Higher Starting Tu

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9:03pm Aug 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
I know many of us struggled saving any significant amount during our starting days on Res. It took me eight or nine months to save up my first mil. And now with inflation even higher than it was 6 or so years ago, let's face it.

10,000 tu is not enough given the current inflation. Those are comparable to a penny on the sidewalk.

Random tu gives half that and it's supposed to be a negligible amount. think about that.

i don't know how much there should be. maybe 100,000. maybe 75,000. in the grand scheme of things with the amount of new users coming in (very few) and staying (even fewer) i don't think 100,000 starting out would be that bad in the long run. even better, perhaps give every starting player 1,000,000 tu in the tutorial and have them spend it on 50k in a stock/multiple stocks so they have enough to start saving up, but the inflation is less. Or just give them 50k in a stock to begin with. My point is that with the amount of tu ingame and the inflation on the site??? 10,000 tu is a serious turn-off to access the majority of the site and have new users actually be able to participate and stay. You can't even buy certain items from merchants. this needs to change

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

11:15pm Aug 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
I completely agree with this.

10,000tu is negligible in the current market inflation - you literally cannot buy anything with that amount. Heck, go play the pearl quandary and 20k daily events and you'd probably make five times that amount.

I think new players should be given 500k. Personally I think you can get a lot of decent things for 1 mil if you know where to look, so I'm against giving newbies too much tu. Additionally, while I think the tutorial should cover stocks, I don't really think it's necessary for newbs to be able to afford 50k of a stock - they probably won't know the stock trends well enough to know what to buy and if they're unlucky, end up making a huge loss.

These days when a user joins it's usually the oldies who bomb them with pets/tu. But if a newbie is sb-shy, then no one knows them and they literally start with just 10k...and when you can't buy anything with that amount, I wouldn't blame them for finding this site uninteresting.


3:31am Aug 31 2014


Posts: 3,187
As for a new starting amount I think 500k is too much, I would say 150k


3:50am Aug 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 777
I support this idea. There's very little you can get.with 10k but I think 100k would be a reasonable starting point. There is a lot you can buy in the npc shops like food and clothes with that amount that would easily set you on your way which is the main purpose of the starting tu.


8:14am Aug 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
I support this strongly. I think around 500k would be a good.

12:08am Sep 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,943

And,i think 250K is perfect.
i mean,you'd want new clothes,food,and to help
bid on a few things,as a newbie.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

6:45am Sep 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I like Russ' idea of being able to execute tu within the tutorial. This way users don't get lost or have to ask where things are, in the Shoutbox. Yeah, it's someone's job to help users, but it's sort of tedious to just ask basically no one and hope for an answer sometime. If new users actually get /guided/, it'd be ultimately much easier to navigate around Rescreatu.
Not trying to insult the helpers or anything, this is just my opinion ;n;

I support this idea~


10:57pm Sep 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 156
I disagree. The whole point is that there's supposed to be a struggle - that's the challenge of the game (and really the only one). I might agree if the prices of food in the NPC shops were all 10k+, but they aren't. There are plenty of food items 0-1000 tu each, and that's really all you need as a newbie. Eggs (meaning pets) are an unlimited supply. The rest should be a result of decision making - should I use this tu to invest in stocks, buy a pretty scarf, or buy this cool creatu? 

And then with inflation as high as it is, I don't think it's a good idea to be so casually pumping tu into the economy. If a newbie joins, spends all their tu in user shops, then gets bored and leaves, that tu might as well have just magically appeared into the economy. With 10k the effects are not that bad - 10k is just a drop in a bucket. 100k is more than a drop thought. 1m even more than that.

Plus, it sounds like tu is easy enough to make as a newbie anyway: 

"Random tu gives half that"

"go play the pearl quandary and 20k daily events and you'd probably make five times that amount."

This seems like a feel good solution - newbies get more money so and so user shops get more money, right? But ultimately I think this would just exacerbate the problem at hand.

4:32pm Sep 4 2014


Posts: 2,154
Flammable makes an excellent point. This is something that so many users miss. And it is much easier to make tu than most realize; it just takes a bit of observation and strategy. If you spent your first day as a new user observing and exploring the site rather than trying to rush through, you'd probably learn you could sell your hatches at the end of the day and make 450K-600K doing it. You've just increased your starting tu by a very large percentage (sorry, I suck at math and I take topamax!)

The game isn't just about getting all the stuff you want. Strategy is a part of it too, and those that are more clever or strategize better than others, or those that are more patient in their game-play are going to see rewards that others won't. It's just the dynamics of how things work.

There is a tutorial walk-through now when you join, but it's being ignored for the most part. So now we need to figure out why it's being ignored. Sooo, everyone who has posted on this thread ABOVE ME who is interested in participating has permission to make an account for the sole purpose of observing what happens during the join process and the tutorial. If you want to do this, you must make your account name your current username with TESTING at the end. For example, jayni would be jayniTESTING. As soon as you are done taking notes, send me an rmail from your regular account letting me know you are done and the testing account will be taken care of.

There's no way we're gonna fix what's broken without some user testing in some areas, which is something I've been asking for for years. I guess it just isn't gonna happen unless someone makes it happen, so let's do it? =)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

6:23pm Sep 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
Ooh, I would love to test this out. It's been so long ago I signed up that I've forgotten what being a newb's like ^^

I'll probably test for a month or a couple and then report back c:


8:10pm Sep 4 2014 (last edited on 8:11pm Sep 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 749
Just started an account ThowraTESTING

I agree with Hummingbird's observations - the help isn't immediately clear. I think it would be more effective if you made the words bolder and larger, and also add in an image, such as Pat's HA, or just a cute site mascot for visual impact.

Also, the help kind of just..vanished after I hatched my eggs. Is this supposed to happen? It felt a bit abrupt, and there was nothing announcing the fact that I'd finished the tutorial, so I kept hunting around for more help before I realised there weren't any.

I think another thing you could do is make the help always accessible - for instance if you finish/close the tutorial, when you try to click help again on the side bar (above the 'credits' button it just tells you 'sorry! no help is available at this time' or something like that.

I remember when the help was first introduced, I eagerly read it on this account...but unfortunately on the second page I accidentally clicked to close it while trying to pick up an egg, and I couldn't access the help again. I think the same situation might happen to newbies - they accidentally close the help, and suddenly they're left stranded.

Gameplay notes:

I tried to make tu without selling hatches for now. Got around 50k-ish from the daily games, but I think the most effective way is definitely to sell hatches (which would net me a little under 500k if I priced at 150k per).

I think the reason why a lot of newbies are poor is because:
1) They're a merchant and can't sell hatches
2) They haven't cottoned on to the sb and don't realise there's easy money to be had by selling hatches
3) They don't know about the egg market

I don't think I'll get to 1mil anytime soon just by playing games, so I will try and sell hatches for a week before going into stocks. I think I've learned enough of the newbie first day experience, but I'd like to see how much I can make in a month if I do everything right. XD


8:46pm Sep 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
Hokai I completely misread what broken wrote. So no, I will not be using that account for a month ^^;

Anyway I hung around my alt account a little longer to see how easy it was to make tu after the into. Turns out, I was able to make about 50k from the daily games on
 the first day, and another 50k at reset. I was able to buy 1k of stocks
 with it. I didn't sell hatches, but if I had then I could've probably
bought a whole 50k of it, and then made about a mil within the next few
days or so. So actually, even with 10k, it's not very hard for new players to make

However I was only able to do so well because I know the
game enough to judge what's the best way to spend. I think the 10k is
fine as a starting tu, but I also think that the tutorial should cover
the tu making process a lot more thoroughly so that users don't get
lost. It could be something like 'don't forget to check the daily luck
games for free tu' or 'master the stock market and you'll be rich in no
time!' or something like that.

I think the problem is that newbies have no idea how to earn tu, which is causing the 10k starting point to be insignificant. It's best if , during the tutorial, they were given some recommendations, or get pointed to some of the forum threads with regards to how to make tu. I know a few of other game sites point you to their newbies help forum, or their own site wiki. I'm not too sure Res has a wiki (did see one when using google but it seems largely out of date) but I think it would be safe to point them into the introductions/help forum, or even direct them to some of the user made FAQs on how to make tu.

That's my two cents :> I'd really love a larger playerbase here at Res ^^


3:30pm Sep 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
Hummingbird here with my observations:

The most obvious thing to me is that it wasn't very obvious--it wasn't clear, and it was very easy to simply block out or ignore. While it was clearly worded, perhaps try doing it like a pop-up thing--like how the sign-up buttons pop up. Patrick's HA could lead you through the site, showing you the different features--also explaining to click the clothing options to see where they are, and explaining the other features such as the Dream Wardrobe.

Also missing an explanation was the Egg Marketplace, which I find would be confusing to new users if they didnt know what it was or really how to sort it well. 

My notes pretty much are along the lines of "Make it more of a point to lead around the site and give a general overview of the main features, and then at the end (if they're 13+) introduce them to the Shoutbox/Forums/in general community and to strike up a conversation.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

7:15pm Sep 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I think that, a few ways to improve this tutorial would be to:
Simplify the language- this is essentially a children's site. Most of the words used in the tutorial would be for mainly 13+ to understand. There are 10 year olds joining the site, so I don't think that quite helps ^^"

Make the writing bigger- Little kids get bored when there's piles of small writing, and think that it's not important at all, and therefore close it. By making the font itself larger, or even lessening the amount of writing altogether, should attract the attention of the new users a lot more.

Make an NPC guide the user- Possibly their planet god person? *forgets word* It will makes things slightly more interactive, and will make it more enjoyable if there's a picture shown c:

Icons- Links to the location are fine, but possibly adding in the link's icon, the inventory icon for example, will ultimately make the tutorial more enjoyable, and help users know what each icon actually is, and what it looks like.

That's all from me c:

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