Trixxxs Goodies

where I sell my extra stuff

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Broomstick Of Fire Broomstick Of Fire (x 6)
Coco Pointy Ears Coco Pointy Ears (x 1)
Golden Pointy Ears Golden Pointy Ears (x 2)
Marshmallow Skull Marshmallow Skull (x 1)
Otachie Hard Candies Otachie Hard Candies (x 1)
Pumpkin Squishy Pumpkin Squishy (x 1)
Rotten Molar Rotten Molar (x 2)
Sour Claws Sour Claws (x 1)
Spider Dice Spider Dice (x 3)
Spoiled Harvest Soup Spoiled Harvest Soup (x 1)
Spooky Tie Spooky Tie (x 1)
Stitched Neckline Stitched Neckline (x 3)
Tainted Ned Tainted Ned (x 1)
Tainted Shaker Tainted Shaker (x 1)
Terracotta Pointy Ears Terracotta Pointy Ears (x 1)
Undead Berrok Cookie Undead Berrok Cookie (x 1)