Many Issues with Rescreatu - SB Discussion Continued

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10:49am Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 2:45pm Aug 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 369
(Note: I'm slowly weeding through this and taking out the chatter and bolding the important points)

Murgy: We don't get to know about the ideas that drop off, though. As far as we know, they don't even exist in the first place.
Murgy: So what I'm understanding is that the developers just don't finish what they start, and it's become a habit.
Murgy: Literally do not finish what they start. The reduction shop is going on its 9th day open, and I swear it was only supposed to be open for 7.
Salt: Might be more of the ideas don't get enough enthusiam from the rest maybe.

Hummingbird: Murgy, there was the problem of not being able to pick them up
Hummingbird: which may explain it?
Murgy: True, Salt, but you'd think at least even a single idea would have been implemented by now.
Hummingbird: but i think you're right in general
Murgy: And I don't mean more clothing packs.

Murgy: Russ/ Then I'm not seeing a public explanation for it. If you can point me to an update or something saying that there was a bug and that's why it's open, but I don't see any.

Hummingbird: there was a thread i believe, i'll try to find it

Murgy: Salt/ I wasn't around for that period of time, so I could be wrong. o3o But still, I think pet effects are similar to clothing items.
Murgy: know, for your pets. o3o

Salt: To be honest they are, but plot wise, it was a miracle we got some development.

Salt: Otherwise it's be repeating what we had the previous years.... again.. .. ..
Murgy: Salt/ Miracle is the key word. :x And from what I heard [again, wasn't around for this, i could be wrong] there was very little "plot" to it.

Wolf: There are quite a few ideas that have gone through- Frost light, Calico, Achro, Undead and many more, but one of the problems is that the ratio of ideas that drop off outweigh the number of successful ones, sadly
Murgy: And they're all for pets.
Riyo: i think the bigger problem is that the things that are being added to the game don't offer players anything to actually /do/
Murgy: I'd be more stoked about that if your pets did more than sit on your profile like a trophy.
Riyo: what murgy said
Murgy: Same, Riy, exactly ;n;
Hummingbird: ^^^ also what murgy said
Danger: ugh yes Murgy

Danger: can anyone say battling?
Salt: yes
Wolf: Battling is in development now :)
Danger: Hasn't battling been in development for like, the past 3 years.
Murgy: Idunno. I'm not trying to hound you about it, Wolf, or anything, I know you're not responsible for the lack of updates, but every time someone tries to say something either someone shuts them down or they're just overlooked
Danger: :T it's like parties man.
Wolf: No it's been in coding for like 3 years xD
Salt: No it's been in development for 3 months at most
Hummingbird: ^^^^^

lolpandaftw: Pat has been working on it for a while, he wants to get it perfect and he works 80 hours a week at his job
Wolf: Actual development started recently
Requiem: See, why don't they tell us stuff like that though? e_e
lolpandaftw: so he doesn't have much time for other things
Salt: It's been lol what is battl- OH NO COMPETITION SITES BETTER GET CODING
Requiem: And give us like screen shots and like "WE ARE WORKING~" 

Murgy: Panda, that doesn't excuse the fact that he runs the site. If he can't handle it on the hours he's working, fine, hire other people to do it.
Wolf: Yea, that's why i'm pushing for more staff openness xD
Murgy: ^ What Salt said a thousand times over omg
Hummingbird: i know that we're going to get shepherded over to the feedback thread
Hummingbird: [s]that no one listens to[/s]

Wolf: Yea, I think as long as this doesn't break out into something unhandle-able it should be fine, it's nice when people get together and give feedback

Murgy: I just would feel better if someone at least acknowledged what people are saying on the feedback thread.
Hummingbird: ^

Wolf: Yeah I think that too Russ xD
Murgy: I know Crow said something along the lines of "I don't have time to type out responses to all of these but keep them coming"
Hummingbird: there hasn't been any though
Murgy: so numbers and numbers of people telling you the same things over and over again are the only way we can get anything changed around here? That's what I'm understanding from that.
Riyo: the feedback thread is where site improvement suggestions go to die :')
Murgy: And correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen staff reply to a single individual post on that thread.
Hummingbird: ^^^^^
Murgy: Amen, it's like a suggestions graveyard
Salt: Crow's the only one meant to reply i think.
Danger: What's really sad is that Res has to go through this huge crapstorm of hate and anger to actually get off it's butt and do something
Riyo: hahaa suggestions graveyard
Hummingbird: agreed danchan
Murgy: Yeah, exactly, Danger.
Salt: Ikr dan but sigh at the end of the day year we might get somewhere.
Murgy: Salt/ That would clear things up a bit. But she doesn't seem to have acknowledged any specific ideas
Danger: Seriously though.
Danger: The Make Your Voice heard thread has been around for a while
Danger: And only now has it had a recent surge of people finally speaking out
Murgy: Can we please just sit back and realize for a second that if the tumblr didn't exist and if FR didn't come about, the entire site would be blindly carrying on like it has for at least the past year
Wolf: Quite frankly I don't check the feedback thread -cough-, i've been on hiatus for quite a while now and i'm only filling in for a week or so
Salt: She's not 'at home' or something about travelling recently I'm not sure on the details :c
Hummingbird: because we have an "official" outlet
Pegasus: That's not true, some of the suggestions in the suggestions forum HAVE been implemented
Wolf: i'll make it a point to post whatever's been posted onto the staff boards for you guys though, so it at least gets more noticed

Hummingbird: we're not talking about pet suggestions etc
Murgy: Haha well to be fair, Wolf, is that really in your department anyway?
Pegasus: Before all of this tumblr nonsense
Hummingbird: we're talking about site improvement
Hummingbird: ???????
Salt: We're talking about the make your voice heard thread, not suggestions lol.
Murgy: It's totally cool, we're not ganging up on you or anything, you just happen to be the staff that's present right now
Hummingbird: this has been happening long before the tumblr
Wolf: Murgy it's in the development department, haha. We all share the same board. :)
Hummingbird: and by this has been happening
Danger: Like honestly, if you check the twitter account for Res
Hummingbird: i mean nothing has been happening.

Danger: 95% is either "Achros are here!!!!" or "New CP/CS items!"
Pegasus: I have a question though, most posts in that thread are rants. Can anyone come up with an actual solution?

Murgy: Ah, fair enough, Wolf.
Hummingbird: and the other 5% is announcing events
Pegasus: That the staff can look at and say hey, that might be a good idea?
Murgy: I totally get that the site needs money to keep running, and the bills gotta get payed.
Riyo: pegasus just because a post has a ranting tone doesn't mean it's not productive
Salt: Pega you realise none of us are like staff with ability to force any actual weightage on the issue right.
Riyo: martin luther king probably sounded like he was ranting dont you think
Salt: ^
Hummingbird: ^^^
Danger: Martin Luther King pretty much was ranting, if you think about it
Pegasus: I'm sure he spoke of HOW to improve too
Hummingbird: oh snap
Murgy: However. The only features I've seen released for unpaying users are (a) slightly uglier versions of CS clothes or (b) emptly plots
Salt: He just sounded so nice.
Danger: a wonderfully passionate, radical rant
Danger: very verbose
Hummingbird: danchan hit it with a radical rant
Riyo: psure MLK just said "stop being racist jerks and treat us like human beings"

Pegasus: You can point out all the problems, fine, but what are the solutions to them? I haven't seen one yet.
Salt: Well pega would you like to help us out or fuss over our fussings.
Flammable: From what it looks like a better solution would be for there to be better leadership. Doesn't seem like anyone's really pushing to get things released.
Hummingbird: the problem tho
Riyo: and i'm psure most of the res people who are 'ranting' are just saying "stop being neglectful site owners and give us something to DO in return for all the money we give you"
Hummingbird: even if we had an MLK user
Avedori: After working for so many years, one of the best things I can say about all this is this: Don't goto your boss (or someone else in charge) With a problem...goto them with a solution :)
Hummingbird: they wouldn't get listened to
Danger: Salt is our MLK user
Pegasus: That's where the suggestions forum came in wasn't it
Hummingbird: salt and murgy
Murgy: Okay the solution is give us stuff to DO on this website
Murgy: that is literally the solution
Pegasus: My point Ave
Murgy: anything with SUBSTANCE, please.
Danger: Honestly, even if we give out suggestions and rant beautifully and have 243151 MLK users
Danger: If the staff don't listen
Danger: and the staff don't do anything
Salt: Nothing gets done.
Riyo: pmuch murg
Murgy: nothing changes. o3o
Danger: exactly salt
Pegasus: And the suggestions forum is full of threads where users request things to DO with our money.. and some has been implemented
Flammable: There are lots of ideas for things to do on the site but nothing's going to happen if no one codes anything
Hummingbird: People went to fr because there was STUFF TO DO.
Pegasus: You want something to do, I get that. But what are you into? What do you want?
Danger: I don't want things to do with my money
Danger: I could waste it all on RWNs
Danger: I want things to do with my time

Pegasus: Because honestly when we get new things to do everyone complains about it
Salt: Pega if you read the threads we pretty much suggested more games and battle and more games and battle.
Riyo: pegasus what new things have we been given to do?
Murgy: Pegasus, can you give us an example of that?
lolpandaftw: that what people want though :L
Danger: Because all of our new things are CP related or CP linked or just a giant tu sink
Murgy: That's not either an empty, plotless event or more clothes
Salt: We want games and battle I think it's pretty simple staples that we were meant to have ages ago.
Riyo: the last substantial thing we were given was Kir
Pegasus: We do get events which some users think are fun... I agree we don't get many year round things
Hummingbird: personally i've been wanting another comet festival for ages, or something new with plot
Salt: We get recycled plots.
Murgy: The events are all very empty, though.
Pegasus: And yes I agree that we should get battle after what? I've been here 3 years and they've been talking about it
Wolf: Sorry if I seem a little unresponsive guys, i'm combining the feedback posts in the feedback thread into one post for the boards
Riyo: pegasus most of the site events seem to amount to 'refresh a bunch of times'?
Pegasus: It's high time we get battle

Danger: There are 5 posts on the front page of the news. 2 of which are CP RELATED. 1 is Achro, and the rest are "woo raffle winners!!!"
Murgy: There's not much of a plot. "There's a comet. Go find stardust. Decorate your pets!!!1! kawaiiii!!"
Hummingbird: i never thought of that
Wolf: Also another comet festival will be coming up soon Russ :)
Salt: Kawaii sugoii
Hummingbird: ...ahh yes
Wolf: And by soon I mean in about a month's time

Hummingbird: call me stupid but
Murgy: Riy has the most valid point in the world omg
Hummingbird: ahhh yes
Ally: Rp yeah its a new event for res
Danger: but seriously, can we have some serious plots with depth and exploration into our (p much worthless) NPCs?
Riyo: lmao
Pegasus: Yeah Riyo, I have been talking about that.. maybe last year. But for exmaple, egg finding, how do we make it without refreshing? Maybe if we came up with a good idea and pushed it enough it will happen
Riyo: nobody realized that site events are literally 'refresh a lot'?

Pegasus: Riyo I did after my wrist started hurting so much lol
Murgy: Riy it had occured to me but it didn't really register
Pegasus: And I have complained. But I can't think of a better solution.. Can you? If you can I will back it

Pegasus: Staff aren't idea generating robots.. it will help if we could have specific solutions too...
Murgy: Some people have given specific solutions, though, Pegasus.
Riyo: pegasus they have been given specific solutions idk what you're talking about
Pegasus: Ideas that appeal to the user base so that they will back us with it

Murgy: In fact most of the suggestions forum is entirely specific
Pegasus: Can you show me? I haven't seen any
Hummingbird: once again
Hummingbird: we have
Murgy: and a lot of those ideas have been supported and then dropped off the map

Pegasus: I suppose Murg, can you link me to one?
Murgy: Pegasus you can literally look at the entire suggestions forum, but if you really want me to find an example for you I can

Danger: If not for the inevitable crapstorm that would happen if I linked to my incredibly long and incredibly specific post on the tumblr about the difference between our events and other petsites, I would.

Hummingbird: here i can give you some examples
Hummingbird: lemme grab some

Hummingbird: [LINK]

Pegasus: When I look in the suggestions forum all I see is new pets, new colours, things we alreday have but are just slightly tweaked and will fade out
Hummingbird: there's your examples

Pegasus: I haven't looked recently but I used to follow it a lot and that's what i found
Pegasus: I will take a look Russ

Hummingbird: Illnesses for pets sounds cool.

Riyo: i wish pat would stop spending money on site layout updates. i see another thread where he's asking for suggestions there blurg
Pegasus: Creatu.. creatu.. colours....
Pegasus: Still waiting.

Murgy: Okay, fine. I'll link you to some specific solutions.
Murgy: [LINK]
ThornlessRose: There used to be illnesses for creatu<3
Murgy: [LINK]
Murgy: [LINK]

Requiem: When I first joined I remembered they would get sick all the time and I'd go into frantic panic attacks xD
Hummingbird: I know there used to be illnesses.

Murgy: Anyhow, Pegasus, there are your specific solutions that you are so determined to believe don't exist
Hummingbird: I miss them.
Pegasus: Alright,I like Zen's idea for guardians. But prizes will have to be switched out often to make it useful in the long run

Murgy: Pegasus/ You asked for specific solution examples and I gave you some.

Pegasus: I'm not determined to believe they don't exist. I'm sick of reading the same thing over and over in blogs and no one actually DOING anything but ranting. So like, these should be posted elsewhere too I think so more players can see them

Riyo: pegasus WHAT exactly do you expect users to do?
Murgy: Pegasus, these are not rants! They are legitimate suggestions!

Pegasus: Murgy I said in the BLOGS.
Pegasus: Everyone reads the blogs
Murgy: What else do you expect us to do, knock down Patrick's door and demand he implements any of them?
Hummingbird: um
Murgy: So? People read the forums too.
Hummingbird: i do not read the blogs
Murgy: Tons of people.
Pegasus: No, post them in more public areas of the site
Danger: We can't even contact Pat reliably, lol
Hummingbird: unless someone makes a post here

Salt: It doesn't help that you're 'ranting' about our 'ranting' ya know
Pegasus: And advertise them in the SB
Murgy: The suggestions forum was created for that specific reason
Riyo: pegasus the entire SITE is flooded with suggestions
Riyo: people talk about it in the shoutbox
Riyo: in the blogs
Riyo: in the forums
Riyo: in RMails
Hummingbird: blogs forums shoutbox

Riyo: we are being IGNORED.

Hummingbird: I want a separate SB for ads.

Pegasus: I have not seen anything useful in a blog yet... the closest thing is I agree that we should have battle by now
Pegasus: In a BLOG
Murgy: Pegasus who cares if they're in blogs or forums
Murgy: the fact is that they're there
Murgy: and we are being ignored

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

10:51am Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,191

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

11:01am Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 969


11:27am Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 2:43pm Aug 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 369
Salt: The easter hunt last year was insanely difficult though, you have to admit, impossible for non english speaking users.
Dust: The site is flushing down the drain IMO
Hummingbird: and refreshed for a few of them
Pegasus: What annoyed me last year is I didn't even get a trophy for find the feast :|
Danger: it was different though
Murgy: Yeah, I've been back for months and nothing has changed in the time that I've been active onsite

Aquari: may be not weekly eventss but what about monthly events besides acros
Requiem: we've had a couple scavenger hunts
Pegasus: All that work for nothing
Florence: I mean, I like it when the events come out because it motivates people to come on. ^^
Riyo: how did the scavenger hunt work
Murgy: The events are nice, sure.
Riyo: you just go talk to NPCs?
Salt: But it's a temp fix flo D:

Murgy: But there's very little substance to them, I think.
Danger: Take a hint, go to a NPC or a place, get the charm
Requiem: I liked the easter one because it was hard o:
ThornlessRose: Pegasus, we had an event for every holiday between here and Christmas
Danger: the easter one was fantastic
ThornlessRose: The easter event.
Graveyardfox: How about just something in the dang summer? I really expected another comet festival to take off the wait but nope.
Salt: We need something for everyday! Not just spend 48 hours during this two weeks clicking madly away. :c
Hummingbird: ^^^^^
Murgy: It's true; NCP needs something, you give them a ton of that thing, they give you a prize.
Hummingbird: the easter event was gr8
Danger: All our holiday activites are super boring
Riyo: Rose - again those events amount to nothing but refreshing the page a lot
Danger: Literally people come on to get eggs

ThornlessRose: Riyo, it's still better than what we had in the past, is it not?
Riyo: Murgy - so basically quests with useless rewards?

Danger: What we had in the past was still refreshing
Murgy: It's a slight improvement, but that doesn't mean it's particularly "good"
Riyo: Rose - uh no it's exactly the same as what we've had in the past
Pegasus: Honestly I liked the halloween event last year
Murgy: Yes, Riy, yes.
Pegasus: It was fun

Salt: There's going to be something like an atquati seasonal event during the summer in works
Danger: yes salt
Danger: plz

ThornlessRose: It was different, there was reason to refreshing. Reason to go places, etc.

Salt: I liked it until the end was just lol bye sis cya next year i'll rip ye throat out then.
Graveyardfox: I do believe the holidays are getting better. The ice caves and the plot of the Halloween event were cool.
Danger: that ending was super disappointing

Riyo: rose that doesn't change that participating in the event meant sitting here and pressing F5 a lot
Danger: all that build up for nothing
Requiem: NPC's should be more active characters, that would be fun c:
Hummingbird: the halloween plot was pretty cool to me ngl
Murgy: I'm surprised the F5 key on my old computer wasn't broken tbh

Hummingbird: the parts where xoria and xespa went on the sb

Pegasus: Xoria and Xespa were then they just kinda disappeared xD
Riyo: that was pretty fun but wasn't that like three years ago
ThornlessRose: I see that every positive thing I say is going to get shot down. :C You guys make it hard to see the good in a site, whenever all you want to talk about is the bad.
Graveyardfox: Riyo: That was last year.

Riyo: rose you're not really saying anything positive though
Murgy: Thornless, if we didn't see the good, we wouldn't still be here.
Hummingbird: we've been waiting for good
Hummingbird: for months
Shadly: Thorn, dont ya think the fact we've stuck around for this long is a good sign? C: I'm honestly not trying to be critical here, but that probably wasn't directed at me. XD <3
Danger: If we didn't see the good we wouldn't be actively giving suggestions

Avedori: Thats what I mean, Thornless. If you dont agree with what Murgy and Russ are saying, you are gonna hear about it
Murgy: There's a bit of good. The art is cool. The HA's and pets are customizable.
Riyo: and why should we acknowledge the tiny little positive things when there's just so much vast endless nothing in comparison
Murgy: But there's not much substance onsite.
Riyo: it's not even oases in a desert. it's like puddles in a desert.
Dust: This is why I'm migrating to other pets sites 
Florence: Guys I'm sure hearing that things are going to happen is better than being left hanging, no?
Hummingbird: sort of
Murgy: Can we just note also that there were more games in v1 than there are now
Aquari: Thorn i do like this site and there have been some pettey cool stuff on occasion but it is usually only during the holidays
Riyo: florence: yeah it's like reaching a puddle in a desert but the puddle is filled with bugs
Murgy: Flor, it kinda feels like we are left hanging after being told so long
Riyo: florence: but it's better than dying of dehydration i guess
Graveyardfox: Flor: Actually no. On another site I was on, we were teased with V2 for years then the owner shut the site down and ran off. 
Graveyardfox: He told us V2 was coming just so we continued to support the site.

ThornlessRose: With how you guys are talking, I'm not really convinced why you are here? If you guys love this site, why are you dragging it down? I know you all are frustrated that there is a lack of things to do. And I can't tell you things that I know about 
Graveyardfox: There was no development but we kept giving him money.

Dust: Like, I feel if the site was getting PO'd that F R was a major topic then try to out do the site! Not be a child and censor the word
ThornlessRose: what will changed, due to it may or may not be leaking material, and I don't want to lose my job over that. I'm sorry. x.x"
Riyo: Rose weren't you JUST telling me that no staff were saying "if you don't like it then leave?"
Riyo: How are WE dragging it down?
Riyo: We're trying to promote change to IMPROVE the site

Florence: I don't think Thorn meant it that way. ;A;
ThornlessRose: Riyo, Like Florence said, I didn't mean it like that.
Florence: I think she meant that all of us moping about lack of change is bringing the site down.
Riyo: If anyone is dragging the site down it's those who have the power to provide us with updates and features and fixes, and who are not doing so
Avedori: This is the wrong way to "promote change" Every time someone says anything slightly contradictory to what your views are, you bash them down. Even staff are feeling sad. 

Dust: If F R is getting on Pat's nerves he should be like Well that can I do to make this site better then that one ! No just be like nana poo poo *censor*
Murgy: We're not bashing staff.
Murgy: That's a harsh word.
Murgy: We're just pointing out why we are as upset as we are.
Pegasus: I feel like.. everything that contradicts is a bad thing
Riyo: Avedori: then by that logic, bashing us for "asking for change the wrong way" is also the wrong way to fix things
TheSituation: Theres a difference between promoting change and ranting for no reason on the SB.

Murgy: "for no reason"
Avedori: I didn't bash, I just suggested this was the wrong way to go about things.
Murgy: We have a reason.
ThornlessRose: Yes, like Avedori said. The best way to get your voice heard is to make forum about it on suggestions forum. Things will not change based on what is said on the shoutbox
Riyo: Avedori: tell us, then, how should we try to fix the site?
TheSituation: What is it, Murgy?
Riyo: And now we're being told to stop talking about it in the shoutbox again
TheSituation: Cause im missing it
Riyo: SIGH
Danger: Changing the subject, again is not going to help us as a pet site work.
Murgy: Have you been here, have you seen this entire conversation?
ThornlessRose: I did NOT just tell you to take it off of the shoutbox, Riyo.

Murgy: The reason is because we're not seeing anything productive done for gameplay on this website
Murgy: that is the reason
Salt: We can't fix this site because we're nobodies man.
Danger: Changing the subject again is not going to help anything
Florence: Guys, it's because the shoutbox is not an effective way to get a point across.
ThornlessRose: I said it was better in a forum. There is no where in that message where I said to take it off the shoutbox.
Florence: Not everyone has access to it. Forums are there forever, basically.
Murgy: Okay so the SB isn't as permanent as the forums.
Riyo: it was heavily implied
Salt: We were merely discussing the topic before this.
Murgy: We were, Salt, you're right.
Murgy: It's turned into a huge argument.
Graveyardfox: I think that if enough people are angry in the SB, things will be paid attention to. If people are rioting in a bathroom, it's still going to get attention.
Avedori: Unless Patrick himself is in a conversation in the shoutbox, what do you think all this ranting is going to help exactly?
Hummingbird: We don't get feedback when we go to crowflux's thread.
Riyo: and literally every time i've seen people talking about rescreatu issues, we're told to take it to the forums
Murgy: And nobody was ever "ranting." If we wanted to "rant" we would have taken it to a more permanent place, with longer than 3-line messages.

ThornlessRose: All I see here is this huge argument about things that need to get done, and I can't even wrap my head around everything that you all want said.
Graveyardfox: Although of course it's what I've been expecting of Res for ages.
Shadly: I dont think they came in here expecting everything to change with what they say in here XD
Hummingbird: Arguing and discussing here
Florence: It's not like there's a coder here writing all the stuff down that we want.
Hummingbird: gives it more publicity than on forums.
Hummingbird: It SHOWS how unhappy we are.
Salt: There are more troublesome topics we could be going on about tbh.
Graveyardfox: Exactly what Russ is saying.
Hummingbird: In forums you can choose whether or not you want to see how upset the users are.
Pegasus: How many coders does Res have?
Florence: But you can just as easily show how displeased you are in the forums.
Salt: there's patrick.
ThornlessRose: I have told them that the shoutbox is upset. But if you make a forum about what you want, lay out everything that is broken, laying out ways to fix it

Murgy: Let's just note that as Salt said earlier this didn't start as an argument.
ThornlessRose: Can't you see that that is much more helpful than this mess? x.x"
Murgy: We were discussing our opinions.
Graveyardfox: Flor: Yeah, where we can easily be ignored and contained to one thread where many people don't even look.
Pegasus: Thorn there are threads though..

Murgy: Thornless, I've expressed my thoughts on the forums. That doesn't mean I want to stop talking about it there.
Avedori: How about, if a forum were made, discussing all this, and instead of yelling about it in the shoutbox, you post a link to the forum as much as you are allowed? People are bound to go read it, and be able to comprehend it, especially staff
Florence: I'm sure people look at the forums. Why would they make it if nobody would listen?
Riyo: Can you tell us how many coders Res has?
Pegasus: There's Patrick.. but why haven't more coders been hired as yet
Graveyardfox: Flor: To make us think we matter and that they're listening?
Danger: Because it's honestly not advertised enough.
Hummingbird: Because of the drama with Shea

Salt: We just want to discuss this topic openly with willing parties that's it. No one's formulated anything to make a thread post yet so this is just brainstorming if I have to put it that way.
Florence: I'm sure they don't want our opinions to fall on deaf ears, but it's basically what we're doing here.
Danger: Everyone's consistently linking to the Happy Loving Everyone thread
Danger: I haven't seen anyone consistently link to the Make Your Voice Heard!
Pegasus: Shea has come and gone. America has tons of coders

Murgy: Same Danger.
Riyo: Attention: In order to avoid our arguments falling on deaf ears I'll be copy/pasting this discussion into the suggestions forum :)))
Hummingbird: I don't think you realize the drama with shea
Hummingbird: the full scope
Riyo: So stop telling us to stop talking about it in the shoutbox, PLEASE AND THANK YOU
Pegasus: I read about it
Pegasus: But the coders don't have to play or even care about Res
Pegasus: They just have to do their job and code

Florence: Okay, I never said to stop talking about it on the shoutbox. ;A; All I said was it's not worth your time.
Avedori: *cuddles with Flor*
Riyo: I would appreciate not being told that anymore Florence
Murgy: It's worth our time if staff is present.

Riyo: It's really disheartening

Avedori: Flor is allowed to say whatever she likes, just as you are Riyo
Florence: Neither did Thorn. All we're trying to say is you can't expect everything to happen with a snap of a finger.

Murgy: We're not, Flor.

Riyo: And I'm saying please stop saying that to us
Graveyardfox: Yeah. Shea gives me stress dreams so can we not? xD
Danger: At this point in time
Murgy: Again, we've waited years for some sort of literal, forward progress onsite.
Danger: It's not even a snap of a finger

Florence: And I know, you guys aren't expecting that to happen, but the way you are talking about it makes it seem so.
Danger: It's more like a huge 3 year line
Riyo: I'm saying that we ALL KNOW that we're wasting our time and that nothing is going to happen

Hummingbird: No but the thing is Chex
Hummingbird: We are AFRAID to
ThornlessRose: Why, Russ?

Hummingbird: because people have been censored numerous times about this
Graveyardfox: Broken smacked me down the last time I complained about awful staff behavior. 
Hummingbird: and in some cases banned
Graveyardfox: And later that same behavior caused a huge mess.
Riyo: That seems to be the pattern Loki :/

Fizzeh: I smell revolution good fellows
ThornlessRose: Users are never banned for their opinions or for complaining about staff members.
Riyo: it's been going on since I joined the site
Danger: Of course they aren't
Hummingbird: Not officially.
Riyo: Being critical of staff behavior has CONSISTENTLY gotten users in trouble
Danger: They're banned for obscure reasons
Danger: like abusing a glitch
Riyo: See: when I called out Teppy for his nonsense
Hummingbird: They're banned for trolling or MAing or such
Murgy: I respect the staff for not up and quitting on the spot because even as a part of this I agree it got ridiculous after a while
Danger: yeah man :T
Murgy: But it got ridiculous for a reason
Pegasus: Did you do it respectfully? 
Murgy: there I said it
Murgy: I'm done
Florence: It's because the first rule is be respectful towards others.
Graveyardfox: I was temp banned for something I didn't do. It was facinatingly rediculous.
Riyo: I'm not talking to you anymore Pegasus
Danger: Please don't talk about that first rule
Danger: I could give a sermon on staff hypocrisy on that first rule
Riyo: Flor: that rule seems to exempt staff
Danger: I could give a sermon on everyone's hypocrisy on that rule
Pegasus: Why Riyo? 
Pegasus: It's a yes or no question
Murgy: Ave, did you ever get my rmail back?
Florence: Honestly I've never seen a staff member be disrespectful

Fizzeh: Doing it respectfully doesn't always work

Hummingbird: I've seen quite a few.
Pegasus: The only thing I'll say is "okay" and leave it at that.
Riyo: Because I don't like your tone Pegasus
FairyTailpsycho: neither.
Danger: I'm not even going to start
Riyo: I'm not talking to you anymore, end of story

Murgy: Pegasus you have no right to demand answers from other users

Hummingbird: some on-site
Pegasus: Riyo.. it's text you can't hear my tone

Danger: Actually, on site too
Riyo: Flornce: Well, I'm surprised you haven't, but I have, MANY times
Murgy: THAT is disrespectful

Riyo: Bye Pegasus :)
Pegasus: Bye Riyo
Riyo: I've been harassed by a staff member because of my gender on this site
Hummingbird: Remember my poetry thread, guys?
Murgy: Sure do Russ

lolpandaftw: I don't think that anyone was being unreasonable with what they were saying, everything just got a bit out of hand, but it wasn't anyone's fault.
Florence: I'm sure if staff were being disrespectful and were caught doing so, then appropriate action would be taken.
Hummingbird: Frank harassed someone because they were ftm transgender.

Danger: I remember your thread about that yellow wedding dress
Fizzeh: The vast majority of staff try to do their best. The problem is that user who are polite about their concerns are not seen as a threat and therefore can be safely ignored because they won't cause a ruckus.

Hummingbird: Broken censored out part of a poem.
ThornlessRose: Florence is correct.
Florence: But if you say them being innappropriate, report it and take a screenshot?
Hummingbird: And while I agree because I didn't even think of it.
Hummingbird: No notice at all.
Hummingbird: Someone else told me about it.
RP45: i really dont believe frank would do that
Riyo: I've been told by a staff member that my polite, constructive suggestions were not going to be looked at because in the past I have spoken badly about Patrick
Fizzeh: So the reason that people end up getting very irate is because being nice and respectful doesn't work.

Florence: Okay I honestly don't think complaining about things that have already happened is going to change anything.

Graveyardfox: Everyone's spoken bad about patrick. Staff has spoken bad about patrick.
Fizzeh: I quit staff because I felt that over 3 years my concerns were not listened to being nice. And so I ended up so angry that I quit to try and prove a point. lol
Fizzeh: Sadly I just ended up getting my name smushed into the dirt because of it.
Fizzeh: But that's not to say that the vast majority of staff try their best.
Fizzeh: Just a select few don't allow the changes to happen that the users want.

Florence: But if you are going, "Wow the staff user Bob is so disrespectful they make me uncomfortable." you're sort of breaking rule one.
Fizzeh: I'm sorry but I don't agree that saying staff makes you uncomfortable is against any rules at all.
Riyo: Florence how is rule 1 supposed to be enforced if we can't point out people who break it without breaking it???
Fizzeh: That's like saying hey you're not allowed to say anything bad about your boss even if they treat you horribly or you'll get thrown out.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

3:15pm Aug 6 2013


Posts: 2,153
What exactly is the suggestion here? I am not seeing a suggestion, just re-posting of chat convo.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

3:30pm Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 369
There are a lot of suggestions within the conversation. I was LITERALLY told to stop discussing it in the shoutbox and bring it to the forums, and that's what I did.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

3:40pm Aug 6 2013


Posts: 2,153
Oh alright, I see. If you have the time, it would be nice to highlight/bold the important areas; right now it looks like an impossible wall of text. I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just dealing with some health issues right now that make sitting at the computer more than a few minutes at a time impossible. I do want to know what is being suggested so that we are able to bring these things up and discuss them further.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

8:25pm Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
I just like to point out that this was not the end of the conversation, there was still some more after that. ^^;


1:34am Aug 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 369
This is all of the conversation that I have, after I cut out the irrelevant chatter. I was trying to keep it in a word document as it was going but must have missed stuff. 

Notice how, just as we described, the conversation has been moved to the forums... and all of 2 people have responded to it. THIS is why we have discussions in the shoutbox, and THIS is why I and many others would appreciate not being told to shut up every time we talk about why we're unhappy with the site.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

3:49am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 5:46am Aug 8 2013)


Posts: 2,153
Well you're just going to have to get over being told to drop it, because the way you go about it is abrasive, abusive, and not constructive. All of the staff is in agreement on this. We aren't going to let it continue, and in fact, your behavior has caused us to have to become even more strict on dramatic and sensitive discussions until all this unnecessary drama calms down.

Even though there have been no replies, I have been coming here, reading the logs you pasted, and making notes. I will make a more detailed reply once everything is said and done and all of staff has discussed it.

(This thread will be unlocked soon)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

6:31am Aug 9 2013


Posts: 2,153
Thank you for bolding the important parts, that helped tremendously. I put all of the suggestions into a document that all of staff will read and use as a reference as future events are developed. I did not include the complaints about not being able to suggest on the chat.

We are not asking that you put suggestions in the forums so that they can be ignored. We ask that so that there is a more permanent and organized record of what exactly is wanted. The chat logs are cleared every week, and just like the wall of text posted, next to impossible to sift through to find relevant bits. Yes, posting on the chat gets immediate attention, but it is not helping you to post in such a volatile medium. Brainstorming it is great, but staff does not have the time nor is it our job to copy down statements as they are being made. If you have ideas, they need to go in the Suggestions forums so that we can work with them. Patrick is also much more likely to implement a change he sees posted in this forum, where he is much less likely to do it when no one has posted and the message is simply passed on to him.

I will emphasize again that just because staff does not reply to every suggestion forum does not mean we are not reading the suggestions. Reading posts in this forum is part of my daily staff routine, several times per day in fact. I make notes constantly based on what I read, and these things DO get passed along and used. 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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