
October 5, 2013 - Shaefu Clothing Update

Formal Shaefu Clothing

Being royalty is something you are born into. Having the clothing of royalty, on the other hand, is something you can achieve through hard work. It is time to make it a little easier with this formal Shaefu clothing set. Buy items individually or grab a chest for a grab bag of colors.

For those with a little less cash, we have some generic Shaefu-themed releases as well. Swirl slippers and leggings are now stocking in Fashion Galore.

Wearing these will keep you... Shaefu and warm as fall sets in!

Comments: 7

Eveli - October 8, 2013
The green slippers give me a male body green robe... fix please?
Rin - October 5, 2013
hurray~ |D
Zydrate - October 5, 2013
Dat pun. Just... no. 8I
Incubator - October 5, 2013
I love the purple dress <3
ShenaWood - October 5, 2013
I want one of the white dresses. Sigh
Phos - October 5, 2013
Shao - October 5, 2013
Underwear=SoroyalWhit <3