My profile was made possible thanks to these awesome people, Owly, Twiggers, Tsukihikaru & Imaginary.


Hello! There! Please call me Cherry. That's what my real name means~

I am often found in the SB and I love to talk so x3 shoot me a message~ if you want to talk! I don't bite!

Some of my best friends are Taiko, Porkydoll, & Blaze AKA: BlazledButtBoob,Sagi and tons more that I can't list! I am glad for all of you and your entertaining conversations in the Shout Box! xD ;DD

I collect Jaakus, Meragons and Draquas. I need Mutants of these ^u^/ and if you are selling one please contact me! <3

I am also starting to collect Ebillias, Easeros, Akurias and Mirabilis, so if you have a colour I don't have :D shout! <3
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today! Adopt one today!Adopt one today!
Hatched eggs ;w;

I love to draw, it is one of my passions! ^u^/ I am found quite often on the art fourms if you ever a comm or an art trade, and you can always visit my DA link to see what my art is like! <3

Thanks for reading!

SELECTED - Hal9000
ID: 1302833
Species: RSTU001
Color: uldavian
Gender: Male
Age: 3995
Level: 1
Health: 15/15
Hunger: full
Power: 8
Defense: 6
Agility: 4
Intellect: 16
Nourishment: 0
Squishies: 0
Rarity: 0%
Status: Healthy
Emotion: Neutral
Birthday: 2009-05-27 20:40:17