I go by Aubrey. I'm a gleek and trekkie. I sing and dance and act. I read Harry Potter and watch spongebob. I'm nerdy, spazzy, artsy, and FUN! ^_^ If you click on my eggies I will give you a hug :) Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Hello, I'm tiger, happybuddha101's kitten! To
get a kitten of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Sophie, happybuddha101's kitten! To
get a kitten of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm jasper, happybuddha101's puppy! To
get a puppy of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Riko, happybuddha101's puppy! To
get a puppy of your own, click here.
Pokemon Glitter @ Doll Clique
Which Creatu Are You?
Your Result: Uilus

You are an Uilus - intense, hardy, and adaptable. Uilus enjoy both intellectual and physical pursuits, often excelling at games of strategy, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the impressive power of their agile limbs and curved horns in the battle arena. Though they tend to be loners by choice, most Uilus benefit from the company of others.

Which Creatu Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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