD))

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