The Bloody Tiara

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Albino Aukira Tail Feathers Albino Aukira Tail Feathers (x 1)
Aloe Plant Aloe Plant (x 3)
Amber Apatite Amber Apatite (x 7)
Amber Tiger Eye Amber Tiger Eye (x 1)
Atquati Lights Atquati Lights (x 1)
Azure Apatite Azure Apatite (x 1)
Azure Carved Crystal Skull Azure Carved Crystal Skull (x 2)
Azure Tiger Eye Azure Tiger Eye (x 1)
Azure Tourmaline Azure Tourmaline (x 3)
Bat Princess Tights Bat Princess Tights (x 1)
Beige Pointy Ears Beige Pointy Ears (x 6)
Blessed Talisman of Reiflem Blessed Talisman of Reiflem (x 1)
Blood Tear Makeup Blood Tear Makeup (x 2)
Blue Seaglass Blue Seaglass (x 1)
Blue Soap Blue Soap (x 1)
Bone Shards Bone Shards (x 1)
Clairvoyant Ambience Clairvoyant Ambience (x 1)
Clover Shield Clover Shield (x 1)
Clover Tattoos Clover Tattoos (x 1)
Corn Husk Liyure Doll Corn Husk Liyure Doll (x 2)
Deviled Egg Deviled Egg (x 1)
Drachid Formal Wear Chest Drachid Formal Wear Chest (x 1)
Elixir of Liquid Fire Elixir of Liquid Fire (x 2)
Ember Comet Fragment Ember Comet Fragment (x 1)
Emnoodle Squishy Emnoodle Squishy (x 1)
Empty Taffy Wrapper Empty Taffy Wrapper (x 1)
Enchanted Seaweed Enchanted Seaweed (x 2)
Escaping Ghost Escaping Ghost (x 1)
Everlasting Mistletoe Everlasting Mistletoe (x 1)
Festive Bath Robe Festive Bath Robe (x 1)
Fish Carcass Fish Carcass (x 1)
Ginger Meiko Squishy Ginger Meiko Squishy (x 1)
Ginger Valabex Squishy Ginger Valabex Squishy (x 1)
Gondra Stocking Gondra Stocking (x 1)
Green Christmas Cracker Green Christmas Cracker (x 1)
Gunmetal Staff Squishy Gunmetal Staff Squishy (x 1)
Hematite Hematite (x 2)
Ice Pick Ice Pick (x 1)
Indigo Apatite Indigo Apatite (x 1)
Indigo Hematite Indigo Hematite (x 3)
Indigo Tiger Eye Indigo Tiger Eye (x 1)
Indigo Tourmaline Indigo Tourmaline (x 2)
Irish Harp Irish Harp (x 1)
Jaguar Face Paint Kit Jaguar Face Paint Kit (x 9)
Leprechaun Hat Charm Leprechaun Hat Charm (x 1)