MistyBlu Surplus

here I will put all goods I wish to sell. Right now I don't have much money so that's my first goal.

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Amaryllis Amaryllis (x 1)
Candy Bead Necklace Candy Bead Necklace (x 14)
Empty Taffy Wrapper Empty Taffy Wrapper (x 1)
Foil Wrapped Mummy Candy Foil Wrapped Mummy Candy (x 1)
Green Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet Green Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet (x 2)
Halloween Treat Leggings Halloween Treat Leggings (x 1)
Ice Yoyo Ice Yoyo (x 1)
Jaaku Ectoplasm Jaaku Ectoplasm (x 1)
Jaaku Yoyo Jaaku Yoyo (x 1)
Lime Gummy Rat Lime Gummy Rat (x 4)
Living Spider Living Spider (x 1)
Orange Halloween Frilly Dress Orange Halloween Frilly Dress (x 5)
Pumpkin-Shaped Chocolate Pumpkin-Shaped Chocolate (x 15)
Rabid Pumpkin Rabid Pumpkin (x 2)
Relcore Marble Relcore Marble (x 2)
Rotted Apple Lolly Rotted Apple Lolly (x 2)
Scared Aukira Squishy Scared Aukira Squishy (x 4)
Scary Halloween Flag Scary Halloween Flag (x 18)
Soiled Lolly Soiled Lolly (x 2)
Spider Web Fragment Spider Web Fragment (x 2)
Stale Ghost Cookie Stale Ghost Cookie (x 26)
Toilet Paper Toilet Paper (x 24)
Treat Tattoo Treat Tattoo (x 2)
Vampire Taffy Vampire Taffy (x 4)
Veram Hard Candies Veram Hard Candies (x 1)