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Creatu I Need are as follows: Blonde Chimby, Silver Jaaku, Silver Paor, Sepia Easero, Cream Intes, Cream Uilus, Blonde Zaphao, Albino Ahea, Cream Iluvu, Albino Meiko, Azure Myotis, Silver Veram, Albino Kioka, Natural Liyure.

I need the following Gondra: Blonde, and Albino. I need the following Meragon: Blonde and Albino. I need the following Draqua: Silver, Blonde, and Albino. I need the following Otachie: Blonde, and Albino. Also I would like to get the whole Omni Collection.

If you can help me in any way (with creatu or eggs) it would be great:)

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