Lowest Price Gaurenteed

You walk in and you are instantly greeted by a blonde veram. "Good evening." He responds softly bowing his head a large welcoming and gentle smile covering his face. "We are glad that you could join us this fine night! Feel free to come to me if you need anything special or contact my owner if you want anything and she'll be sure to get it to you!.... For a small fee that is. But your payment is welcomed and well needed! Oh, and ask for Luciiano if you need anything." He smiles again before walking back over to the desk and sitting down, waiting patient and eagerly for more customers. You walk around and notice many diffrent rare and not so rare items. You pick out a few things and walk up to the counter to finish paying. "Ohh! Did I mention to you that with a high-TU purchase you get a free gift?" He smiles eagerly as he hands you a beautifully wraped box with something valuable on the inside. "Also, thank you for your purchase, it was well needed and going to a valuable cause. You see, Master has a lot of friends and she is really wanting to get them something special for their b-days or special occastions, and also for the new users. So, your helping go to a wonderful cause! You sure you don't want to donate? If not, no push!" The blonde Veram named Luciiano smiled his adorablely cute smile. You can't help but to pay a little more then asked and smile as you leave. "We hope you join us again!" He calls to you, that same smile on his face.

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